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研究生: 林傳烽
Charles Julius Salim
論文名稱: 耐震用含側封板H鋼梁之設計方法
Design Method of H-Shaped Steel Beam with Side Plates for Seismic Application
指導教授: 陳正誠
Cheng-Cheng Chen
口試委員: 陳沛清
Pei-Ching Chen
Po-Chien Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: workabilitybeam-to-column force mechanismside platecover platewelding schemeoverlapping lengthFE model
外文關鍵詞: workability, beam-to-column force mechanism, side plate, cover plate, welding scheme, overlapping length, FE model
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:0
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A new methodology of beam with side plate is introduced to solve the problem regarding the workability of shear tab installation and beam-to-column force transfer mechanism. The beam end area is let uncovered of side plate and as a compensation of lower strength at beam end, a pair of cover plates are utilized to maintain the sufficiency of strength. A total of 6 specimens with 4 of them are the beam referring to the new developed beam were tested under reversal cyclic loading. The result shows that the new developed beam possess a good performance with enough ductility. However, the welding scheme and the overlapping length of cover plate should be designed properly to avoid the undesired of premature failure. A finite element (FE) model was then established and validated using the test result. The model is able to simulate the behavior of beam reasonably well with enough conservatism. Based on the verified FE model, the parametric study was conducted to establish the design formula for estimating the required length of side plate. Finally, the overall design guideline for developed method of beam was proposed.

A new methodology of beam with side plate is introduced to solve the problem regarding the workability of shear tab installation and beam-to-column force transfer mechanism. The beam end area is let uncovered of side plate and as a compensation of lower strength at beam end, a pair of cover plates are utilized to maintain the sufficiency of strength. A total of 6 specimens with 4 of them are the beam referring to the new developed beam were tested under reversal cyclic loading. The result shows that the new developed beam possess a good performance with enough ductility. However, the welding scheme and the overlapping length of cover plate should be designed properly to avoid the undesired of premature failure. A finite element (FE) model was then established and validated using the test result. The model is able to simulate the behavior of beam reasonably well with enough conservatism. Based on the verified FE model, the parametric study was conducted to establish the design formula for estimating the required length of side plate. Finally, the overall design guideline for developed method of beam was proposed.

Acknowledgement i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables vii List of Figures xi Notations xix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research background 1 1.2. Motivation of research 4 1.3. Objectives and scope of research 4 1.4. Outline 5 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1. AISC 341-10 (2016) [3] 7 2.2. Lai, P. C. (2014) [10] 8 2.3. Yeoh, J.H. (2016) [6] 9 2.4. Biossonnade and Somja (2012) [11] 9 2.5. Nakashima et al. (2002) [12] 10 2.6. Okazaki et al. (2006) [13] 10 2.7. Chen et al. (2015) [7] 11 2.8. Tiara (2016) [8] 12 2.9. Chen et al. (2018) [9] 12 Chapter 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 15 3.1. Test specimen 15 3.2. Experimental setup and loading history 16 3.3. General behavior of the tested specimens 18 3.4. Effect of side plates 25 3.5. Effect of cover plates 26 3.6. Effect of dimension of cover plate 26 3.7. Effect of welding scheme and overlapping length of cover plate 27 Chapter 4 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL VALIDATION 29 4.1. Foreword 29 4.1.1. Finite element modeling 29 4.1.2. Boundary condition and constraints 30 4.1.3. Discretization of the beam model 30 4.1.4. Loading and step of analyses 31 4.1.5. Geometrical imperfection 32 4.1.6. Material properties 32 4.2. Finite element model validation 33 Chapter 5 PARAMETRIC STUDY 37 5.1. Introduction 37 5.2. Acceptance criteria 38 5.3. Finite element modeling 39 5.4. Configuration of side plate 39 5.5. Tested beam and details 40 5.6. Discussion of results 42 5.6.1. Effect of depth-to-thickness ratio of side plate 42 5.6.2. Effect of beam depth-to-width ratio 44 5.6.3. Effect of slenderness ratio 45 5.6.4. Effect of beam flange width-to-thickness ratio 45 5.6.5. Effect of beam web depth-to-thickness ratio 46 5.6.6. Effect of yield strength of side plate 47 5.7. Verification of design formula 49 Chapter 6 PROPOSED DESIGN GUIDELINE 51 6.1. Foreword 51 6.2. Proposed design guideline 51 Chapter 7 CONCLUSIONS 55 7. Conclusions 55 References 57 Appendix A The design example of developed method of beam 59

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