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研究生: 張凱翔
Kai-Shiang Chang
論文名稱: 密度分群演算法於GPGPU運算之研究
Density-based clustering algorithm for GPGPU computing
指導教授: 陳維美
Wei-Mei Chen
口試委員: 吳晉賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
Jenq-Shiou Leu
Chang Hong Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 通用圖形處理器密度分群法平行計算
外文關鍵詞: DBSCAN, GPGPU, parallel computing
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:0
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  • 分群是常見的一種資料探勘的技術,可以將多分量資料中擁有分量相似的資料區分在不同的組別形成不同的子集,而DBSCAN是其中一個廣受用的分群演算法,他可以將群集分成任意形狀與有效找出資料中雜訊的優點,但隨著資料量越來越大,演算法執行時間越來越長,因此許多研究致力於加速DBSCAN的計算。近年來,由於GPU其高度平行與高頻寬的記憶體的優點與GPGPU計算的發展,能加速演算法的計算。本文提出一個方法,將各別分量數值近似的資料點分類,建立索引加速找出核心點,更在資料點搜尋索引時設定搜尋限制條件,並提出部分連接核心點的方式來平行的分群,達到減少資料點之間相互計算距離的工作量。除此之外我們有效分配資料在on-chip的記憶體上加速記憶體的讀寫速度並提高演算法的執行效率,最後在實驗結果顯示相較於常見的GPU-based DBSCAN演算法,效率皆有顯著提升。

    Clustering is a common data mining technique that groups multi-dimensional data points which have similar components to form different subsets. DBSCAN is a famous algorithm in clustering technique that has advantages of finding clusters with arbitrary shapes and noise of data set. However, with data volumes growing and the execution time of algorithms becoming longer, numerous methods have been developed to accelerate algorithm execution times of DBSCAN. Moreover, graphics processing unit (GPU), which feature massively parallel and high-bandwidth memory structures, and general-purpose GPU (GPGPU), can speed the execution of the algorithm. This study proposed an algorithm by using GPU that exploit the data points with similar components to establish indices, thereby facilitating the identification of core points fast. In addition, this algorithm specified a search criteria for indices search, clustered data through the parallel partial connection to the core point to reduce the amount of distance computation between the data points, and allocated the data to on-chip memory to improve the execution speed of the algorithm. The experimental results indicated that the proposed algorithm was more efficient at execution than the other GPU-based DBSCAN.

    一、介紹 二、GPU架構 三、研究方法 四、實驗模擬 五、結論 六、參考文獻

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