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研究生: 蔡禹奮
論文名稱: 二維品質及品質機能展開之整合模型- 以自動曬衣架之關鍵性能為例
Integrated KANO and QFD model for key features of automatic lifting drying rack
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang-Joe Lin
Yu-Chung Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 自動升降曬衣架KANO二維品質品質機能展開
外文關鍵詞: Automatic lifting drying rack, KANO model, Quality Function Deployment
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:0
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  • 曬衣服是大多數家庭生活中必備的活動,為美化生活空間,業者便推出具備升降功能的曬衣架。近年來新建案及裝修市場日漸熱絡,加上人口老化的影響,自動升降曬衣架也逐漸成為新建案的標準配備。除了成為使用者所注目的家電產品,並有機會轉換成陽台經濟的一環。由於自動升降曬衣架系統比較不容易在一般的銷售通路購得,且廠商所推出的產品都各有特色,因此開發重點發散,亟待釐清。本研究目的即透過KANO二維品質模型瞭解客戶需求,結合專家的意見,再透過品質機能展開方式,轉換出自動升降曬衣架技術開發項目的優先順序,以達到快速推出符合市場需求的機種。依據本研究KANO模型的結果顯示,目前業者提供大部份電控功能在使用者的認定上都屬於自然品質與無關品質。其中自然品質集中在一般的使用習慣項目。透過分析KANO二維模式結果並整合專家意見後可以得出耐重50KG可列入誘人品質,其中一維品質項目部份包括具備保護機制,燈具可依傳統方式更換,機構及鋼索需具備一定的強度和必須具備足夠的曬衣桿間距以及低運作噪音。最後結合開發技術權重進行QFD品質機能展開後,可以得到廠商應優先投入研發考量的項目為減速齒輪,微控制器以及馬達等均屬於自動曬衣架的動力核心元件。

    Drying clothes is an indispensable activity in our life. According to the living space limita-tion, Supplier has introduced a drying rack with lifting function. Due to the new construction and decoration market has become more and more popular, coupled with the impact of the aging pop-ulation, the automatic lifting drying rack has gradually become the standard equipment of the new construction, in addition to becoming the home appliances that users pay attention to, and it has the opportunity to become a part of balcony. However, selling automatic lifting drying rack sys-tem is unnormal which you may not easily found it from general store. Supplier launched the products with different features, it means their development focus is presented in a divergent way. This research aims to understand the needs of customers through the KANO model. Next to com-bined with the opinions from experts, and then transform the priority of the automatic lifting dry-ing rack technology development project through the method of QFD, and then to meet the cus-tomer requirement. According to the results of the KANO model, most of the electronic control features are indifferent quality. And the general usage habits are almost below to must-be quali-ties. After analyzing the results of the KANO model and leverage opinions from experts, we can get weight resistance of 50KG should be attractive quality. And one-dimensional quality items have protection, lamps replacement as normal, and strength of the mechanism and steel cables and the last is it must have sufficient clothes rail spacing and low operating noise. Finally, we use QFD with the weight of development technology, the items suppliers should prioritize in research and development are reduction gears, microcontrollers and motors which are the power core components of automatic lifting drying rack system.

    致謝 I 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究範圍 5 1.4 研究流程 8 第2章 文獻探討 9 2.1 市售自動升降曬衣架主要功能 10 2.2 二維品質(KANO)模型 11 2.3 客戶滿意度的KANO模型 14 2.4 品質機能展開 16 2.5 結合KANO模型與品質機能展開 20 第3章 研究方法 23 3.1 研究架構 23 3.2 問卷設計 24 第4章 研究分析 27 4.1 問卷統計 27 4.2 KANO品質歸類 28 4.3 KANO品質歸類-合併客戶滿意度係數 29 4.4 品質機能展開 33 第5章 結論與建議 35 5.1 研究結論 35 5.2 研究建議 36 5.3 研究限制 36 參考文獻 38 論文 38 網站資料 39 附錄 40  

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