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研究生: 陳泰宇
Tai-Yu Chen
論文名稱: 應用多重代理人系統於STATCOM控制以改善微電網電壓穿越能力
Application of Multi-Agent Systems to STATCOM Control to Improve Voltage Ride-through Ability in Microgrids
指導教授: 辜志承
Jyh-Cherng Gu
口試委員: 陳南鳴
Nan-Ming Chen
Sun-Li Yu
Pei-Hwa Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 微電網多重代理人電壓穿越STATCOM
外文關鍵詞: microgrid, multi-agent, voltage ride-through, STATCOM
相關次數: 點閱:537下載:0
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Regarding to the global issues such as environmental awareness and renewable energy resources development, there are many countries devoted their research work to control, operate and protect the Microgrid in recent years. Nowadays, most of distributed resources interconnect to Microgrid are belong to inverter-base which usually just have the quite limit voltage ride-through ability. In general, the inverter-base distributed resources may easily tripped due to the low voltage which is caused by the short-circuit fault or load-imbalance on Microgrid. It will impact the power supply stability of Microgrid. However, the STATCOM of the FACTS embed with the dynamic reactive power compensation and voltage regulation capability. It will be introduced to upgrade the voltage ride-through ability of distributed resources. Multi-agent system is a smart management system. It can be a platform to provide the communication coordination and exchange information function among devices within the Microgrid. In the future, the scale of Microgrid will expand and become more complex. Multi-agent system not only will perform real-time monitoring but also can make the flexible control the Microgrid in more efficient way.
This research uses Matlab/Simulink to setup a Microgrid example system. In addition, the multi-agent system uses Jade as development platform which satisfies the FIPA standards. Whenever the short circuit fault in the system, circuit-breaker agents collect the data from IED and transmit to voltage-ride-through agent. Voltage-ride-through agent will process the exchange data and coordinate with circuit-breaker agents, then send control command to circuit-breaker agents. In such a way, the STATCOM can compensate the required reactive power immediately and maintains the Microgrid’s voltage in reasonable range. The simulation results illustrated that the multi-agent system use to control STATCOM to improve Voltage ride-through ability in Microgrid is highly valid.

中文摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 3 1.3 研究方法 6 1.4 論文架構 7 第二章 微電網系統 9 2.1 前言 9 2.2 傳統電網與微電網 9 2.2.1 傳統電網 9 2.2.2 微電網 10 2.3 分散式電源簡介 11 2.3.1 太陽能發電 11 2.3.2 風力發電 12 2.3.3 儲能系統 15 2.3.4 微渦輪機 18 2.3.5 其他分散式電源 18 2.4 國外微電網之發展現況 20 2.4.1 美國 20 2.4.2 日本 22 2.4.3 歐洲 24 2.4.4 中國 26 2.5 國內微電網之發展現況 29 2.5.1 台灣電力公司 29 2.5.2 核能研究所 31 2.5.3 澎湖微電網 32 2.6 本章小結 34 第三章 多重代理人系統應用於微電網之監控 35 3.1 前言 35 3.2 應用之軟體 35 3.2.1 MATLAB/Simulink 35 3.2.2 Java程式語言 37 3.2.3 Eclipse開發環境 40 3.3 多重代理人系統 41 3.3.1 FIPA簡介 41 3.3.2 多重代理人系統簡介 42 3.3.3 JADE簡介 44 3.4 微電網運行狀態監控 49 3.4.1 微電網監測系統架構 49 3.4.2 微電網系統與市電併網之供電模式 52 3.4.3 微電網系統孤島供電模式 54 3.5 本章小結 56 第四章 微電網之電壓穿越 57 4.1 前言 57 4.2 電壓穿越 58 4.2.1 電壓穿越形成原因 58 4.2.2 電壓穿越之國際法規 59 4.3 電壓補償裝置 67 4.3.1 有載切換抽頭變壓器 67 4.3.2 可投切式電容器 69 4.3.3 靜態虛功補償器(Static Var Compensator) 70 4.4 靜態同步補償器(STATCOM) 73 4.4.1 靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)簡介 73 4.4.2 靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)之運行原理 75 4.4.3 靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)之數學模型 78 4.5 本章小結 82 第五章 微電網之電壓穿越案例分析 83 5.1 前言 83 5.2 系統架構 83 5.3 案例說明 86 5.4 案例模擬與結果 87 5.4.1 Case 1 87 5.4.2 Case 2 91 5.4.3 Case 3 94 5.4.4 Case 4 98 5.4.5 Case 5 101 5.4.6 Case 6 105 5.4.7 Case 7 108 5.4.8 Case 8 112 5.4.9 Case 9 115 5.5 本章小結 119 第六章 結論與未來方向 121 6.1 結論 121 6.2 未來研究方向 123 參考文獻 125

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