研究生: |
張家豪 Chia-Hao Chang |
論文名稱: |
以主路徑分析方法探討廣告產業發展脈絡 Exploring the development of advertising industry by main path analysis |
指導教授: |
Siao-Ping Ju |
口試委員: |
詹德譯 陳曉郁 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 科技管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Technology Management |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 120 |
中文關鍵詞: | 廣告產業 、廣告策略 、主路徑分析方法 、集群分析方法 |
外文關鍵詞: | Advertising industry, Advertising strategy, Main path analysis, Clustering analysis |
相關次數: | 點閱:514 下載:0 |
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本研究自Web of Science文獻資料庫中以關鍵字搜索蒐集近十年之廣告產業發展相關資料,得到4,000餘筆文獻,接著透過人工檢閱的方式去除與廣告產業發展無關聯性之資料,得到2,632筆可用資料。本研究以主路徑分析方法了解廣告產業相關文獻研究之主要發展知識軌跡;集群分析方法了解主要五大子領域中的關鍵發展脈絡,並且為避免遺漏其他重要文獻,另探討了整體網絡中的中介角色以及子領域的多數中心性,以了解廣告產業可能會受到那些社會因素的影響,以及其知識擴散與傳遞的脈絡。
研究結果發現,廣告產業發展相關文獻的關鍵路徑中可以按年份做了階段性主題的切割,分為兩大階段。階段一討論廣告目標技術的發展,可細分為針對性廣告概念的普及化以及關鍵字廣告的基礎研究,與搜尋引擎廣告的發展與整合;階段二的前期只有一條路徑,為關鍵字廣告的整合與應用,並且注重其策略成本與預算的探討,到了階段二後期再度進入數位廣告的新時代,討論了廣告產業與新技術的整合應用,同時消費者的隱私問題與廣告倫理再度被重視。而綜觀整個關鍵主路徑、集群網絡與集群關鍵路徑,可以發現廣告產業的發展確實可以反映一個地區經濟與科技發展的程度。從消費者資訊的重要性,到隱私權的重視,接著發展出了搜尋引擎行銷 (search engine marketing, SEM) 使廣告更有效益,隨著數位廣告時代的到來與智慧型裝置的普及,行動廣告漸漸成為廣告產業的主流,也發展出了融合SEM競價機制與即時性的程序化廣告(programmatic advertising, PA),最後個性化廣告使得消費者的隱私權再度受到重視。本研究結果雖未及詳細說明發展過程的諸多衍生技術,但不可置否的是,廣告的技術應用與發展已經是各大企業與高度發展國家不可或缺的一部分。
In the past few decades, there have been many literature discussions on different aspects of key technologies for advertising. However, due to the advancement of technology, the form of advertising has changed rapidly. Currently, there is little research in the field of social science research management, which discuss the development of the advertising industry and its knowledge structure. Therefore, in order to further discuss the development direction of advertising industry, this study takes the literature of advertising industry in the past ten years as the research on the evolution and development of this field, and provides the possible development direction to future academic researchers and enterprises in the future.
This research collected literature database for nearly ten years from the Web of Science by keyword searching, and more than 4,000 documents were obtained. Then, through manual review, information which are not related to overall advertising industry development were removed, and 2,632 available information were obtained. This study uses the main path analysis method to understand the main development knowledge trajectory of the literature research related to advertising strategy, also, by using the cluster analysis method to understand the key development in the four major sub-fields. To avoid the omission of other important documents, this study also discuss the overall network by intermediary roles, structural holes, and the centrality of sub- fields to understand that advertising strategies may be influenced by which social factors, as well as the context of advertising industry knowledge transmission.
The research results show that the key path of the relevant literature of advertising industry can be cut into two phases according to the year. Phase 1 and the end of phase 2 can be divided into two parts, which means the overall main path has five stage. Phase 1 discusses the development of advertising target technology, which can be subdivided into the popularization of targeted advertising concepts and the basic research of keyword advertising, and the development and integration of search engine advertising ; Phase 2 has only one path in the beginning, which mentions the integration and application of keyword advertising, and also focus on its strategic cost and budget discussion; At the end of Phase 2 re-enters the new stage of digital advertising, which discusses the integration of advertising strategies and new technologies, while consumers' privacy issues and advertising ethics are once again valued.
Keywords:Advertising industry, Advertising strategy, Main path analysis, Clustering analysis
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