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Author: 盧春滿
Chun-Man Lu
Thesis Title: 趁勝追擊,從管理制度鞏固戰局 —以工程公司個案為例
Pursuit of Victories, Through Management Systems to Win over the Task Performance — An Engineering Company’s Case Study
Advisor: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Committee: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Shih-Hao Lu
Chun-Nan Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Graduation Academic Year: 108
Language: 中文
Pages: 67
Keywords (in Chinese): 組織變革模組化薪酬管理企業文化
Keywords (in other languages): Change Management, Modularity, Compensation Management, Corporation Culture
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  • 本論文的個案公司從事機電整合技術服務業,能與時俱進提供智慧生產、節能、創能、儲能應用的產品,提供完整的電能管理解決方案。個案公司的經營績效,著重在經營報表的呈現,自認為是維持穩定的平衡,面對百家爭鳴,沒有想過要大破大立,很多的問題會被忽略、被合理化,直到經營報表數據上的衰退,加上主力人才的流失,才驚覺不得不變革。



    The case study company of this thesis provides a complete energy solution including all the application products. The service includes mechatronic technology services, intelligent manufacturing, energy saving and energy production. Over the years, the case study company emphasis and rely heavily on operating statements figures and has been self-proclaimed a steady growth corporation based on the statement numbers, many issues have been overlooked, ignored, and even being normalized, until the day the numbers decline, on top, loss of talents, thus, the company realized a reform is inevitable.

    The vacated positions filled within the company internally, newly appointees typically are hungry and eager to perform, after two years of hard work on the new position, the appointee hands out a beautiful report card. Should the company be happy and satisfied with the result? And put a stop to the reform? Talent is the most important asset of a company, how to duplicate the success experience and applying it to all the new projects, even extended it to overseas branch offices? It has to start from reforming the management system.

    The thesis is written in a Harvard-style case study, it includes two parts: The case content and teaching note. Through teacher’s guidance in case study to learn the eight major steps of management change, establish standard for modularity, set standard according to individual’s ability correspond to compensation management. Work up a shared-value corporate culture by inspiring employees towards positive thinking. It is expected that this case study and provide new and deeper insights to business manager for reference.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 開場白 1 二、 個案公司背景 2 三、 第一次的驚覺 3 (一)、 危機四伏 3 (二)、 重新整隊 4 (三)、 亟待解決的挑戰 6 (四)、 是危機也是轉機 8 四、 第二次的掙扎 14 (一)、 面對反彈的必然 15 (二)、 推動成長的五件功課 16 五、 再次的跨部門會議 19 (一)、 不宜貿然進行 19 (二)、 進行技術職能評價 20 (三)、 KPI的加分題 25 (四)、 提高獎勵 26 六、 提案改善審查會議 27 七、 KPI的加分題定義 28 八、 交出成績單 31 貳、教師教學指引手冊 33 一、 個案總纜 33 二、 學生課前準備 34 三、 教學目標與適用課程 34 四、 教學重點及時間分配 36 五、 個案人物 38 六、 個案分析 39 七、 教學項目 40 課程目標一: 組織變革之探討 40 課程目標二: 模組化之探討 42 課程目標三: 薪酬管理之探討 45 課程目標四: 企業文化之探討 48 八、 個案回顧與總結 50 九、 板書規劃 51 參、參考文獻 57

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