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研究生: 王筠筑
Yun-Chu Wang
論文名稱: 基於同儕互評的線上學習模式對學生媒體素養及高層次能力的影響
Effects of an Online Peer Assessment Approach on Students’Media Literacy and Higher Order Thinking
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員: 黃博聖
Po-Sheng Huang
Hui-Chun Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 同儕互評遠距教學高層次能力媒體素養
外文關鍵詞: distance learning, higher-order thinking, peer assessment, media Literacy
相關次數: 點閱:505下載:0
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媒體識讀於教育的重要性日漸提升,同儕互評的教學模式也已有多項研究證明其能提升學生的高層次能力。在資訊傳遞快速的環境下,媒體影響層面越來越廣泛,媒體素養的能力即是我們的生活。在 COVID-19 疫情影響之下,課程全面開始實施遠距教學。同儕互評的學習策略能夠讓學生在評量同儕作品時進行反思,進而提升學習成就以及批判思考的能力,也能理解教師的評分標準。因此,本研究旨在探討「基於同儕互評的線上學習模式」對學生在媒體素養及高層次能力的影響,包含溝通傾向、批判思考傾向、問題解決傾向以及學習成就此四項。本研究採用準實驗設計,實驗對象為兩個班級的小學三年級學生,分別為實驗組、控制組,進行四週的媒體識讀課程。其中實驗組的學生運用「線上同儕互評」,在閱讀同儕的發表新聞分析後,參考評分規準並給予分數;控制組採用「一般傳統教師評分」,由教師給予學生評分。由實驗結果發現結合線上同儕互評的媒體素養學習模式,能夠提升學習者的學習成就,此外,在溝通傾向、批判思考傾向、問題解決傾向方面兩組則沒有顯著的差異

In recent years, Media Literacy is more and more important in education. Many
researchers have already proved that Peer Assessment can enhance students’
higher-order thinking. Living in an age of information explosion and extensive media
rendering, Media literacy is needed in every part of our lives. Therefore, the ability is
indispensable. In the meantime, because of the influence of COVID-19, distance
learning has become widely used under the policy of learning from home. Peer
assessment-based learning strategies can let students review their own progress while
assessing their peers. Moreover, they can enhance students’ learning efficiency and
improve the ability of critical thinking, and students can also understand the teacher’s
criteria. Therefore, this research explores “Effects of an Online Peer
Assessment-based strategy” on students’ Media Literacy and higher-order thinking,
such as Communication tendency, Critical Thinking, Problem-solving, and Learning
Achievement. A Quasi-Experimental Design is adopted. Two classes of third-graders
from elementary school are the subjects. The participants were separated into two
groups, the experimental group, and the control group, to have their class on Media
Literacy for four weeks. While “online peer assessment” is included in the
experimental group, students in the control group only get feedback from their teacher,
as is the traditional way. The results of the experiment show that combining a Media
Literacy learning course with online peer assessment improves learning achievement;
however, there was no significant difference in the communication tendency, critical
thinking, and problem-solving of the two groups.

目錄 摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄錄 第一章 緒論 1-1 研究背景與動機 1-2 研究問題 1-3 名詞釋義 1-3-1 媒體識讀(Media literacy) 1-3-2 同儕互評(Peer Assessment) 1-3-3 評分規準(Rubrics) 1-3-4 溝通傾向(Communication tendency) 1-3-5 批判思考傾向(Critical Thinking tendency) 1-3-6 問題解決傾向(Problem-solving tendency) 1-3-7 學習成就(Learning Achievement) 1-3-8 NearPod 線上教學平台 1-3-9 Google Classroom 線上教室 1- 4 本文架構 第二章 文獻探討 2-1 媒體識讀(Media literacy) 2-1-1 媒體識讀課程 2-2 同儕互評(Peer Assessment) 2-2-1 同儕互評之理論基礎 2-2-2 同儕互評之實施原則與應用 2-2-3 同儕互評的相關研究 2-3 高層次思考能力(Higher-order thinking) 2-3-1 溝通傾向(Communication tendency) 2-3-2 批判思考傾向(Critical Thinking) 2-3-3 問題解決傾向(Problem-solving) 第三章 研究方法 3-1 研究架構與設計 3-2 研究對象 3-3 研究工具 3-3-1 Google Classroom 3-3-2 NearPod 3-3-3 評分規準 3-3-4 溝通傾向量表 3-3-5 批判思考傾向量表 3-3-6 問題解決傾向量表 3-4 教學活動 3-5 研究流程 3-6 資料處理與分析方法 3-6-1 量化資料處理 第四章 實驗結果與分析 4-1 學習成就─新聞分析能力 4-2 溝通傾向 4-3 批判思考傾向 4-4 問題解決傾向 - 第五章 結論與討論 5-1 結論 5-1-1 學習成就 5-1-2 溝通傾向 5-1-3 批判性思考傾向 5-1-4 問題解決傾向 5-2 研究限制 5-2-1 研究來源與人數 5-2-2 研究時間與環境 5-3 未來研究與建議 5-3-1 針對教學者的建議 5-3-2 針對未來研究的建議 參考文獻 附錄一 附錄二 附錄三 附錄四

一、 中文部分

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