簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王俊文
Chun-Wen Wang
論文名稱: 創新穴位埋線器械之設計
Design of an Innovative Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Instrument
指導教授: 郭進星
Chin-Hsing Kuo
口試委員: 林清安
Qing-An Lin
Wen-Pin Shih
Zhi-Jia Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 手術器械針灸機構設計仿生設計人體工學設計
外文關鍵詞: surgical instrument, acupuncture, mechanism design, bionic designs, ergonomic design
相關次數: 點閱:1231下載:5
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穴位埋線療法(Acupoint catgut-embedding therapy)是一種結合中國傳統醫學觀念以及現代醫學器材之針灸手術,其乃利用注射針頭及針灸針,將約1 cm 長的羊腸線段埋入穴位中,讓線段進行長時間穴位刺激,以達到穴位治療之功效。穴位埋線所需之器具多樣且細小,施作步驟繁瑣(一次埋線便含供線、截線、填線、穿針與埋線等五大步驟),且每次療程皆需重複施作步驟數十次,而每組針具僅可使用於一次埋線,故每次療程皆需消耗數十組針具以上。再者,目前上述手術流程皆依賴醫師之純手工操作,尚無任何自動化器具輔助施作。
本研究即欲設計一種創新的自動化穴位埋線輔助器械,該器械無須裝載電池或外接電源,每次療程無需更換針具,便可協助醫師快速地完成穴位埋線之完整療程。研究首先回顧針灸手術相關的器具與療程步驟,從中了解穴位埋線之關鍵技術。然後,利用品質機能展開法(Quality Function Deployment)評估設計目標,歸納出創新器械之設計需求優先順序。接著,進行器械的機構動作設計,使器械只須兩個操作步驟即可完成一次埋線程序,且手術過程無需更換針具,單一針具便可重複施作埋線。接著,完成器械的特殊零件設計與人體工學暨仿生設計,整合出一集功能與操作舒適性於一身之穴位埋線輔具。最後,製作本設計之原型機,並進行截線成功率、平均供線長度、穿針成功率與落點範圍、以及填線與埋線成功率等實驗測試。測試結果顯示,該原型機之截線成功率達82 %、平均供線長度為1.1243 cm、穿針成功率達100 %、穿針落點與圓心之平均距離為0.645 mm、填線成功率為55 %、埋線成功率為100 %。由實驗結果可知,本器械的確可在不更換針具之情形下,重複完成穴位埋線之五大步驟。器械於各步驟的性能表現良好,唯截線成功率與填線成功率未臻完美,未來可再精進改善。

Acupoint catgut-embedding therapy (ACE therapy) is an acupuncture method that integrates traditional Chinese medicine theories with modern medical devices. The major scenario of such a surgical operation is to employ the general hypodermic needle and acupuncture needle to inject an ~1-cm catgut segment into acupoint on patient’s body, by which the catgut segment can continuously stimulate the acupoint for acupuncture treatment. However, the current ACE operation has several drawbacks/inconveniences to be overcome. First, the overall ACE operation procedure is very complicated, which consists of five main steps including segment supplying, segment cutting, segment insertion, needle insertion, and segment embedding. Second, a complete ACE therapy normally requires dozens of needle sets for repeated ACE operation, which introduces significant costs. Third, while the preparation and operation of general ACE therapies are very labor-consuming, it unfortunately still has to be done by surgeon’s manual work only, i.e., no any assistive automatic device for ACE is available currently.
This thesis therefore is devoted to designing an innovative acupoint catgut-embedding instrument that could help the surgeon to perform the ACE operation automatically by using only one needle set for a complete ACE therapy. Besides, the proposed handheld instrument is operated by surgeon’s manual only, i.e., it does not equip with any electric actuations or control units. We firstly investigated the general acupuncture procedures and their associated devices. Then, by using the Quality Function Deployment method, we concluded the key design requirements for the new catgut-embedding instrument. Next, based on these design requirements, we performed mechanism motion design, key component design, ergonomics design, and bionics design for the instrument.
Accordingly, we built up a prototype of the proposed design and carried out a series of operation tests. As a result, the presented instrument can automatically perform the five steps of an ACE operation within two manual operation steps. And, the instrument can execute the repeated ACE operation without replacing the needle set. The experimental tests also indicated that 1) the needle-insertion and segment-embedding successful rates are both 100%; 2) the segment-cutting successful rate is 82%; 3) the segment-insertion successful rate is 55%; 4) the segment supplying length is 1.1243 cm in average; and 5) the needle insertion accuracy is under 0.645 mm in confidence.
It is believed that the proposed design is the first-of-its-kind assistive device for ACE therapies in the world. It is anticipated that the proposed device could effectively minimize the operation time of general ACE therapies, reduce the surgical device costs, and relief the human resource loading in hospitals and clinics.

摘要 ......... I Abstract .....III 致謝 ......... VI 目錄 ......... VIII 表目錄 ........ XII 圖目錄 ......... XIII 第一章 緒論......... 1 1.1 研究動機 ....... 2 1.2 文獻回顧 ....... 4 1.2.1 傳統針灸療法之原理與器械 ............ 5 1.2.2 安慰針灸療法之原理與器械 ............ 6 1.2.3 穴位埋線療法之原理與器械 ............ 7 1.3 研究目的 ........... 8 1.4 論文架構 ........... 9 第二章 穴位埋線療法簡介 ...............11 2.1 器具 ........................... 11 2.2 施作流程 ........................13 2.3 關鍵技術分析 ....................17 2.4 小結 ...........................19 第三章 創新穴位埋線器械之設計目標評估 ........20 3.1 品質機能展開法 ................. 20 3.2 設計評估 ....................... 21 3.3 小結............................22 第四章 機構功能分析與設計 ............................ 23 4.1 供給功能 ....................................... 23 4.2 截斷功能 ........................................27 4.3 對接功能 ........................................29 4.4 填充功能 ........................................30 4.5 擊發功能 ........................................31 4.6 針頭保護功能 .....................................33 4.7 小結............................................ 35 第五章 機構動作設計 ...................................37 5.1 概念設計 ........................................ 37 5.2 具體設計 ........................................ 41 5.3 小結............................................. 49 第六章 零件設計 .......................................50 6.1 穿針與填線 ....................................... 50 6.2 供線與截線 ........................................60 6.3 埋線.............................................. 64 6.4 小結.............................................. 66 第七章 人體工學暨仿生設計 .............................. 67 7.1 人體工學設計 ...................................... 67 7.1.1 供線旋鈕設計 .................................... 68 7.1.2 供線輔助拉柄設計 ................................. 70 7.1.3 截線作動目視提醒設計 ........................ 71 7.1.4 埋線推鈕設計 ............................ 72 7.1.5 握把設計 ................................. 74 7.1.6 提把設計 ................................. 75 7.2 仿生設計 ...................................... 76 7.2.1 仿生主體之選定 ............................. 76 7.2.2 仿生元素之轉換 .............................. 77 7.2.3 仿生外形之強化 ............................. 78 7.3 小結......................................... 81 第八章 原型機實作 .............................. 84 8.1 機構實作 .................................... 84 8.2 外型實作 .................................... 86 8.3 原型機打樣 ....................................... 87 8.4 組裝方法說明 ................................. 89 8.5 小結........................................ 93 第九章 實驗測試 ................................ 94 9.1 截線成功率 .................................. 94 9.2 平均供線長度 ................................ 96 9.3 穿針成功率與落點範圍 ......................... 97 9.4 填線與埋線成功率 .............................. 104 9.5 小結....................................... 107 第十章 結論與未來展望 ........................... 109 10.1 結論....................................... 109 10.2 未來展望 ................................. 112 參考文獻 ..................................... 113

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