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研究生: 唐正吉
James CC Tang
論文名稱: 強固型筆記型電腦代工廠P公司之競爭策略分析
Rugged notebook OEM/ODM competitive strategy analysis for P-Company
指導教授: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
口試委員: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
Jeff Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 70
外文關鍵詞: Smirk Curve, WOTS, PBI, AR, CTO, TAA
相關次數: 點閱:208下載:10
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  • None, This is a purely English-base thesis

    Rugged notebook had been widely deployed into industrial fields with harness environment usage environments for exceeding many decades, which significantly helps users to accomplish most of works in participating critical missions. The major advantages for rugged notebook contained several features and advantages outbidding with conventional commercial devices, such as widely temperature operation, higher drop-down distance protection, sunlight readable display, harness environmental allowance, water-proof, dust-proof, highly integrated, and sometimes anti-explode compliance in specific application fields such as oil industry, mining filed, etc.

    Taiwanese ODM players almost put more resource on consumer electronic devices business since 1980, who created a lot of miracle of economic growth in Taiwan. However, rugged notebook had become another “blue ocean” business segment that allows outstanding ODM players trying to penetrate and invest by leveraging massive engineering forces and its well-established manufacturing capacity. In reaching from “rugged notebook” segmentation, the top 3 key players worldwide were identified, that is Panasonic, Dell/EMC and Getec (2018, market survey), which dominated rugged notebook market for more than 76% globally.

    This research thesis is trying to make competitive analysis among those 3 keys rugged notebook players in, so to speak, particular application fields, and helps to identify business strategies for Taiwanese ODM makers who allows to approach with business engagement, and retains technological leading edge in beloved island here, in Taiwan. It is highly expectation to get assistance with ODM players while makes business growth and prospective.

    Chapter 1. Introduction - 9 - 1.1. Research background and motivations - 9 - 1.2. Research objectives - 9 - 1.3. Industrial characteristics briefing - 10 - 1.3.1 Consumer market versus vertical market - 10 - 1.3.2 User scenario comparison in between vertical market products and Consumer/commercial products - 13 - 1.4 Research procedures - 15 - Chapter 2. Literature review - 17 - 2.1 Smile curve represents value creation - 17 - 2.2 SWOT analysis and TOWS strategies - 18 - A. Strengths: - 19 - B. Weaknesses: - 19 - C. Opportunities: - 19 - D. Threats: - 19 - 2.3 Osterwalder and Pigneur Business model canvas - 19 - 2.4 Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis model - 23 - Chapter 3. Value proposition of P-company - 26 - 3.1 Product roadmap distribution analysis method - 26 - 3.2 Manufacture overhead saving - 27 - 3.3 CTO (Configure-To-Order) method - 27 - 3.4 Materials preparation - 28 - 3.5 Obsolescent materials handling after EOL - 29 - 3.6 IT system establishment - 30 - 3.7 Customer side EDI establishment - 30 - Chapter 4. Research Methodology - 31 - 4.1 Updated Smile curve revision, Smirk Curve - 31 - 4.2 SWOT Analysis and TOWS strategies - 33 -  SWOT Analysis - 33 -  TOWS strategies: - 34 - 4.3 Osterwalder and Pigneur Business model canvas - 41 - 4.4 Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis - 44 - 4.4.1 Rivalry among existing competitors - 44 - 4.4.2 Threat of new entrants - 46 - 4.4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers - 48 - 4.4.4 Bargaining power of buyers - 49 - 4.4.5 Threat of substitute products - 50 - 4.5 Parking Balloon Indication analysis - 51 - 4.5.1 Potential opportunity identified - 51 - 4.5.2 Business opportunity to Panasonic MSBD - 51 - 4.5.3 Business opportunity for Dell/EMC - 54 - 4.5.4 Business opportunity for Getac: - 55 - Chapter 5. Data analysis result - 56 - 5.1 Top 3 Rugged notebook computer profile and measurement - 56 - 5.1.1 Panasonic MSBD - 56 - 5.1.2 Getec - 57 - 5.1.3 Dell/EMC Rugged notebook computer division under EMC - 58 - 5.2 P-Company BU10 IPC division profile introduction - 58 - 5.2.1 P-Company group briefing: - 58 - 5.2.2 BU10 briefing: - 59 - Chapter 6. Conclusions and suggestions - 60 - 6.1 Research conclusions wrap-up (basic level) - 60 - 6.2 Research conclusions wrap-up (advanced) - 64 - 6.3 Research implication - 64 - 6.3.1 Limitation and further research - 65 - Reference ……- 66 -


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