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研究生: 謝明達
論文名稱: 企業個案轉型策略之關鍵成功因素研究
A Case Study of the Key Factors for a Successful Transformation Strategy
指導教授: 張順教
Chang-Shun Chiao
口試委員: 張瑞娟
Jui-Chuan Della Chang
Chang-Guang di
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 企業轉型策略SWOT分析五力分析關鍵成功因素工業4.0
外文關鍵詞: Enterprise Transformation Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Five Forces Analysis, Key Success Factors, Industry 4.0
相關次數: 點閱:629下載:15
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  • 現今企業在快速變遷的環境中,同時遭受日益提高的全球性競爭壓力,尤其在工業4.0技術大幅進步影響下,各企業皆面臨嚴重的經營危機及前所未有的生存挑戰。為突破此困境,致力發展企業轉型策略來提高企業核心能力、經營績效以及永續的競爭力。因此,企業經營者在因應環境快速變遷之特性而採取必要之轉型策略時,有那些關鍵成功因素會促使企業轉型成功?透過個案公司質化分析了解其轉型運作,如何將所有與企業轉型成功之關鍵因素協調且一致,使企業轉型意識及在確認的策略架構下運作,將各關鍵因素融入組織之所有層面,轉為目標、策略、組織文化及各面項管理行為,將企業轉型這個艱鉅的任務形成明確之可行任務。最後,台灣電子產業在面臨工業4.0影響下紛紛投入新事業發展,而個案公司全力投入從傳統電子代理業轉型為製造服務業,故以其轉型升級之經營模式關鍵要素做為研究主題,並來探討分析其成功因素以及新事業發展表現,來印證轉型升級成功,並萃取其中關鍵成功因素,可做為其他轉型公司之參考,同時轉型升級過程中可能面臨之瓶頸及提出相關建議。

    Today's enterprises must withstand the increasing pressure of global competition under a rapidly changing environment and especially under the influence of the substantial advances in Industry 4.0 technology. Therefore, all enterprises are facing serious business crisis and unprecedented survival challenges. In order to break through this dilemma, we are committed to developing business transformation strategies and to enhance our core competencies, business performance and sustainable competitiveness. Therefore, when the business operators adopt the necessary transformation strategies in response to the rapid changes of the environment, what are the key success factors that will make the transformation successful?Through a case study of company analysis to understand its transformation, we are able to reconcile all the key factors of the success in the business and then make the awareness of enterprise reconstruction within a confirmed strategic framework. All key factors are able to be integrated into every aspect of the organization and implemented in the objectives, strategies, organizational culture and various aspects of management behavior. Base on the results, the difficult task of enterprise restructuring can be transformed into a feasible task.Finally, the electronics industry in Taiwan has been investing in new businesses under the influence of Industry 4.0. The case companies are fully engaged in the transformation from traditional electronic agencies to manufacturing and service industries. Therefore, the key factors involving transformation and upgrading in the case company are set to be the topics of the study. By exploring and analyzing its success factors and new business development performance, the success factors can be extracted and used as a reference for other restructuring companies. Moreover, the relevant suggestions in response to the bottlenecks in the process of transformation and upgrading are provided.

    壹、緒論………………………………………………………………………………1 一、研究動機 1 二、研究問題 3 三、研究目的 4 四、研究流程 5 貳、文獻探討與相關介紹 6 一、工業4.0的目標 7 二、工業4.0的範疇 8 三、工業4.0的隱憂 9 四、企業轉型 11 五、關鍵成功因素 16 六、SWOT分析與五力分析 18 參、研究方法與個案介紹 25 一、研究架構和方法 25 二、目標產業環境背景 28 三、個案企業經營現況 34 肆、實證結果與分析 44 一、個案企業SWOT分析 44 二、個案企業五力分析 49 三、個案企業轉型策略分析 56 四、個案企業關鍵成功因素 63 伍、結論 67 一、分析結果 67 二、建議與研究限制 68

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