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研究生: Andrew Christian Herwanto Santoso
Andrew - Christian Herwanto Santoso
論文名稱: Displacement-Based Design for Precast Segmental Concrete Columns & Splitting Bond Behavior of No. 14 Bars Grouted in Steel Corrugated Ducts
Displacement-Based Design for Precast Segmental Concrete Columns & Splitting Bond Behavior of No. 14 Bars Grouted in Steel Corrugated Ducts
指導教授: 歐昱辰
Yu-Chen Ou
口試委員: 黃世建
Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Hung-Jen Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 220
中文關鍵詞: corrugated ductsplitting failureunbonded lengthbeam-end test specimenshysteretic behaviordisplacement based designprecast segmental column
外文關鍵詞: splitting failure, corrugated duct, hysteretic behavior, unbonded length, beam-end test specimens, displacement based design, precast segmental column
相關次數: 點閱:253下載:7
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  • Abstract (Displacement-Based Design for Precast Segmental Concrete Columns)

    Precast concrete bridge construction has been proved to be an efficient solution in accelerating bridge construction and minimizing traffic disruption. However, due to concerns with the seismic performance of such type of construction, its application in seismic regions is limited. This research presents results of the development method to predict the real behavior of precast segmental post-tensioned concrete bridge columns for use in seismic regions. The developed bridge columns adopted unbonded post-tensioning systems to decrease prestress loss due to strong seismic events. In addition, to increase hysteretic energy dissipation, mild steel energy dissipation bars (ED bars) which are continuous across the segment joints are added to the columns. Moreover, The ED bars are additionally unbonded at the critical joint to avoid premature fracture.
    The improved method adopted from Displacement Based Design (DBD) has been developed to achieve the good understanding about the behavior of the precast segmental concrete column. The modification in the damping theory corresponding to the equivalent viscous damping of the hysteretic behavior of the precast has been reexamined. A simplified analytical model for static pushover analysis proposed by Ou et al. (2010) has been adopted to predict the capacity and the yield displacement of the column. In addition, a stiffness degrading hysteretic model for response-history analysis which has been proposed by Ou et al (2007) is conducted to examine the seismic performance of the proposed columns with different design parameters.
    Design recommendations for the proposed segmental bridge column are presented, and are illustrated by a design example.

    Abstract (Splitting Bond Behavior of No. 14 Bars Grouted in Steel Corrugated Ducts)

    Recently, many applications in the construction engineering have been growing rapidly. The latest development research was conducted is about joint connection performance. Because amount of uncertainty in this application, it is quite interesting to conduct the experiment related to joint connection behavior. The use of a few large-diameter reinforcing bars for the construction of precast concrete bridge bents allows simplified construction by reducing the number of alignments to be made in the field. These bars are grouted into ducts in some connection application in the precast concrete bridge construction. In the proposed precast concrete substructure system, the grouted bars carry tensile forces across the joint connection. This joint is the yielding element in the structural system, and it is crucial to the performance of the structure that the bars yield before other failure mechanisms, including bond failure, occur. Use large bar-diameter bar in the connection can provide benefits with reducing the depth of the embedded length of the connection which commonly require and restricted by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) bridge code in bridge application system. Designers and contractors prefer this type of precast connection over other types because the volume of grout that is required to complete the connection is minimized.
    For this project, 17 splitting tests were conducted to determine the bond characteristics and development length of large-diameter bars grouted into ducts. The main test parameters that influence connection performance are identified. The bars tested in size #14. Splitting tests conducted with embedment lengths of at least seven, nine and eleven bar diameters. The splitting failure was expected to be the failure mode, when consider applying thin cover depth in the connection. The tests and subsequent analysis showed that the bond of these grouted connections is significantly better than the bond of bars cast directly into concrete. Furthermore, amount of number transverse reinforcement bar in the embedded length also contribute to increase the bond capacity. The development lengths needed to fully anchor the bar are therefore within the available depth requirement.

    Results from seventeen large scale beam-end tests are reported, and the effects of the studied parameters on connection behavior are evaluated. A simple phenomenological bond-slip model is presented that can be used to estimate the observed behavior. The development of the anchorage design provisions considers the stress in the connectors at service load levels. Observed splitting modes of failure are precluded by incorporating adequate levels of safety in the development of the design recommendations.

    Abstract (Displacement-Based Design for Precast Segmental Concrete Columns)

    Precast concrete bridge construction has been proved to be an efficient solution in accelerating bridge construction and minimizing traffic disruption. However, due to concerns with the seismic performance of such type of construction, its application in seismic regions is limited. This research presents results of the development method to predict the real behavior of precast segmental post-tensioned concrete bridge columns for use in seismic regions. The developed bridge columns adopted unbonded post-tensioning systems to decrease prestress loss due to strong seismic events. In addition, to increase hysteretic energy dissipation, mild steel energy dissipation bars (ED bars) which are continuous across the segment joints are added to the columns. Moreover, The ED bars are additionally unbonded at the critical joint to avoid premature fracture.
    The improved method adopted from Displacement Based Design (DBD) has been developed to achieve the good understanding about the behavior of the precast segmental concrete column. The modification in the damping theory corresponding to the equivalent viscous damping of the hysteretic behavior of the precast has been reexamined. A simplified analytical model for static pushover analysis proposed by Ou et al. (2010) has been adopted to predict the capacity and the yield displacement of the column. In addition, a stiffness degrading hysteretic model for response-history analysis which has been proposed by Ou et al (2007) is conducted to examine the seismic performance of the proposed columns with different design parameters.
    Design recommendations for the proposed segmental bridge column are presented, and are illustrated by a design example.

    Abstract (Splitting Bond Behavior of No. 14 Bars Grouted in Steel Corrugated Ducts)

    Recently, many applications in the construction engineering have been growing rapidly. The latest development research was conducted is about joint connection performance. Because amount of uncertainty in this application, it is quite interesting to conduct the experiment related to joint connection behavior. The use of a few large-diameter reinforcing bars for the construction of precast concrete bridge bents allows simplified construction by reducing the number of alignments to be made in the field. These bars are grouted into ducts in some connection application in the precast concrete bridge construction. In the proposed precast concrete substructure system, the grouted bars carry tensile forces across the joint connection. This joint is the yielding element in the structural system, and it is crucial to the performance of the structure that the bars yield before other failure mechanisms, including bond failure, occur. Use large bar-diameter bar in the connection can provide benefits with reducing the depth of the embedded length of the connection which commonly require and restricted by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) bridge code in bridge application system. Designers and contractors prefer this type of precast connection over other types because the volume of grout that is required to complete the connection is minimized.
    For this project, 17 splitting tests were conducted to determine the bond characteristics and development length of large-diameter bars grouted into ducts. The main test parameters that influence connection performance are identified. The bars tested in size #14. Splitting tests conducted with embedment lengths of at least seven, nine and eleven bar diameters. The splitting failure was expected to be the failure mode, when consider applying thin cover depth in the connection. The tests and subsequent analysis showed that the bond of these grouted connections is significantly better than the bond of bars cast directly into concrete. Furthermore, amount of number transverse reinforcement bar in the embedded length also contribute to increase the bond capacity. The development lengths needed to fully anchor the bar are therefore within the available depth requirement.

    Results from seventeen large scale beam-end tests are reported, and the effects of the studied parameters on connection behavior are evaluated. A simple phenomenological bond-slip model is presented that can be used to estimate the observed behavior. The development of the anchorage design provisions considers the stress in the connectors at service load levels. Observed splitting modes of failure are precluded by incorporating adequate levels of safety in the development of the design recommendations.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS (Displacement-Based Design for Precast Segmental Concrete Columns) ABSTRACT i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii LIST OF TABLES iv TABLE OF FIGURES v 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation of research 10 1.3 Objectives 15 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 Seismic Design Concepts for Segmental Columns 16 2.1.1 Continuity in Potential Plastic Hinge Regions 16 2.1.2 Concrete Confinement for Potential Plastic Hinge Regions 17 2.1.3 Hysteretic Behavior 18 2.1.4 Bonded or Unbonded Post-tensioning 22 2.1.5 Shape of Column Section 24 2.1.6 Other Concepts 25 2.2 Displacement Based Design 26 2.2.1 Concepts of equivalent viscous damping 27 2.2.2 Previous Research 30 2.2.3 Recently Equivalent Viscous Damping Equations 33 2.2.4 Flexural Design Consideration 38 3. ANALYTICAL STUDY 40 3.1 Simplified Analytical Model 40 3.1.1 Background 40 3.1.2 Assumptions 41 3.1.3 Force-Displacement Response 43 3.1.4 Moment-curvature-axial Force Analysis 44 3.1.5 Verification of Simplified Analytical Model 48 3.1.6 Equation of Motion for Single-Degree-of Freedom Systems 51 3.1.7 Response-history Analyses 53 3.1.8 Ground Motion Selection 58 3.2 Displacement Based Design 60 3.2.1 Self-centering capability 63 3.2.2 Yield curvature 64 3.2.3 Area-based viscous damping 65 3.2.4 Actual viscous damping 68 3.2.5 Ultimate flexural strength 72 3.2.6 Unbonded length for ED bars 72 4. DESIGN EXAMPLE 75 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 87 5.1 Conclusion 87 5.2 Future works 88 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Splitting Bond Behavior of No. 14 Bars Grouted in Steel Corrugated Ducts) ABSTRACT i TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vi TABLE OF FIGURES viii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Motivation of research 1 1.3 Objectives 2 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Grouted Duct Connections 4 2.2 Propose Precast Substructure System 9 2.3 Anchorage of Reinforcing Bars 12 2.3.1 The Importance of Bond to the Proposed System 12 2.3.2 Theory of Bond Mechanism 13 2.3.3 Bond Stress 20 2.3.4 Straight Reinforcing Bars 24 2.3.5 Behavior and Design of straight Bar Anchorages in Grout 24 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 29 3.1 Test Parameters 29 3.1.1 Duct Material 31 3.1.2 Embedment Depth 32 3.1.3 Group Effects- Duct Clear Spacing 33 3.1.4 Transverse Reinforcement 34 3.1.5 Other Parameters 34 4. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND MEASURED RESPONSE 39 4.1 Specimen Design 39 4.1.1 Embedded Length Required 39 4.1.2 Tensile Force Design 42 4.1.3 Design of Beam Specimens 43 4.1.4 Shear Design 45 4.1.5 Flexure Design 48 4.2 Test Setup 55 4.3 Instrumentation 58 4.4 Test Method 60 4.5 Measured Response 62 4.5.1 Peak Results 62 4.5.2 Observed Crack Patterns 64 4.5.3 Observed Strain Distribution Diagrams Along Connector 65 4.5.4 Observed Failure Modes 67 4.5.5 Summary 68 5. EVALUATION OF RESULT 69 5.1 Introduction 69 5.2 Effect of Test Parameters on Behavior 71 5.2.1 Embedment depth 71 5.2.2 Duct clear spacing 72 5.2.3 Transverse Reinforcement 73 5.2.4 Grout strength 75 5.2.5 No Duct vs. Duct connection 76 6. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 78 6.1 Introduction 78 6.2 Propose Design Equation 78 6.3 Verification Propose Design Equation 98 7. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 100 7.1 Conclusion 100 7.2 Future works 101

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