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研究生: 吳烱毅
Chiung-Yi Wu
論文名稱: VoIPS: 語音通話安全加密解決方案
VoIPS: VoIP Secure encryption solution
指導教授: 李漢銘
Hahn-Ming Lee
口試委員: 鮑興國
Hsing-Kuo Pao
Wei-Chung Teng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: VoIPAESSIPembedded system
外文關鍵詞: VoIP, AES, SIP, embedded system
相關次數: 點閱:646下載:1
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  • 1995 年VoIP(Voice over IP)技術提出後,後續各項通訊協議與相關網際網路技術不斷地提昇造就了VoIP 在應用普及率也開始帶動往上增加。
    VoIP 運作架構為位於資料網路上的兩個端點,前端傳送方將類比語音輸入轉換成數位訊號並轉譯成封包傳送至網路上另一端的接收者。 VoIP 技術允許企業透過資料網路傳輸語音訊息,主要優勢在於系統靈活性和理想成本導向不論對於消費者個人或組織本身,不管你在那個角落只需擁有普遍的基本寬頻連線即可和位於世界上另一端的人們進行溝通。然而,VoIP 同樣面臨到和網際網路相同的問題-網路上充斥著常見的各類型惡意威脅和通訊協定弱點與作業平台漏洞三者所衍生的相關資安議題。
    根據VoIPSA(VoIP Security Alliance)提出的威脅分類白皮書我們總結出在VoIP 網路上頇注意的安全問題即在於沒有一個完全妥善的安全機制來對付諸如監聽、截取修改、對話重建等等諸多威脅,目前己經有相關的VoIP 安全協定機制和規範標準制定,上述標準與協定對於語音加密所帶來的額外標頭與頻寬消耗,另外還有無法進行NAT 透通達到服務可用性,皆是無法滿足現行商用市場。

    VoIP was proposed in 1995 and subsequently popularity rate is getting rise based
    on the promotion on various protocol agreements and relevant internet technologies.
    The architecture of VoIP is that two endpoints within the same data network that
    frontend will translates analog voice signals into a stream of digitized packets and
    sends them to recipients over data network. VoIP technologies allow enterprises
    transfer the voice data through the data network, the key advantages of VoIP are
    flexibility and ideal cost-effective orientation for individual users and corporations
    across the world for communication once people have the basis of ubiquitous
    broadband connectivity that no matter how whereabouts. However, VoIP would
    definitely encounter the complications which occurred on internet for the same-
    There are full of a variety of malicious threats are extraordinarily common over the
    net, and same for its vulnerabilities and weakness on protocol and operating platform.
    Hence, mentioned aforesaid that conduct the derivative security subjects.
    According to threat taxonomy which defined by VoIPSA (VoIP Security
    Alliance) on 2005, we conclude that the significant security issues are based on there
    is no well-arranged mechanism to address such as eavesdropping, interception and
    modification or conversation construction even though there has several secure
    protocol mechanism and compliance standard were released.
    However, above standards and protocols for voice encryption it brings the
    additional overheads and bandwidth consumption, also for it can not provide the
    capability of NAT traversal with satisfy the service availability, all can not meet the
    commercial market.
    Hence, in this paper we propose a lightweight algorithm and develop a
    conceptual hardware platform for evaluation and validation to meet market demand.

    Abstract ....................................................................................II Acknowledgements ................................................................. V Contents ................................................................................. VI LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ................................ VIII Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................... 1 1.1 Brief to VoIP (Voice Over IP) ................................................................ 1 1.2 Challenges ............................................................................................... 5 1.3 Motivations ............................................................................................. 7 1.4 Goals ....................................................................................................... 9 1.5 The outline of thesis ................................................................................ 9 Chapter 2 Background and Related Work ...................... 11 2.1 The security issues to present VoIP environment ................................. 12 2.2 Related work ......................................................................................... 14 Chapter 3 VoIPS(VoIP Secure) ......................................... 22 3.1 Concept of VoIP Secure (VoIPS) ......................................................... 24 3.2 The system architecture of VoIPS ........................................................ 29 Chapter 4 Experiments ....................................................... 35 4.1 Algorithm effectiveness ........................................................................ 36 4.2 System usability .................................................................................... 38 4.3 Hardware implementation and performance ......................................... 43 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Further Work ........................ 49 5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 49 5.2 Further work .......................................................................................... 50 References ............................................................................... 52 Vita .......................................................................................... 56

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