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研究生: 沈劍瑀
Jian-Yu Shen
論文名稱: 霧霾微粒之光散射特性研究
Study on Light Scattering Characteristics of Smog Particles
指導教授: 李宗憲
Tsung-Xian Lee
口試委員: 李宗憲
Tsung-Xian Lee
Chih-Hsuan Tsuei
Tsrong-Yi Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 195
中文關鍵詞: 水霧霧霾固態懸浮粒子米氏散射理論消光係數
外文關鍵詞: Mist, Smog, Solid suspended particles, Mie scattering, Extinction coefficient
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:4
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研究結果表明,對於現實既有的戶外照明而言,在真實水霧環境的條件下,粒徑位於5 μm時會有強烈的消光特性,而此消光特性主要由散射所影響;而當環境存在固態懸浮粒子時,對光線的光學特性影響較不顯著,主要因為對於空汙品質監測而言,能對身體健康構成威脅的濃度還不足以影響光線傳輸。

Under the development of the most new technologies, the importance of environmental protection is often overlooked. Nowadays, natural disasters continue to occur, like the smog has become the most common air pollution in Asia. The smog, sometimes, is produced by mixing the unfiltered exhaust gas from factories, automobiles, power plants, etc., with mist in the air. If these exhaust gas contains toxic components, it will affect human health. However, the threat of smog is not only limited to human health, but also has a major impact on visual sensation.
According to the Mie scattering theory, we know that the extinction characteristics of particles can affect the performance of light scattering and absorption. Therefore, when the smog particles is dispersed in the atmospheric, the light distribution pattern, spectrum and luminous flux of outdoor lighting may be changed. In this paper, we uses data collection, experimental measurement and Monte Carlo ray tracing based on Mie theory to establish a optical model of mist and solid suspended particles. Further, we explore the light through different concentration and particle size of the smog environment, resulting in changes in the light distribution pattern, spectrum and luminous flux. We also simulate the mixture of mist particles and solid suspended particles, and explore the compliance of the headlights and streetlights optical system, whether the changes caused in the smog environment can still comply with the regulations.
Research indicates that the existing outdoor lighting, under the condition of mist environment, when the particle size is around 5 μm, there is strong extinction property, and it is mainly affected by light scattering, not absorption; when the environment has only solid suspended particles, the effect on the optical properties of light is less significant, mainly because the concentration that poses a threat to human health is not sufficient to affect light transmission for air quality monitoring.

摘要 i ABSTRACT iii 誌謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 xi 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機及目的 6 1.3論文大綱及架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 2.1粒子散射頻譜光學 9 2.2智慧型路燈及車燈文獻探討 18 2.3光汙染相關研究探討 20 第三章 水霧實驗及模擬分析 26 3.1水霧模型建立 26 3.2水霧實驗分析 29 3.3水霧散射光學模擬分析 57 3.3.1 1公里水霧環境光能量傳輸分析 58 3.3.2 10公尺水霧環境光線傳輸分析 69 第四章 固態懸浮粒子模型分析 75 4.1固態懸浮粒子實驗分析 75 4.2固態懸浮粒子模型建立 83 4.3固態懸浮粒子散射光學模擬分析 95 4.3.1 1公里固態懸浮粒子環境光能量傳輸分析 95 4.3.2 10公尺固態懸浮粒子環境光能量傳輸分析 98 第五章 戶外照明燈具應用於霧霾模型分析 103 5.1霧霾環境中車燈照明模擬分析 103 5.2霧霾環境中路燈照明模擬分析 115 第六章 結論與未來展望 127 6.1結果與討論 127 6.2未來展望 128 第七章 參考文獻 130 附錄 133

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