Author: |
徐相妘 Hsiang-Yun Hsu |
Thesis Title: |
台灣上市公司股權結構對現金股利政策之影響-納入企業生命週期觀點 The Impact of Ownership Structure on Cash Dividend Policy in Taiwan Listed Company-Considering the Perspective of Business Life Cycle |
Advisor: |
Chun-Nan Chen |
Committee: |
Joseph C.P. Shieh 陳嬿如 Yenn-Ru Chen 林軒竹 Hsuan-Chu Lin 陳俊男 Chun-Nan Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 56 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 股權結構 、股利政策 、企業生命週期 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Ownership structure, Dividend policy, Business life cycle |
Reference times: | Clicks: 550 Downloads: 0 |
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This study adopts Taiwan non-financial listed companies as the research samples and examines the relationship between companies' ownership structure and cash dividend payout ratio. Moreover, this research also takes the business life cycle into consideration in order to examine the impact of the ownership structures on the dividend policy in different life cycle stages. This study adopts the proportion of insider ownership, ownership concentration, and the proportion of institutional ownership to measure the companies' ownership structure, using the cash flow method from Dickinsom (2011) to divide the stages of the business life cycle.
The empirical results show that the higher the proportion of insider ownership, the higher the cash dividend payout ratio. When the companies' ownership structures are more concentrated, the companies prefer to pay the lower dividend. Because the agency cost was lower when the ownership structure was more concentrated. The higher the proportion of institutional ownership, the higher the cash dividend payout ratio. After considering the business life cycle, the result shows that compared to the growth stage, when the company was in the decline stage, the ownership structure would have a stronger impact on the dividend policy.
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