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研究生: 梁建元
Chien-Yuan Liang
論文名稱: 圖的思考與表現 ─以《Why Architects Draw》一書中收錄的國外建築師之訪談資料為例
The Thinking and Presentation in Drawings-A study from the book, “Why Architects Draw”
指導教授: 施植明
Chih-Ming Shih
口試委員: 吳明修
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 圖面表現思考邏輯圖面思考
外文關鍵詞: presentation of drawing, logical thinking, thinking of drawing
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:7
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  • 近年來台灣的建築設計教育發展,由於3D繪圖軟體的進步,導致虛擬空間建構設計形體的設計操作漸漸取代了傳統透過繪圖方式進行設計思考的程序。並且學生在快速建構的各向彩現圖中雖然滿足了視覺上的需求,但卻往往忽略圖面本身應有的功能與應展現的意義。因此本研究藉由圖面的思考與表現之角度,探討圖面在設計過程的重要性,以重新正視建築師繪圖與設計發展的關係。

    本研究以1994年Edward Robbins所撰寫的《Why Architects Draw》一書中所收錄的國外知名建築師之訪談資料做為分析基礎,探討建築師如何透過圖面操作進行建築設計思考與實踐。因此在研究過程中整理建築師在每個設計階段中所強調使用的圖面類型及探討的設計議題,並加以分析圖面發展的邏輯關係,研究圖面思考的過程與階段性表現對設計發展的重要性。最後再進而探討圖面思考與表現的本質,以及圖面使用與設計成果是否具有必然的影響關係。


    The architectural education in Taiwan recently shows that the form studying and design thinking rely more often than before on digital tools instead of sketches and hard-line drawings because of the progress of CAD software. Students make precise shapes rapidly but leave the primary capacities and meanings of drawings aside. This paper aims to explore the importance of drawings during the design agenda and re-consider the deserved relation between drawings and design development.

    This study started from series of interviews with nine famous architects mentioned in “Why Architects Draw” by Edward Robbins in 1994 and discussed how architects design and think through their drawings. Secondly, we classified each category of drawings and related design topic and analyze the logic of drawing. Then we clarified the importance of drawings and temporary presentations in each phase during design process. Finally, we explored the essence of design thinking and the presentation and the interrelation between drawings and the design results.

    The previous studies revealed the drawings’ capacities of de-composing and re-constructing concepts and brought them to further practices. Each category of drawings delivers specific information and presents design contents; and it helps designers to make judgments. Because the original presentation of drawings quietly leads the way of design thinking, the design results look similar. Consequently, there is a close interrelation between drawings, logical thinking, and the presentation of design results.

    中文摘要.....I 英文摘要.....II 誌 謝.....III 目 錄.....IV 圖 索 引.....VI 表 索 引.....X 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與目的................1 1.2 研究範圍與方法................2 1.3 研究流程......................4 第二章 圖的研究 2.1 圖的發展......................5 2.2 建築圖........................9 2.3 圖的類型與功能................11 2.4 圖與設計過程..................16 2.5 圖釋思考與創作................20 第三章 建築師之圖面操作研究 3.1 Edward Cullinan…Edward Cullinan Architects..............26 3.2 Spencer de Grey… Sir Norman Foster and Partners.........32 3.3 Jorge Silvetti…Machado & Silvetti Associates............38 3.4 Renzo Piano…The Building Workshop.......................44 3.5 Alvaro Siza…Alvaro Siza Architect.......................49 3.6 John Young…The Richard Rogers Partnership...............54 3.7 Itsuko Hasegawa…Itsuko Hasegawa Atelier.................59 3.8 William Pedersen…Kohn Pedersen Fox......................64 3.9 Rafael Moneo…Rafael Moneo Architect.....................69 3.10 小結.....................................................73 第四章 設計思考與圖面功能分析 4.1 設計過程與圖面之關係.....................................77 4.2 建築外觀之圖面思考與表現探討.............................84 4.3 內部空間之圖面思考與表現探討.............................94 4.4 構造體之圖面思考與表現探討...............................104 第五章 結論 5.1 圖面使用與設計結果的關聯性...............................111 5.2 思考性與表現性之圖面本質.................................113 5.3 結論與建議...............................................115 5.4 後續研究.................................................116 參考文獻......................................................117 授 權 書......................................................118

    Robbins, Edward(1994), 《Why architects draw》, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

    Paul Laseau原著,顏麗蓉、簡逸珊、林晨曄、郭志如 譯(1993),《圖釋思考 建築師和設計師適用》,台北:六合出版社
    Peter G. Rowe著,王昭仁譯(1999),《設計思考》,台北市:建築情報季刊
    Robert H. McKim原著,蔡子瑋 譯(2002),《視覺思考的經驗》,台北:六合出版社
    蘇聯建築科學院建築理論、歷史和建築技術研究所編,顧孟潮譯 (1995),《建築構圖概論》,台北巿:田園城巿