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研究生: 林育安
Yu-an Lin
論文名稱: 混合保固下具主動預防保養之訂價策略
Pricing policies for combined warranty with proactive preventive maintenance
指導教授: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-huei Yeh
口試委員: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 混合保固策略訂價策略基本保固期PRP保固期小修預防保養線性對數位移需求函數
外文關鍵詞: combined warranty, pricing policy, base warranty period, pro rata warranty period, log-linear demand function
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:1
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  • 隨著消費者消費意識的提升,保固已成為產品銷售的一項附加價值,而對於廠商來說,保固服務更是產品銷售的一種行銷方法與競爭優勢。本論文主要以廠商觀點針對可維修產品探討一混合保固之訂價策略。混合保固期在本論文係由基本保固期 (Base Warranty Period; BWP) 跟重購優惠期 ( Pro Rata Warranty Period; PRP) 所構成,在基本保固期下,一旦產品失效廠商即提供免費小修。而當基本保固期結束後,隨即開始PRP保固期,若產品在此時間失效,則廠商折價置換新產品給顧客,折價依產品運作時間而定。由於產品失效次數過高或維修費太高易使廠商負擔較高的維修成本,且產品若在PRP內太早失效,對於廠商的期望收入相對較小,顧客也可能故意使產品失效來以低價重購新產品。為了改善以上問題,本論文引進預防保養至基本保固期中,期降低廠商的維修成本,且在基本保固期與重購優惠期的銜接處多實施一次預防保養,期拉長產品在重購優惠期的使用時間,及降低顧客故意損壞產品的道德風險。

    Along with the enhancement of the consumerism, the warranty has become an added value for product sales. And from the manufacturer’s viewpoint, offering a warranty results in additional cost due to servicing of the warranty but at the same time, if used properly as a marketing tool, it will be a competitive advantage. In this paper, A pricing policy of combined warranty for reparable product from the manufacturer’s perspective is considered. A combined warranty is a combination of base warranty period (BWP) and pro rata warranty period (PRP) in which the base warranty period is immediately followed by a pro rata period. In BWP, the manufacturer agrees to repair a product at no cost to the customer if the product fails, and once products fail in PRP, replacements are done at a cost proportional to the operational time of the product. Owing to more failures of products or higher repair charge induce too much maintenance cost to manufacturers. And if products were broken down early in PRP, less expected revenue the manufacturer will bring in. Customers may also break down the product purposely to repurchase a new product in a lower price. To solve the above problem, we propose to implement preventive maintenance actions in the duration of BWP to reduce the repair cost. And especially execute one preventive maintenance at the end of BWP to extend products’ operation time and decrease customers’ moral hazard.
    As setting up pricing policies concerned with the PRP length and the maintenance strategies. Then a pricing policy with preventive maintenance which is subjected to a log-linear demand function of the product’s price and pro rata period length to compute manufacturer’s long-run average profit is obtained. Numerical illustrations that demonstrate the optimization procedure of pricing policies, pro rata length determination, and preventive maintenance strategies to maximize the manufacturer’s profit are given. And a result comparing with not preventive maintenance pattern is provided.

    摘 要..................................................I Abstract...............................................II 誌 謝................................................III 目 錄..................................................IV 圖 目 錄...............................................VI 表 目 錄..............................................VII 第 1 章 緒論...........................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機...................................1 1.2 相關文獻探討.....................................5 1.3 研究架構.........................................9 第 2 章 系統描述......................................10 2.1 符號與假設......................................10 2.1.1 符號定義....................................10 2.1.2 基本假設....................................11 2.2 系統介紹........................................11 2.3 相關理論說明....................................14 2.3.1 失效率......................................14 2.3.2 小修........................................15 2.3.3 預防保養....................................16 2.3.4 更新報酬過程................................17 第 3 章 利潤模式......................................19 3.1 模型建構........................................19 3.2 最佳訂價策略....................................24 3.2.1 最佳保養時間點..............................24 3.2.2 最佳保養次數................................25 3.2.3 最佳訂價....................................26 3.2.4 Pro Rata 時間長度最佳值.....................26 3.3 最佳值驗證......................................27 3.4 數值範例........................................28 第 4 章 數值分析......................................31 4.1 混合保固訂價策略探討............................31 4.1.1 未引進預防保養之混合保固訂價策略............31 4.1.2 在W處引進預防保養之混合保固訂價策略.........32 4.1.3 本文之混合保固訂價策略......................34 4.2 敏感度分析......................................35 4.2.1 產品訂價敏感度分析..........................35 4.2.2 PRP時間長度敏感度分析.......................40 4.2.3 最佳保養次數n之敏感度分析...................44 4.3 訂價策略對於利潤值的影響........................48 第 5 章 結論..........................................53 5.1 結論............................................53 5.2 未來研究方向....................................54 參 考 文 獻............................................56

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