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研究生: 林祚儀
Tzuoh-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 動態門檻式機密共享機制
Dynamic Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 楊維寧
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 資訊安全秘密分享密鑰管理金鑰託管群體導向電子公文電子投票密碼系統金鑰交換協定多方安全計算安全廣播數位簽章密碼學
外文關鍵詞: cryptography, threshold cryptography, secret sharing, group-oriented, cheater identification, key escrow, electronic voting, key agreement, secure multi party computation
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:1
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  • 機密共享(secret sharing)是一種允許分派者(dealer)將秘密(secret)分割成若干個次秘密(share)給予多個互相不信任的參與者共享來進行機密共享的安全機制。只有在這些參與者提出足夠的次秘密後才可重建共享的秘密。機密共享的主要應用包括:(一)、密鑰管理(key management),例如:金鑰託管(key escrow)、金鑰備份(key backup);(二)、資料或文件的安全保存(secure storage);(三)、群體控管(collective control),例如:群體導向系統(group-oriented)、電子公文(electronic documents)等;(四)、密碼元件(cryptographic primitives)的應用,例如:電子投票(electronic voting)、安全廣播(secure broadcasting)、金鑰交換協定(key agreement protocol)、多方安全計算(secure multi party computation, SMPC)等等。
    本論文針對機密共享應用所可能面臨的動態門檻(dynamic threshold)、機密可驗證性(verifiable)以及解密公平性(fairness)相關議題,提出安全且有效率的多種機密共享機制:動態機密共享機制(DTSS)、可驗證動態機密共享機制(VDTSS)、以及公平的動態機密共享機制(FVDTSS)。
    在本論文提出的動態機密共享機制(DTSS)中,參與者僅握有一把次密鑰(secret share)即可重覆使用來共享多個秘密,並且可根據不同的共享策略(sharing policy)來調整機密共享的門檻值(threshold),而不需更動參與者的次秘密(share),非常適用於需要常常需要變動門檻的群體決策以及電子公投等應用。
    可驗證動態機密共享(VDTSS)機制則提出了一個有效率的非交談式驗證機制(non-interactive verification),用以解決次秘密(share)與子次秘密(sub-share)的驗證問題,將可有效的防止資料傳輸時的遭受篡改、分派者欺騙(cheating by the dealer)以及參與者欺騙(cheating by the participants)等安全問題。
    此外,本論文亦分別針對VDTSS與FVDTSS機制提出在動態門檻密碼系統(cryptosystem)與動態門檻數位簽章系統(digital signature)的應用實例。

    A (t, n) threshold secret sharing scheme enables the secret dealer to decompose the secret into n shares which are separately distributed to participants of the same size. Any t or more participants can reconstruct the shared secret, where the threshold value t is predefined according to the sharing policy. However, if there is a cheater releasing a false share in the secret reconstruction, he can obtain the secret alone. Many applications of secret sharing were presented, such as group decision, electronic documents, electronic voting, secure broadcasting, key management, and key escrow, key agreement, and secure multi party computation (SMPC), …, etc.
    In this thesis, we have presented three dynamic threshold secret sharing schemes: basic dynamic threshold secret sharing scheme (DTSS), verifiable dynamic threshold secret sharing (VDTSS), and fairness verifiable dynamic threshold secret sharing (FVDTSS).
    In the proposed DTSS scheme, each participant only holds a reusable share for multiple secrets. That is, the share held by each participant remains unchanged even if a new shared secret is derived. Moreover, each shared secret can be assigned to a different threshold value by the dealer in accordance with the adopted sharing policy. In VDTSS scheme, the secret share distributed by the dealer can be verified by a non-interactive algorithm, and the sub-shares generated by the participants during secret reconstruction are verifiable. Any participant can identify the cheater without running additional interactive verification protocols. In FVDTSS scheme, all participants have an equal probability to recover the shared secret, even if there might be some cheaters among the participants. Furthermore, the proposed scheme has the advantage that the public information published in the secret distribution is independent of the threshold value and the number of participants. That is, the public information remains constant.

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Review of Secret Sharing Schemes 6 2.1 Shamir’s (t, n) Threshold Scheme 6 2.2 Cheaters Detection and Identification 8 2.3 Fairness (t, n) Secret Sharing Scheme 10 2.4 Threshold Multiple Secret Sharing Scheme 13 2.5 Dynamic Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme 16 Chapter 3 Dynamic Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme 21 3.1 System Model 21 3.2 The Proposed Scheme 22 3.3 Security analyses 29 3.4 Performance Evaluation 30 Chapter 4 Verifiable Dynamic Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme 32 4.1 System Model 33 4.2 Signature of Knowledge 34 4.3 The Proposed Scheme 36 4.4 Security analyses 40 4.5 Performance Evaluation 43 Chapter 5 Fairness Verifiable Dynamic Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme 45 5.1 System Model 45 5.2 The Proposed Scheme 48 5.3 Security analyses 53 5.4 Achievement of Properties 56 5.5 Performance Evaluation 57 Chapter 6 Extentions to Cryptoschemes 58 6.1 Dynamic Threshold RSA Signature 58 6.2 Fairness Dynamic Threshold Pailler’s Cryptosystem 63 Chapter 7 Conclusions 70 7.1 Contributions 70 7.2 Further Work 71 Bibliography 72 Biography 78

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