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研究生: 陳惠貞
Huei-Jhen Chen
論文名稱: 新型態鋰離子電池安全性添加劑熱化學與電化學性質分析探討
The Investigation of Thermo/Electrochemistry of New Safety Additive in Lithium Ion Battery
指導教授: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
Fu-Ming Wang
口試委員: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
Fu-Ming Wang
Jung-Mu Shu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 鋰離子電池安全性添加劑脲嘧啶
外文關鍵詞: lithium ion battery, safety additive, uracil
相關次數: 點閱:445下載:0
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本研究同時將以上二種聚合物作為鋰離子電池正極添加劑,分析對於正極材料LiCo0.95Al0.05O2 的影響,分析方法包括使用正極半電池充放電測試(C/DC)、交流阻抗圖譜分析(EIS)、循環伏安分析(CV)等電化學反應測試,以了解這兩種添加劑的電化學性質,並通過掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)、能量分散光譜(EDS)與X射線光電子能譜學(XPS)了解經過充放電後的電極極片表面型態及組成,最後再藉由示差掃描熱量分析儀(DSC)了解電極材料的熱穩定性。經過比較有/無添加劑的電極極片間的差異之後,得知此添加劑應用於鋰離子電池正極時可能造成的影響。

The copolymerization of uracil and N,N’- bismaleimide-4,4’- diphenylmethane (BMI) was used in this study. For knowing the reactivity for the polymer, the free-model method by non- isothermal kinetics was used to determine the activity energy.
In addition, polymerized uracil(UR) and BMI/UR as the additive were used to coat the surface of the LiCo0.95Al0.05O2 cathode particles. Coin-type half cells were assembled with metallic lithium anodes for electrochemical tests such as charge/discharge (C/DC), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and so on. The morphology and element analysis of the surface of the cycled electrodes were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). And the thermal stability of the cathodes was shown by the DSC results. Besides, the influence of the additives upon the cathodes were confirmed by comparing the experiment results of the bare LiCo0.95Al0.05O2 and coated- LiCo0.95Al0.05O2.
In this study, the experiment result shows that the optimum concentration of the two additives in the cathodes for improving the capacity fading after charging/discharging at room temperature and high temperature is 0.5wt%. Moreover, the charging/discharging result indicates that the higher amount of uracil or uracil/BMI additive will cause the worse capacity fading. And the electrodes with the additive have the lower heat generation. This result implies that the additives which are used in this study can improve the thermal stability of the electrode materials by heat suppression compared with the bare LiCo0.95Al0.05O2. Furthermore, the electrode with 1.0wt% uracil has the best thermal stability according to the data from the experiment in this study.

摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 2 2.1鋰離子電池的化學性安全設計 2 2.1.1 隔離膜改質 2 2.1.2電解液添加劑 7 2.1.3 活性物質表面修飾 12 2.2 研究動機與目的 20 第三章 實驗藥品、儀器與方法 21 3.1實驗藥品 21 3.2 實驗儀器 22 3.3 實驗方法 23 3.3.1 DSC樣品配置 23 UR/NMP 23 UR/HQ/NMP 23 BMI/UR/NMP 23 BMI/UR/HQ/NMP 24 3.3.2 電極添加劑製備 24 UR添加劑製備 24 BMI/UR添加劑製備 24 3.3.3 電極漿料(slurry)製備 26 3.3.4 電極極片製備 27 3.3.5 鈕扣型電池(coin cell)組裝 28 第四章 結果與討論 29 4.1 DSC分析 29 4.1.1 UR高分子的非恆溫反應熱分析 29 4.1.2 UR/HQ高分子的非恆溫反應熱分析 30 4.1.3 BMI/UR高分子的非恆溫反應熱分析 32 4.1.4 BMI/ UR/HQ高分子非恆溫反應熱分析 33 4.2 動力學分析 35 4.2.1以自由模型法求得UR及UR/HQ活化能 35 4.2.2以自由模型法求得BMI/UR及BMI/UR/HQ活化能 36 4.3 電化學分析及電性表現 38 4.3.1 常溫下充放電之電性表現 38 4.3.2高溫下充放電之電性表現 41 4.3.3不同充放電速率之電性表現 43 4.3.4 電化學交流阻抗圖譜(EIS)分析 44 4.3.5 循環伏安(CV)分析 52 4.4電極極片之表面分析 55 4.4.1電極極片之SEM與EDS分析 55 4.4.2電極極片之XPS分析 62 4.5電極極片之熱穩定性分析 66 第五章 結論 68 第六章 未來展望 70 參考文獻 72

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