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研究生: 黃怡嘉
Yi-chia Huang
論文名稱: 甲基丙烯酸十二酯與甲基丙烯酸十八酯混合型共同安定劑對迷你乳液的影響
The Effect of Mixed Costabilizers(LMA and SMA) on Miniemulsion stability
指導教授: 陳崇賢
Chorng-shyan Chern
口試委員: 林析右
Shi-yow Lin
Jung-mu Shu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 迷你乳液奧士瓦老化速率混合型共同安定劑
外文關鍵詞: Miniemulsion, Ostwald Ripening Rate, Mixed Costabilizers
相關次數: 點閱:252下載:8
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  • 本研究主要是探討LMA和SMA混合型共同安定劑之迷你乳液系統,於25℃下奧士瓦老化效應的影響。是利用MMA或STY作為單體,藉由改變共同安定劑總體機百分比(φc)探討其奧士瓦老化效應,並且比較在同φc下,改變共同安定劑LMA / SMA莫爾百分比,其K1、K2值。
    因 1 / RO = φm / RO,m + φLMA / RO,LMA + φSMA / RO,SMA 無法有效描述三成分分散項的迷你乳液之奧士瓦老化效應,所以我們將此迷你乳液系統假設成“pseudo-two-component disperse phase miniemulsion”系統。實驗數據探討K1 / RO,m 與共同安定劑莫爾比(LMA/SMA)變化的關係,以及K1 / η與Ccmix圖的趨勢。最後比較K1、K2隨著共同安定劑LMA / SMA莫爾比改變造成的變化。

    The effect of mixed costabilizers (LMA and SMA) on MMA and STY miniemulsion systems to retard the Ostwald ripening at 25OC was investigated. This study used either MMA or STY as the monomer and changed the volume fraction (φc) of the costabilizers to study the Ostwald ripening effect. The K1 and K2 values were compared when the LMA/SMA mole fraction was changed (The total volume fraction of mixed costabilizers is constant).
    The modified Kabal’nov equation (1 / RO = φm / RO,m + φLMA / RO,LMA + φSMA / RO,SMA ) failed to describe the Ostwald ripening behavior of this three-component disperse phase miniemulsion. Thus, the miniemulsion disperse phase comprising monomer and the mixed costabilizers was simply treated as a “pseudo-two-component disperse phase miniemulsion system. The variation of K1 / RO,m - vs. - LMA/SMA and the trend of Ccmix with K1/η were discussed. Finally, the comparison of K1 and K2 value by the changing of costabilizer (LMA / SMA) molar ratio has been done in this research.

    中文摘要...........................................................i 英文摘要...........................................................ii 誌謝...............................................................iii 目錄...............................................................iv 圖目錄 ...........................................................vii 表目錄 ...........................................................x 第一章 緒論...........................................................1 1-1 乳液簡介………...............................................1 1-2 乳液的形成...................................................1 1-3 乳液的分類...................................................2 1-4 研究目的.....................................................4 第二章 文獻回顧 ....................................................6 2-1 迷你乳液的安定性.............................................6 2-2 迷你乳液的製備—均質.........................................8 2-3 界面活性劑簡介...............................................8 2-4 奧士瓦老化效應...............................................9 2-5 奧士瓦老化效應與滲透壓.......................................13 2-6 迷你乳液與迷你乳化聚合相關文獻...............................18 第三章 實驗設備與方法...............................................27 3-1 實驗藥品.....................................................27 3-2 實驗儀器與設備...............................................28 3-3 實驗流程與方法...............................................30 3-3-1 迷你乳液製備..........................................30 3-3-2 稀釋液製備............................................32 3-3-3 乳液粒徑量測..........................................33 3-4 實驗配方與編號...............................................35 第四章 結果與討論...................................................39 4-1 共同安定劑莫爾比與單體液滴之奧士瓦老化速率.................39 4-2 單體種類對奧士瓦老化速率的影響.............................43 4-3 Kabalnov Equation與奧士瓦老化速率..........................46 4-4 “Pseudo-two-component disperse phase miniemulsion” 系統假設 50 4-5 奧士瓦老化效應趨勢線模擬...................................58 4-6 單體奧士瓦老化效應的K1、K2趨勢.............................60 第五章 結論.........................................................65 參考文獻 .............................................................67 附錄..................................................................75

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