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研究生: 王雨涵
Yu-Han Wang
論文名稱: 建築與室內設計運用自然元素於競賽實例操作
Using Natural Elements in Architecture and Interior Design at Competition Instance Operation
指導教授: 陳彥廷
Yan-Ting Chen
口試委員: 吳柏翰
Po-Han Wu
Po-Chih Zhang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 建築室內設計自然競賽實例設計
外文關鍵詞: Natural, Architecture, Interior, Design, Competition, Instance Operation
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:42
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Natural elements such as wind, water, light, shadow and plants always appear in our living environment. Following urban population density, indoor spaces are being compressed. Lots of indoors in the city could only satisfy users for the needs of living, but lack the chances to connect with natural elements.

In recent years, architecture and interior design have evolved into unusual designs, and not just have been satisfied with space volume requirement. Concepts leads to different results of the design, also each design comes from different ideas. Furthermore, this is how design charms people, there are no certain ways to achieve standard answers. With respect to interior design, space volume is as human’s skeleton, while concept is as mentality. Both of them are playing mainly roles in design works.

In this research proposal, I will through current building environment to find out felicitous natural elements or which indoors lacking. In addition, they could be added into the concept as well.

Combining qualitative and quantitative also use design method in each space. It is easily to be understood what are we trying to express, even which is created from a thought or a faith.

Additionally, the design can be judged by domestic and foreign professional reviews. To make sure the design is whether a good value and a development opportunity. Also, it can analyze and evaluate the design project at the same time.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖表索引 VII 第一章 1 緒論 2 1-1前言 2 1-2研究動機與目的 2 1-3研究範圍與方法 2 1-4論文架構與流程 3 1-4-1論文架構 3 1-4-2流程 3 第二章 5 2-1風笛橋光線譜Bagpipe Bridge Light Music Sheet 7 2-1-1運用自然元素:風/陽光結合人的互動 7 2-1-2設計手法 8 2-1-3設計結論 9 2-2海洋衛士住宅Coast protector-the red mangroves bionic dwelling 11 2-2-1設計動機 11 2-2-2運用自然元素:仿生紅樹林 12 2-2-3仿生設計 13 2-2-4設計結論 17 第三章 19 3-1福卉咖啡廳Fuji flower caf’e 21 3-1-1運用自然元素:利用植栽及開放性空間創造都市叢林中的溫室花園 22 3-1-2設計理念 22 3-1-3設計手法 22 3-1-4實際施作 25 3-1-5設計結論 28 3-2婚禮攝影公司Wedding people studio 30 3-2-1運用自然元素:使用74%廢棄物品再利用 30 3-2-2設計手法 30 3-2-3實際施作 34 3-2-4設計結論 35 3-3大直Moore beauty studio 37 3-3-1運用自然元素:運用大片落地窗引入自然光線 37 3-3-2設計手法 38 3-3-3實際施作 40 3-3-4設計結論 41 第四章 43 4-1夢想之光The Light of Dream 45 4-1-1運用自然元素:光與故事場景結合 46 4-1-2設計手法 46 4-1-3設計結論 48 4-2 樹紋身 Tree Tattoo 50 4-2-1運用自然元素:運用天井的光比擬為色料作為設計延伸 50 4-2-2設計手法 50 4-2-3設計結論 54 4-3西出陽關.倒轉畫室West beyond Yang-Guan, Inverted Atelier 56 4-3-1運用自然元素:運用陽光西下,人與影重疊藉此達到概念上情感交流. 57 4-3-2設計手法 57 4-3-3設計結論 63 第五章 65 5-1研究結論 66 5-1-1競賽設計的獨特性 67 5-2建議 68 附錄 69 作品名稱:Bagpipe bridge. Light music sheet風笛橋光線譜 69 作品名稱:Coast protector-the red mangroves bionic dwelling海洋衛士 72 作品名稱:Fuji flower cafe福卉咖啡廳 77 作品名稱:Wedding people studio婚禮攝影公司 83 作品名稱:Moore beauty studio大直紋繡工作室 87 作品名稱:The Light of Dream夢想之光 93 作品名稱:Tree Tattoo樹紋身 95 作品名稱:West beyond Yang-Guan, Inverted Atelier西出陽關.倒轉畫室 97