簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 范家瑋
Chia-Wei Fan
論文名稱: 水泥砂漿披覆對鋼筋腐蝕量測之影響
Influence of Covering on Reinforcement Corrosion Measurements in Mortar
指導教授: 陳君弢
Chun-Tao Chen
口試委員: 鄭安
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 165
中文關鍵詞: 表面披覆鋼筋腐蝕量測直流極化極化阻抗脈衝電流重量損失
外文關鍵詞: cover material, reinforcement corrosion measurement, linear polarization, galvanostatic technique, AC impedance, weight loss
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:0
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In Taiwan, many buildings generally have tiles on top of the exterior walls due to the humid weather. The cover materials on the wall thus induce the difficulties in the onsite corrosion measurement, and the removal of the cover must be conducted prior to the measurement, which requires large efforts and expenses. In order to reduce such expenses and the damages to the buildings, this study explores the influences of the cover spacing and the cover properties on the reinforcement corrosion measurements. It is hoped that the measurements can be conducted without the cover removal in advance. During the study, the mortar specimens embedded with a steel reinforcement were prepared at w/c of 0.6, cured in water for 28 days, accelerated charged in 3.5% salt solution, and measured daily by galvanotstatic technique, linear polarization, and AC impedance. The corrosion current density was measured, and the corrosion rate and amount of corrosion was then calculated and compared with the actual weight loss. Results showed that the calculated weight loss by each method was less than the actual weight loss. As the spacing and the water permeability of the cover was reduced, the measured weight loss was reduced, suggesting less accuracies.

總目錄 摘要 Abstract 致謝 總目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究方法及流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 腐蝕機理 2.1.1 腐蝕的定義 2.1.2 腐蝕的種類與型態 2.1.3 電化學腐蝕 2.1.4 鋼筋在混凝土中的腐蝕行為 2.1.5 電流加速鋼筋腐蝕之原理 2.2 鋼筋腐蝕之量測技術 2.2.1 開路電位法 2.2.2 直流極化法 2.2.3 交流阻抗法 2.2.4 脈衝電流法 2.2.5 現地腐蝕量測研究及應用 2.3 飛灰 2.3.1 物理性質與化學成分 2.3.2 卜作嵐反應 2.3.3 添加對鋼筋混凝土之腐蝕影響 2.4 磁磚 2.4.1 種類 2.4.2 物化性質 2.4.3 披覆對鋼筋腐蝕量測之影響 第三章 試驗規劃 3.1 試驗變數 3.2 試驗材料 3.3 試驗配比 3.4 試驗設備 3.5 試體製作 3.6 試驗方法 3.6.1 加速腐蝕試驗 3.6.2 腐蝕量測試驗 3.6.3 快速氯離子滲透法 第四章 試驗結果與分析 4.1 不同除鏽法之比較 4.2 脈衝電流與施加時間之影響 4.3 不同水灰比之影響 4.4 不同披覆灰縫比例之影響 4.4.1 無披覆試體 4.4.2 披覆間距50 mm 4.4.3 披覆間距40 mm 4.4.4 披覆間距30 mm 4.5 不同披覆性質之影響 4.5.1 透水披覆(間距30 mm) 4.5.2 磁磚披覆(間距30 mm) 4.6 飛灰體積取代之影響 4.7 快速氯離子滲透試驗 第五章 結果與建議 5.1 結論 5.2建議 參考文獻

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