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研究生: 陸佳寧
Jia-Ning Lu
論文名稱: 人力資源排程系統自動化的實現——以護理人員為例
Automatic Human Resource Scheduling System—Case Study of Nursing Staff
指導教授: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Fei-Huang Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 護理人員排班規劃求解公平性排班
外文關鍵詞: Nurse Scheduling, Solver, Fairness
相關次數: 點閱:692下載:2
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為彌補人工排班之局限性,本研究採用資訊科技相結合的自動化排班法,使用Microsoft Excel中的規劃求解工具箱作為求解工具,以中國大陸寧波某醫院科室作為訪談對象,設定7天為一排班週期,並以「先排休,後排班」的構思作為切入點。在醫院規範、各班別人數要求,以及人員休假天數等限制之下,構建一滿足所有條件的排班系統。此外,本研究亦將護理人員等級、調班情況,以及遭逢天災、人禍等可能影響人員配置的情況列入考量。


Nurses take a considerable part of overall human resources in a hospital. In practice, the nursing staff's schedule is generally manual scheduling for the head nurse, and then fine-tuned by the nursing staff in private agreement. How to properly schedule these labor forces has always been a difficult task for the head nurses since they have to understand needs of all the nurses and ensure both the efficiency and fairness at the same time.
The aim of this study is to develop an automatic scheduling algorithm in order to save labor for making schedules for all the nurses while ensure the efficiency and fairness. The scheduling algorithm is developed based on ‘Solver’ toolbox in Microsoft Excel and the basic logic of this algorithm is to figure out the day off of nurses first and then schedule the work days. Hospital regulations and number of nurses of each shift are considered and set as the boundary conditions. Factors that influence the scheduling, for example rank of nurse, internally work shift, extreme weathers and hazards are all included in the algorithm. Survey is conducted in a particular hospital located in Ningbo China in order to build and verify the algorithm.
Via verification, the algorithm works well for this particular hospital with a normal timetable generation time of around 20 seconds given all input data well collected. The author also suggests the algorithm developed in this study might be adjusted and works for other hospitals as well with proper modifications made.

Key Words:Nurse Scheduling、Solver、Fairness

Contents 誌 謝 I 摘 要 II Abstract III Contents IV Tables VI Figures VI Chapter I Introduction 1 1.1 Research Motivation 1 1.2 Research Object 5 1.3 Research Objective 6 1.4 Research Method 7 1.5 Research Process Framework 8 Chapter II Literature Review 9 2.1 Definition of Scheduling Issue 9 2.2 Type of Scheduling 9 2.3 Nurse Scheduling Mode 10 2.4 Nurse Scheduling Criteria 17 2.5 Summary 19 Chapter III Research Content and Method 21 3.1 Research Method 21 3.2 Overview of Nurse Scheduling 23 3.3 Scheduling Rules and Interview Contents 25 3.4 Arrangement of Limited Conditions 29 3.5 Presupposition of Individual Case Research Method 37 Chapter IV Modeling and Research Results 38 4.1 Build Basic Data 38 4.2 Assign Nurses Requiring for Off-day 39 4.3 Create An Off-day Scheduling Table 40 4.4 Create A Daily Shift Scheduling Table 41 4.5 Validation of Research Results 47 4.6 Validation of Effectiveness 48 Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions 51 5.1 Conclusions 51 5.2 Suggestions 54 Reference 56 Tables Table 4-1 Construction of Basic Data 38 Table 4-2 Construction of Basic Data 39 Table 4-3 Completed Off-day Intention Questionnaire 40 Table 4-4 Completed Off-day Scheduling Table 41 Table 4-5 Programming Solution Result I 43 Table 4-6 Programming Solution Result II 43 Table 4-7 Preliminary Shift Scheduling Table (without noon shift & flexible nurses) 44 Table 4-8 Screened Noon Shift (73-shift) Scheduling 45 Table 4-9 Scheduling Table with Noon Shift (73-shift) Included 46 Table 4-10 Screened Flexible Shift Nurse Scheduling 47 Table 4-11 Scheduling Table with Flexible Shift Included 47 Table 4-12 Final Scheduling Table 48 Table 4-13 Final Shift Scheduling Table 48 Table 5-14 Accuracy Statistics 50 Table 5-15 Time-consuming Statistics 50 Figures Figure 1-1 Structure Chart of Research Process 8 Figure 3‑1 Day Shift Nurses 28 Figure 3‑2 Night Shift Nurses 28

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