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研究生: 李柏毅
Po-Yi Lee
論文名稱: 使用智慧型手機結合網路通訊技術輔助帕金森氏症病患行走復健
Integration of Smartphone and Networking Technology in Gait Rehabilitation for Parkinson's Disease
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 湯士滄
Shih-Tsang Tang
Wai-Keung Lee
Chung-Hsien Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 帕金森氏症步態智慧型手機網路通訊復健
外文關鍵詞: Networking and Rehabilitation.
相關次數: 點閱:299下載:19
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隨著高齡化社會的趨勢,老年人口逐年增加。帕金森氏症(Parkinson’s disease)為老年人常罹患的神經疾病之一,目前並無根治帕金森氏症的治療方法,除了利用藥物控制病情,也需要藉由復健來維持身體肌肉的強度與協調性。步行為日常活動的基本動作,帕金森氏症病患在要開始行走時以及轉彎過程中常因為僵直或是步態凍結導致無法如正常人行走,甚至有跌倒的風險。復健的進行除了到醫院之外,絕大部分的情況下,還是要由病患自行復健。但是病患往往因為缺乏即時回饋;無從得知復健的成效,因而降低持續練習的意願。

With the current trend toward an aging society, the elderly population has been increasing yearly. Parkinson’s disease is one of the neurological diseases that the elderly often suffer from, and there is currently no treatment to cure it. Apart from using drugs to control the disease, rehabilitation is also necessary to maintain muscle strength and coordination. Walking is a basic movement during daily activities, and patients who have Parkinson’s disease are unable to walk like healthy individuals in initiating walk and turning, owing to rigidity or gait freezing, and then maybe the risk of falling. Rehabilitation in a hospital is insufficient; most rehabilitation should be performed by the patient themselves. However, patients usually do not appreciate the effectiveness of self-rehabilitation efforts owing to the lack of immediate feedback, thus reducing their willingness to continue practicing.
This study aimed to develop an app for walking rehabilitation and a database server for recording the rehabilitation process of Parkinson’s patients in collaboration with clinical physiotherapists. A smartphone inertial device was used to determine the number of steps and duration of both walking in a straight line and turning. Instant feedback was provided to the patients, and the status of daily self-practice was then stored in the database server to provide a reference for the adjustment of rehabilitation prescriptions by the rehabilitation division. Thus, appropriate encouragement could be given to the patients, which could help them continue long-term self-rehabilitation.
A framework to assist patients in rehabilitation evaluation was designed using the smartphone app and networking technology. This differs from the previous processes of rehabilitation, as the patient becomes aware of the effects of self-rehabilitation at home. The system has been tested by 20 subjects. The results indicated that the system has good reliability and validity, and is a credible evaluation tools. The overall system framework has also been assessed by clinical physical therapists to test the applicability of the rehabilitation framework.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第1章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究目的 1.3 論文架構 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 關於帕金森氏症 2.1.1 帕金森症的成因 2.1.2 帕金森氏症的症狀 2.1.3 帕金森氏症的評估量表 2.1.4 帕金森氏症的治療 2.1.5 帕金森氏症的復健 2.2 輔助復健的相關研究 2.3 慣性測量元件 2.3.1 加速度感測器 2.3.2 陀螺儀 2.3.3 磁力計 2.3.4 慣性測量裝置臨床應用 第3章 研究方法 3.1 系統架構 3.1.1 智慧型手機的選擇 3.1.2 作業系統的選擇 3.1.3 智慧型手機硬體架構 3.1.4 Android 系統架構 3.1.5 Android Application Activity 生命週期 3.2 智慧型手機系統介紹 3.2.1 系統評估項目及輔助功能 3.2.2 智慧型手機系統架構 3.2.3 系統流程 3.3 特徵偵測之演算法介紹 3.3.1 系統初始化 3.3.2 判斷病患行走步數 3.3.3 步態凍結演算法 3.3.4 方位角運算 3.3.5 方位角訊號前處理 3.3.6 判斷轉彎特徵演算法 3.4 網路通訊技術介紹 3.4.1 網頁伺服器的建置 3.4.2 網頁伺服器系統架構 3.4.3 網頁伺服器系統流程 3.4.4 智慧型手機與網頁伺服器 3.5 系統信效度試驗 3.5.1 試驗過程 3.5.2 統計方法 3.5.3 系統適用性評估 第4章 研究結果 4.1 演算法成果 4.2 系統介面 4.2.1 智慧型手機人機介面 4.2.2 復健成果瀏覽網頁介面 4.3 系統評估結果 4.3.1 受測者 4.3.2 系統信效度實驗結果 4.4 系統適用性評估 第5章 討論 第6章 結論與未來展望 參考文獻

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