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研究生: 許龍彰
Lung-Chang Hsu
論文名稱: 由營造業經營管理分析建築技術之藍海策略
The Analysis on Blue Ocean Strategies in View of the Business Management of Construction Industry
指導教授: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員: 何明錦
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 經營策略藍海策略建築技術核心價值
外文關鍵詞: Management Strategy, Blue Ocean Strategy, Construction Techniques, Core Values
相關次數: 點閱:490下載:0
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4.藍海策略不只是創造市場,而是考量三大面向,包含顧客價值主張(Value proposition)、利潤主張(Profit proposition)與人員(People proposition)主張;中小型營建業看重的應該是未開發的市場空間和新需求。

Taiwan’s construction sector businesses vastly vary in terms of scale and quality, with ever changing complications. Businesses are dispersed and it is difficult to fully manage the sector’s environment and properly allocate resources in response to the sector’s environment change and impacts. The adaptability of businesses, their operating market positioning and relevant strategies, are often the key for businesses within the sector to maintain competitiveness. In 2017, the total number of domestic construction businesses was 10,455. Among those, 6,679 were class “C” certified, occupying 64% of all construction businesses. For these class “C” certified businesses, competition is fierce choosing the right business strategy is vital for its survival.
Most of Taiwan’s construction businesses are small in size. Management and scale are heavily territorial and dependent on special markets. Thus, this study utilizes the enhancement of construction techniques as management’s “Blue Ocean Strategy”. The focuses of this study are as follows:
1. In order for construction businesses to achieve successful efficiency and performance, the value of core expertise is vital, especially the investment of machinery and technicians.
2. The management of domestic medium-small businesses focuses on specific locations, specific clients and conservative business models. They are oblivious to the rapid changes of the supply market, using strategic management and operation knowledge to refine management decisions.
3. Construction businesses can utilize management analysis to acquire construction techniques that the market demands and improve in competitiveness, raising the bar and forming Blue Ocean Strategy that results in less competitors.
4. Blue Ocean Strategy not only creates markets, but takes into consideration of 3 main elements, including client value proposition, profit proposition and people proposition; medium-small businesses should focus on discovering new markets and new demands.
5. Most domestic medium-small businesses still keep to traditional business models, relying on intense labor and machinery production, with little concern for the environment. Thus, these businesses should increase project management skills as well as procurement strategies, to re-allocate the company’s resources in different management directions.

中文摘要 英文摘要 致謝 目錄 圖索引 表索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與背景 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究範圍與限制 1.4 研究方法 1.4.1 文獻回顧 1.4.2 營造業者問卷調查 1.4.3 統計分析 第二章 營造業發展現況 2.1 營造業主要管理法令 2.2 營造業組織規模與結構 2.3 營造業經營環境現況 2.4 營造業特性 2.5 與製造業之差異性比較 2.6 發展趨勢與經營問題 2.7 小結 第三章 競爭策略分析與研擬 3.1 從業環境競爭力認識 3.2 策略分析比較 3.2.1 策略分析方法比較 3.2.2 策略規劃 3.2.3 策略選擇 3.2.4 執行風險 3.2.5 針對營造業特性之策略 第四章 藍海策略分析與研擬 4.1 藍海策略管理 4.1.1 策略規劃 4.1.2 策略分析 4.2 營造業之藍海策略分析 4.2.1 擬定流程 4.2.2 策略分析 4.3 個案經營管理以建築技術為藍海策略分析 4.3.1 案例01 A-A公司 4.3.2 案例02 B-B公司 4.3.3 案例03 C-C公司 4.3.4 案例04 D-D公司 4.3.5 案例05 E-E公司 4.3.6 案例06 F-F公司 4.4 彙整與歸納 4.4.1 案例策略改變過程歸 4.4.2 藍海理論與實際執行之功能策略差異 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 後續研究發展方向建議 參考文獻 附錄一 訪談紀錄

1.Porter,M.E。1998.”Competitive Strategy-Te冠人niques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors(競爭策略-產業環境與競爭者分析),周旭華譯,天下文化,台北。
2.Peter,Paul,and Olson, Jerry C.1996.Consumer Behavoir and Marketing Strategy 4th Ed, Irwin Book Team.
11.Porter,M.E。1998.”Competitive Strategy-Te冠人niques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors(競爭策略-產業環境與競爭者分析),周旭華譯,天下文化,台北。

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