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研究生: 王進亮
Chin-Liang Wang
論文名稱: 數位相機使用者介面功能選項與選單型式之設計
The Design of Functional Menu and Style for the User Interface of Digital Camera
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 張文智
Wen-Chin Chang
Philip Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 數位相機使用者介面設計功能選項類型選單排列方式使用性
外文關鍵詞: Digit camera, User interface design, Functional menu category, Menu layout style, Usability
相關次數: 點閱:320下載:23
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(1) 現有三款數位相機在操作時間與按鍵次數方面有顯著性差異存在,即Samsung D420在測光模式選擇及拍攝效果模式優於Liteon LT400Z和Casio EXZ40。而在曝光補償選擇與拍照模式選擇任務中,Casio EXZ40較優於Samsung D420和Liteon LT400Z。
(2) 受測者在六組介面測試原型之整體操作任務績效之比較上,「文字功能選項」與「圖案功能選項」兩組介面測試原型並無顯著差異性存在。但當使用者初次操作數位相機之使用者介面時,其「文字功能選項」比較容易讓使用者了解所要操作的指令選項,而「圖案功能選項」則較會讓使用者產生猶豫。而在「上下垂直排列」、「左右水平排列」及「3D循環排列」三組介面測試原型之整體操作任務績效上有顯著差異性存在。其中受測者在「上下垂直排列」的操作績效較佳,而在「3D循環排列」之績效略優於「左右水平排列」。
(3) 受測者在六組介面測試原型之愉悅性量表上之比較結果並無顯著差異性存在,受測者在「排列方式」中,「上下垂直排列」平均數36.4分、「左右水平排列」平均數33.1分、「3D循環排列」平均數37.0分,皆超過總分56分之1/2以上,顯示此類型介面設計均能讓受測者產生愉悅性之感受。
(4) 受測者在六組介面測試原型之系統使用性尺度量表比較上皆顯著差異性存在,其中「上下垂直排列」對「左右水平排列」及「3D循環排列」皆有顯著差異性存在,而以「上下垂直排列」的平均數最高。「左右水平排列」與「3D循環排列」間並無差異。因所有組別之分數皆超過總分100分的1/2以上,故此三種介面排列方式之設計均具有不錯之使用性。
(5) 受測者在六組介面測試原型之使用者介面滿意度問卷比較上並無顯著差異性存在,因介面滿意度問卷之總分為147分,就平均數而言,所有組別之滿意度得分皆超過97分以上,表示介面測試原型大都能讓使用者感到滿意。

The user interfaces of digital cameras currently available in the market were designed differently due to different technical specifications. To the beginners, the user interface design styles will affect how they interact with the digital camera as well as their purchase intentions. Therefore, the user interface design of digital cameras is worth of explorations. This research study is intended to investigate the interface usability of digital cameras based on the perspectives of human-machine interaction. In addition to the collection of representative samples from the market (i.e., Liteon LT400Z, Samsung D420, and Casio EXZ40), this study also summarizes research findings from relevant literatures. It is hoped that the experiment conducted in this study can have both theoretical and practical relevance. Three experimental stages were planned in this study. In the first stage, both questionnaire survey and in-depth interview were conducted to help collect users’ interface requirements of digital cameras. In the second stage, participants were required to interact with representative digital cameras. The data regarding participants’ task performance, information representation styles, and pros and cons were collected for further analyses. In the third stage, an experiment using the 2 x 3 factorial design was conducted. That is, the prototypes of two “functional menu category” and three “menu layout style” were created as the experimental samples. Participants were required to perform the tasks by means of these digital cameras. Besides their task performance, their degree of satisfactions regarding these interface prototypes were also investigated. The results generated from this study revealed that:
(1) There exist significant differences in the participants’ task performance and number of button clicks among three currently available digital cameras. That is, Samsung D420 performs better in the selection of light exposure and after effect than both Liteon LT400Z and Casio EXZ40. Nonetheless, Casio EXZ40 performs better in the tasks of light compensation and mode selection than Samsung D420 and Liteon LT400Z.
(2) There exist no significant differences between the “functional menu category” and “menu layout style” pertaining to the overall task performance among six prototypes. However, the text type of functional menu was easier to understand by the novice users than the icon type of functional menu. In addition, there exists a significant difference among there menu layout styles. That is, participants perform better by using the “vertical arrangement” followed by the “3D arrangement” and “horizontal arrangement.”
(3) There exist no significant differences in the measurement of pleasure among six prototypes. Participants scored 36.4 points in average in vertical arrangement, 33.1 points in horizontal arrangement, and 37.0 points in 3D arrangement. All the scores were higher than 28, half of the total score. Therefore, all the three types of menu layout styles can make participants feel pleasurable while they are interacting with the prototypes.
(4) There exist significant differences in the participants’ responses to the questionnaire of System Usability Scale (SUS) among six prototypes. Among them, the “vertical arrangement” is significantly different from “horizontal” and “vertical” arrangements. Furthermore, all the scores were higher than 50, half of the total score. We may think that all the prototypes possess very good system usability.
(5) There exist no significant differences in the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) among six prototypes. Nonetheless, all the scores were higher than 73.5, half of the total score. We may think that all the prototypes can satisfy participants’ interaction requirements.

目錄 中文摘要...............................................................ii 英文摘要...............................................................iv 誌謝...................................................................vi 目錄..................................................................vii 圖目錄.................................................................xi 表目錄...............................................................xiii 第一章 緒論.........................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機......................................................1 1.2 研究目的............................................................1 1.3 研究架構與流程......................................................2 1.4 研究範圍與限制......................................................5 第二章 文獻探討....................................................6 2.1 相關研究之文獻比較..................................................6 2.2 數位相機產品的相關研究.............................................10 2.2.1 數位相機的市場...............................................10 2.2.2 數位相機的構成要素...........................................11 2.2.3 數位相機的專用術語...........................................13 曝光控制...............................................13 ISO....................................................14 測光模式 (Metering) ...................................15 2.3 心智模式 (Mental Model) ............................................15 2.4 學習...............................................................17 2.5 人機系統...........................................................18 2.6 設計與使用性原則...................................................20 2.7 圖形使用者介面.....................................................22 2.7.1 GUI定義與WIMP................................................23 2.7.2 直接操作.....................................................23 2.8 八個黃金定律.......................................................24 2.9 選單...............................................................26 2.9.1 功能選單.....................................................26 2.9.2 選單深度與寬度...............................................27 2.9.3 選單項目的排列方式...........................................28 2.9.4 視覺連續性...................................................29 2.10 文獻探討結論......................................................29 第三章 研究方法與進行步驟.....................................31 3.1 研究方法...........................................................32 3.2 第一階段實驗.......................................................33 3.2.1 操作介面重要功能調查.........................................33 3.2.2 現有數位相機互動介面之使用性研究.............................38 研究方法說明...........................................38 研究結果與分析.........................................41 3.2.3 研究結果歸納.................................................46 3.3 第二階段實驗.......................................................47 3.3.1 互動介面使用調查.............................................47 3.3.2 問卷結果歸納.................................................55 3.4 第三階段實驗.......................................................56 3.4.1 實驗介面設計目的.............................................56 3.4.2 實驗介面評估目的.............................................56 3.4.3 實驗介面系統建構使用工具.....................................56 3.4.4 實驗樣本設計.................................................56 3.4.5 實驗任務設定.................................................70 3.4.6 實驗介面評估內容.............................................71 第四章 實驗討論與分析...........................................73 4.1 受測者基本資料分析.................................................73 4.2 執行任務時間績效分析...............................................75 4.3 愉悅性量表分析.....................................................87 4.4 SUS系統使用性尺度量表分析..........................................89 4.5 QUIS使用者介面滿意度問卷分析.......................................92 4.6 實驗結果歸納......................................................101 第五章 結論與建議...............................................103 5.1 研究結論..........................................................103 5.2 後續研究發展建議..................................................105 參考文獻............................................................107 英文部分..............................................................107 中文部分..............................................................109 附錄.................................................................112 附錄一:問卷一數位相機操作介面重要功能調查問卷.........................112 附錄二:問卷二數位相機操作介面重要功能調查問卷.........................113 附錄三:問卷三數位相機操作介面使用評量表...............................115

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