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研究生: 陳思維
Szu-Wei Chen
論文名稱: 共聚交聯聚丙烯腈摻和聚偏氟乙烯-六氟丙烯的固態高分子電解質與其在鋰離子電池之應用
Solid polymer electrolytes based on copolymerized/cross-linked polyacrylonitrile blended with PVdF-HFP and their application in lithium-ion batteries
指導教授: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
口試委員: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
Quoc-Thai Pham
Jung-Mu Shu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 聚丙烯腈交聯劑溶液聚合法固態高分子電解質固態鋰離子電池
外文關鍵詞: polyacrylonitrile, cross-linking agent, solution polymerization, solid polymer electrolyte, solid state lithium ion battery
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:0
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本研究以丙烯腈為主體,藉由溶液聚合法來與含丙烯酸酯之功能性單體進行共聚合反應,並透過改變交聯劑的比例,合成AC-1、AC-2與AC-3之高分子材料。在固態高分子電解質的部分則是由AC-1、AC-2、AC-3各自與PVdF-HFP混合,藉以增加其機械性質,並添加50% LiTFSI進行比較。
結果顯示添加交聯劑的AC-2、AC-3之分子量是AC-1的兩倍,在電化學測試中,其中AC-2/PVdF-HFP/LiTFSI = 8/2/10的表現最為突出,在室溫下之離子電導率為2.41×10-4 S/cm,LSV的氧化電位為5.09V,鋰離子遷移常數(tLi+)也有0.283,最後,在電池性能測試部分,在充放電速率0.5C下,經循環402圈後的電容量保留率仍有80.31%。

In this study, acrylonitrile(AN) was used as the main component to copolymerize with a functional acrylate monomer. Furthermore, the molecular weight of the AN-based copolymers were varied by changing the amount of cross-linking agent, and the resultant copolymers denoted as AC-1(no cross-linking agent), AC-2(1 wt.% cross-linking agent) and AC-3(1.5 wt.% cross-linking agent). The solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) is composed of a polymer blend of AC-1, AC-2 or AC-3 and PVdF-HFP with different weight ratios, and doped with 50% LiTFSI.
The experimental part was divided into two parts. The first part involves characterization of the primary physical properties of polymers with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA), Gel permeation chromatography (GPC), Intrinsic viscosity analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Mechanical property test instrument. The second part deals with the electrochemical performance tests of SPEs, including ionic conductivity, Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV), Lithium ion transference number(tLi+), SPE interface stability and charge and discharge cycling performance of solid state lithium-ion battery (SSLIB) test.
The results show that the molecular weight of AC-2 and AC-3 with cross-linking agent is twice that of AC-1. In the electrochemical test, AC-2/PVdF-HFP/LiTFSI = 8/2/10 has the best performance properties. The ionic conductivity at room temperature is 2.41×10-4 S/cm, the oxidation potential of LSV is 5.09V, and lithium ion transference number(tLi+) is 0.283. In the battery performance test, the charge-discharge rate is 0.5C, and the capacity retention is 80.31% after 402 cycles.

摘要 i Abstract iii 致謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 xiv 第1章- 緒論 1 1-1. 前言 1 1-2. 研究背景 3 1-2.1. 鋰離子電池工作原理 3 1-2.2. 正極材料 4 1-2.3. 電解質 5 1-2.4. 隔離膜 7 1-2.5. 負極材料 7 第2章- 研究動機 9 2-1. 固態電解質 9 2-1.1. 有機固態電解質(Organic Solid Electrolyte) 10 2-1.2. 無機固態電解質(Inorganic Solid Electrolyte) 14 2-1.3. 複合固態電解質(Composite Solid Electrolyte) 15 2-2. 聚氧化乙烯 16 2-3. 聚丙烯腈 20 2-4. 固態高分子電解質之交聯 24 2-5. 高分子合成機制 31 第3章- 實驗藥品、器材與方法 32 3-1. 實驗藥品 32 3-2. 實驗儀器與器材 34 3-3. 實驗方法 35 3-3.1. 高分子產物之合成 36 3-3.2. DSC 樣品製備 37 3-3.3. TGA 樣品製備 38 3-3.4. GPC 樣品製備 38 3-3.5. 本質黏度樣品製備 39 3-3.6. FT-IR 樣品製備 39 3-3.7. 機械性能測試樣品製備 39 3-3.8. 鋰離子電導率樣品製備 40 3-3.9. 線性掃描伏安法樣品製備 43 3-3.10. 鋰離子遷移常數以及界面穩定性樣品製備 44 3-3.11. 電極漿料製備 45 3-3.12. 鈕扣型電池組裝方法 46 3-3.13. 電化學測量之樣品組裝示意圖 47 第4章- 結果與討論 48 4-1. 差示掃描量熱分析 48 4-2. 熱重分析 53 4-3. 凝膠滲透層析分析 55 4-4. 本質黏度分析 57 4-5. 傅立葉轉換紅外光譜分析 60 4-6. 機械性能測試 62 4-7. 鋰離子電導率 64 4-8. 線性掃描伏安法 76 4-9. 鋰離子遷移常數 79 4-10. 鋰金屬固態電解質之界面穩定性 83 4-11. 充放電循環性能之電池測試 86 第5章- 結論 97 參考文獻 99 附錄 105

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