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研究生: 黃宇志
Yu-Chih Huang
論文名稱: 微波通訊髮夾共振器窄頻帶通濾波器之設計
Design of The Hairpin Resonator Narrow Bandpass Filter for Microwave Communications
指導教授: 黃進芳
Jhin-Fang Huang
口試委員: 徐敬文
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 微波通訊濾波器髮夾共振器
外文關鍵詞: Hairpin Resonator, Narrow Bandpass
相關次數: 點閱:461下載:0
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本文中,將討論耦合共振器的耦合係數及準橢圓函數方法合成濾波器之響應,與諧振器外部品質因素Qe,另外也針對信號饋入位置來設計高品質因素之單一諧振器,依據斜率法公式求得單一諧振器之Qe為120.5,再者藉由單一諧振器耦合合成出極高選擇性之窄頻帶通濾波器其頻寬為30MHz ,Qe為120.5,在1.645GHz及2.272GHz 有傳輸零點,中心頻率為1.9GHz,適合PHS行動通訊系統之應用。
本研究使用全波分析電磁模擬軟體(IE3D)模擬,並且將該濾波器電路予以實作,板材εr為6.15,面積為20mm 25mm,量測、模擬及實驗數據之結果驗證本設計方法之正確,並甚具應用價值。


In thesis, we use the Quasi-Elliptic filter synthesis method which produces a pair of zeros at finite frequencies to design highly selective bandpass filters. In addition, we drive the design equation for the miniaturized hairpin resonators. We use electric coupling resonators, magnetic coupling resonators, and mixed coupling resonators which appropriate arrangement. Then we take advantage of the cross coupling property of appropriately arranged resonators to produce a pair of finite frequency zeros.
In this thesis, we discussed the coupling coefficients for resonator, the quasi-elliptic function method synthesis filter response, and resonators quality factors Qe. Then, signal-feeding structures are discussed as well. Then we use single resonator coupling another to synthesis a high selectivity narrow bandpass filter which bandwidth is 30MHz, Qe is 120.5, and have a pair of zeros at 1.645GHz and 2.272GHz
for PHS mobile communication system application.
Finally, we use the full-wave EM simulator (IE3D) in simulation. We implement the miniaturized narrow bandpass filter with substrate εr=6.15, square measure is 20mm 25mm. By implementing and simulating the full-wave EM simulator, we show that the theoretical and experimental performances are consistent; this thesis has extreme application value.

Chapter 1 Introduction…1 1.1 The Motivation of Research and Purpose...1 1.2 Chapter Outline…..2 Chapter 2 The Synthesis of the Filters…..3 2.1 The Filters Transfer Functions...3 2.2 The Chebyshev Function Response...5 2.3 The Elliptic Function response…..…6 2.4 The Quasi-Elliptic Function response…7 2.5 The Transforms of Band-Pass Filter…8 2.6 Filter Synthesis10 Chapter 3 The Structure of Miniaturized Hairpin Resonators…...21 3.1 Introduction……21 3.2 Some Structural Variation of The Hairpin Resonators.…..21 3.3 Design of a Single Resonator…23 3.4 The Structure of Parallel Coupled Line..…25 3.5 The analysis of Open-loop Lossless Parallel Coupled Line………28 Chapter 4 The Basis Coupling Structure of Miniaturized hairpin resonators...31 4.1 Introduction……31 4.2 Coupling Structures…..37 4.3 Simulation of Coupling Coefficients…...40 4.3.1 Electric coupling……….40 4.3.2 Magnetic coupling…….44 4.3.3 Mixed coupling…….49 Chapter 5 The Design, Fabrication, and Measurement Of The Narrow Band-pass Filters .…….54 5.1 The design of the external quality factor…54 5.2 The design step of the miniaturized narrow bandpass filter…62 5.3 The four resonators 1.9GHz miniaturized narrow bandpass filter………63 Chapter 6 Conclusions...74 Reference…...76

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