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研究生: 陳財源
Jessica - Gitomarsono
論文名稱: Reliability Analysis of a River Bridge against Scours and Earthquakes
Reliability Analysis of a River Bridge against Scours and Earthquakes
指導教授: 廖國偉
Kuo-Wei Liao
口試委員: 鄭敏元
Min-Yuan Cheng
Yu-Chi Sung
Chang-Wei Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: FragilitycurveNonlineartimehistoryanalysisProbabilisticscourdepthMultihazardanalysisJointprobabilityoffailure
外文關鍵詞: Fragility curve, Nonlinear time history analysis, Probabilistic scour depth, Multi hazard analysis, Joint probability of failure
相關次數: 點閱:439下載:5
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Reliability analysis has been widely used in recent years to evaluate the safety of a structure. Among varied reliability approaches, fragility curve defines the failure probability of a structure for a given condition which agrees with the concept of performance-based design and is adopted in this study. Among many hazards, earthquakes and floods are two major threats for a river bridge in Taiwan and are considered here.
Nanyun Bridge, located in central Taiwan is used to demonstrate the proposed safety evaluation procedure. SAP2000 is used to simulate the nonlinear structural response in which the soil modelled by a bilinear link. Plastic hinge is predefined to simulate the non-linear behaviour of the bridge pier and caisson. Because Nanyun Bridge is supported by a single pier for each foundation, the plastic hinge is allocated at the bottom of the pier and the point with maximum moment on the caisson.
A series of non-linear time history analysis is performed to obtain the structure performance under different PGA values and varied scour depths. Displacement ductility from the response of non-linear time history analysis is calculated to construct the fragility curve for various limit states. Scour depth is estimated through probabilistic approach using the water depth and water velocity in which follow lognormal distribution is assumed.
The final result of this analysis is to establish the joint failure probability of the Nanyun Bridge against two major hazards. Based on results found, the Nanyun Bridge is likely to have a scour at 3-5 meters. The failure probability under a scoured condition for each limit state is usually small which found to be consistent with the on-site observation and other studies conducted for different bridges.

Reliability analysis has been widely used in recent years to evaluate the safety of a structure. Among varied reliability approaches, fragility curve defines the failure probability of a structure for a given condition which agrees with the concept of performance-based design and is adopted in this study. Among many hazards, earthquakes and floods are two major threats for a river bridge in Taiwan and are considered here.
Nanyun Bridge, located in central Taiwan is used to demonstrate the proposed safety evaluation procedure. SAP2000 is used to simulate the nonlinear structural response in which the soil modelled by a bilinear link. Plastic hinge is predefined to simulate the non-linear behaviour of the bridge pier and caisson. Because Nanyun Bridge is supported by a single pier for each foundation, the plastic hinge is allocated at the bottom of the pier and the point with maximum moment on the caisson.
A series of non-linear time history analysis is performed to obtain the structure performance under different PGA values and varied scour depths. Displacement ductility from the response of non-linear time history analysis is calculated to construct the fragility curve for various limit states. Scour depth is estimated through probabilistic approach using the water depth and water velocity in which follow lognormal distribution is assumed.
The final result of this analysis is to establish the joint failure probability of the Nanyun Bridge against two major hazards. Based on results found, the Nanyun Bridge is likely to have a scour at 3-5 meters. The failure probability under a scoured condition for each limit state is usually small which found to be consistent with the on-site observation and other studies conducted for different bridges.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENT vii LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF TABLES xvii NOTATIONS xix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation of Research 3 1.3 Objective and Scope 3 1.4 Outline 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Mechanical Properties 6 2.1.1 Cover Concrete Mechanical Properties 6 2.1.2 Core Concrete Mechanical Properties 6 2.1.3 Steel Mechanical Properties 7 2.2 Failure Mode (Sung et al. 2005) 8 2.3 Standard Codes 9 2.3.1 AASTHO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (AASTHO 2007) 9 2.3.2 Taiwan Code for Soil Parameters 10 2.3.3 Taiwan Code for Earthquake Response –Spectrum 10 2.4 Preceding Research 11 2.4.1 Shinozuka (Shinozuka et al. 2000) 11 2.4.2 Melville and Coleman (Melville and Coleman 2000) 13 2.4.3 Bryant G Nielson (2005) (Nielson 2005) 14 2.4.4 Alipour et al (Alipour et al. 2013) 15 2.4.5 Porter, K (Keith Porter 2016) 16 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 General Information of the Analysed Bridge 18 3.2 The Flowchart of the Proposed Methodology 20 3.3 Modelling of Structural Section 22 3.3.1 Soil Modelling 23 3.4 Non-Linear Property 26 3.4.1 Moment Curvature 27 3.4.2 Plastic Hinge 29 3.5 Time History Analysis 32 3.6 Fragility Curve 35 3.7 Seismic Hazard 37 3.8 Parameter for Probabilistic Scour Depth Estimation 38 3.8.1 Effect of Flow Intensity, V/Vc 40 3.8.2 Flow Intensity Factor, KI 41 3.8.3 Flow Depth-Foundation Size (Depth-Size) Factor, KyB 41 3.8.4 Sediment Size Factor, Kd 42 3.8.5 Foundation Shape Factor, KS 43 3.8.6 Probabilistic Scour Depth 43 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS RESULT 45 4.1 Fragility Curve 45 4.2 Scour Probability 47 4.3 Joint Probability of Failure 48 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 54 5.1 Conclusion 54 5.2 Suggestion 55 APPENDIX A BRIDGE DRAWINGS 58 APPENDIX B MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 63 B.1 Steel Reinforcement Properties 63 B.2 Cover Concrete 64 B.3 Core Concrete 66 B.3.1 Confinement Effect for Core Concrete (Used for Pier) 66 B.3.2 Modified Confinement Effectiveness for Circular Hollow Core Concrete Section (Used for Caisson) 69 APPENDIX C SOIL PARAMETERS 74 C.1 Link Property for Horizontal Direction 76 C.2 Link Property for Vertical Direction at Bottom of the Caisson 77 C.3 Link Property for Frictional Force at Bottom of the Caisson 79 APPENDIX D FAILURE MODE 81 APPENDIX E RESPONSE SPECTRUM AND GROUND MOTION 88 APPENDIX F RESULTS 108 REFERENCES 116

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