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研究生: 林綉禎
Hsiu-Chen Lin
論文名稱: 奈米光觸媒多孔隙混凝土空氣淨化研究
Application of Nano Photocatalyst Porous Concrete on Air Purification
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-Huai Young
口試委員: 黃兆龍
Chao-Lung Hwaung
Hong-Jen Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 149
中文關鍵詞: 二氧化鈦光觸媒空氣淨化二氧化氮多孔隙混凝土
外文關鍵詞: TiO2; nano-photocatalyst; air purification; NO2;
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:4
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The environmental purify has become the most important issue among all the countries. The nano-photocatalyst has the ability to improve the environmental problem such as air pollution. At present, due to no side effect occur the nano-photocatalyst has widely applied to air purification. The study focus on application of Photocatalyst combines with the porous concrete as outdoor air purification material to solve the air pollution problem of Taiwan. To evaluate the photocatalysts reaction under conditions of low humidity and room temperature, the three variables, air voids of porous concrete, intensity of UV light, and factor of SiO2, were considered. Moreover, the reversion efficiency was investigated by perform the water clean method.
The test results show that amount of adsorption of NO2 is affected by box wall and porous concrete. Thus, the degradation speed of initial stage is faster then later stage. As expected, the high intensity UV light result in a high photocatalysts reaction. The test result shows that before water clean the porous concrete has faster degradation speed than after water clean one. However, the reversion efficiency for each test groups has upward to 80%. Furthermore, the porous concrete that surface treating by SiO2 and then coating nano-photocatalyst has high degradation performance. Therefore, the middle layer as SiO2 can helps the long term durability. The nano-photocatalyst of situations of film formation and adhesion is affected by the air voids of porous concrete, and result in different photocatalysts reaction. Based on test results indicating the air voids of porous concrete at 15% and 20% have excellent ability of air purification. In according the statistical analysis show that 20% air voids was recommended to be the appropriate air voids contend.

論文摘要..................................................I ABSTRACT................................................III 致謝.....................................................IV 目錄......................................................V 表目錄..................................................VII 圖目錄...................................................IX 第一章 緒論..............................................1 1.1 研究動機.............................................1 1.2 研究目的.............................................2 1.3 研究方法.............................................2 1.4 研究流程.............................................3 第二章 文獻回顧..........................................5 2.1 奈米光觸媒材料.....................................5 2.1.1 光觸媒簡介.........................................5 2.1.2 奈米二氧化鈦之特性.................................8 2.1.3 二氧化鈦光觸媒之光催化反應機制....................12 2.1.4 二氧化鈦光觸媒應用範圍............................14 2.2 光觸媒空氣淨化之應用..............................18 2.2.1 空氣中主要污染物..................................18 2.2.2 污染物對人體之影響................................20 2.2.3 國內空氣污染現況..................................22 2.2.4 汽機車有害氣體的產生 ..............................24 2.2.5 奈米光觸媒用於消除氮氧化物(NOX)污染.............27 2.3 多孔隙混凝土......................................28 2.3.1 多孔隙混凝土破壞特性..............................31 2.3.2 改善多孔隙混凝土力學強度之方法....................33 2.3.3 多孔隙混凝土配比設計方法..........................34 2.3.4 多孔隙混凝土透水試驗方法..........................35 2.3.5 多孔隙混凝土孔隙率計算............................39 第三章 試驗計畫.........................................40 3.1 試驗流程..........................................40 3.2 試驗參數..........................................42 3.2.1 不同孔隙率之光觸媒多孔隙混凝土....................42 3.2.2 氧化矽之使用......................................42 3.2.3 紫外光強度設定....................................43 3.2.4 水洗回復性測試....................................44 3.3 多孔隙混凝土試驗..................................44 3.3.1 配比設計要求......................................44 3.3.2 多孔隙混凝土拌合方式..............................46 3.3.3 多孔隙混凝土試體規劃與製作方法....................47 3.3.4 試體養護方式......................................48 3.3.5 試驗設備與方法....................................48 3.4 光觸媒光催化反應試驗..............................56 3.4.1 測試樣本備製......................................57 3.4.2 試驗方法概述......................................60 3.4.3 試驗儀器及設備....................................61 3.4.4 二氧化氮去除試驗步驟與方法........................64 第四章 試驗結果分析與討論...............................68 4.1 多孔隙混凝土試驗..................................68 4.1.1 粗粒料基本物理試驗結果............................68 4.1.2 多孔隙混凝土配比設計試拌結果與分析................69 4.1.3 多孔隙混凝土坍度試驗結果..........................71 4.1.4 多孔隙混凝土單位重試驗結果........................72 4.1.5 多孔隙混凝土抗壓強度試驗結果......................72 4.1.6 多孔隙混凝土透水試驗結果..........................73 4.1.7 多孔隙混凝土磨耗試驗結果..........................75 4.2 光觸媒光催化反應試驗..............................76 4.2.1 試體及測試箱內壁吸附對NO2降解之影響...............77 4.2.2 紫外光強度對光催化效能之影響......................79 4.2.3 特殊矽酸化合物(氧化矽)對光催化效能之影響.......107 4.2.4 水洗對光催化效能之回復率.........................114 4.2.5 推估奈米光觸媒多孔隙混凝土之最佳孔隙率...........120 4.2.6 小結.............................................121 第五章 結論與建議......................................123 5.1 結論.............................................123 5.1.1 多孔隙混凝土.....................................123 5.1.2 光觸媒光催化反應.................................123 5.2 建議.............................................125 參考文獻................................................127

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