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研究生: 張芸芳
Yun-Fang Chang
論文名稱: 廣告剪輯對品牌活化的影響
The Influence of TV commercial editing on Brand Revitalization
指導教授: 王韋堯
Wei-Yao Wang
口試委員: 蔡志鑫
Chih-Hsin Tsai
Neng-Hao Yu
Regina W.Y. Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 廣告影片剪輯音樂講白品牌活化美感蒙太奇
外文關鍵詞: commercial film, editing, speech, brand revitalization, aesthetic, montage
相關次數: 點閱:503下載:0
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本研究以廣告影片的剪輯為主題,提出廣告影片的「影片剪輯手法」(單組、多組)與「聲 音表現」(音樂、講白),可以活化品牌在消費者心中的定位,使消費者認定品牌的價值, 達到品牌活化的效果。本研究以全球最大品牌諮詢公司Interbrand 與中華區最大市調 集團益普索(Ipsos)發表之 2015 年全球與台灣百大影響力品牌,2006~2016 期間所推 出之廣告影片共 491 支進行調查,並以行為問項與腦電圖 EEG 生理實驗,探測觀者在 觀看廣告後的大腦活化現象。研究目的包含:(a)透過文獻查考,釐清並定義品牌活化、 廣告的影片表現與剪輯 (b)收集廣告影片樣本共 491 支,分析影片剪輯手法與聲音表現的設計特徵。(c)以腦波實驗方法探測「影片剪輯手法」與「聲音表現」對品牌活化的影響。研究結果如下:
(1) 文獻探討如何藉由廣告影片來活化品牌,得知品牌覺察、知覺品質與品牌聯想可能 是關鍵因素。同時透過符號學、消費者認知、剪輯、聲學與美學的文獻探討,歸納出廣告影片「影片剪輯手法」與「聲音表現」的研究框架。
(2) 藉由廣告影片的現況調查,全球與台灣百大影響力品牌所拍攝之廣告影片中,以無使用蒙太奇剪輯手法的廣告影片為最多數(77.6%),高於有使用蒙太奇剪輯手法的廣告影片(22.4%);使用講白(58.0%)的比例高於使用音樂(25.9%)、歌曲(16.1%)的廣告影片。並進一步調查有使用蒙太奇剪輯手法的廣告影片搭配聽覺的聲音表現,結果發現「多組蒙太奇 x 講白」的組合為數量為最多數(26.7%)。
(3) 經腦波實驗後結果顯示影片剪輯手法與聲音表現在左額葉BA10會誘發大腦的熟悉與長期記憶檢索、語意判別、情緒、自我相關刺激判斷等;在右額葉BA9會誘發無 相關聲音干擾回憶表現的現象;在右枕葉會誘發大腦的聽覺記憶、注意力枯竭、情 緒、視覺辨識等;在右邊緣葉(前扣帶迴)BA24會誘發大腦的聽覺記憶檢索、創意發想、獎勵機制、解決方案探索與規劃等;在左邊緣葉(後扣帶迴)BA30會誘發大腦的場景記憶喚起、聽覺記憶匹配、理解、解謎等。
(4) 經腦波實驗後行為數據結果發現無蒙太奇手法之控制組廣告影片的品牌覺察、知覺 品質並品牌聯想皆顯著高於單組與多組蒙太奇剪輯手法的廣告影片。使用講白的廣告影片也在品牌覺察、知覺品質並品牌聯想的表現顯著高於使用音樂的廣告影片。 反之廣告美感方面則是有使用蒙太奇剪輯手法與使用音樂的廣告影片有較高的廣告美感。

The topic of this study is concerning editing of commercial films. Its hypothesis is that the “editing techniques” (single or multiple) and “sound effects” (music or speech) of commercial films could revitalize ideas of brands in the minds of consumers, trigger consumers to recognize values of brands, and enable brand revitalization. This study utilized the data “Global and Taiwan's Top 100 Influential Brands in 2015” published by the world's largest brand consulting company, Interbrand, and Taiwan’s largest market survey group, Ipsos. 491 commercial films released by these 100 brands between 2006 and 2016 were collected for analysis. Behavioral questions and EEG physiological experiments are used to detect brain activation after viewers watching the advertisements. The research objectives include: (a) to clarify and define brand revitalization, effect and editing of commercial films through literature review, (b) to collect sample of commercial films (491 in total) and analyze their features of “editing techniques” and “sounds effects”, and (c) to use brainwave experiments to detect the impact of “editing techniques" and "sound effects" on brand revitalization. The research results are as following:

(1) The literature review explores how to use commercial films to revitalize the brand, and learns that brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association may be the key factors. At the same time, through the literature discussion of semiotics, consumer cognition, editing, acoustics and aesthetics, the research framework of the “editing techniques" and "sound effects" of commercial films is summarized.
(2) According to the analysis of collected commercial films released by Global and Taiwan's Top 100 Influential Brands, most of the films do not use montage editing (77.6%), much more than the ones, which do (22.4%). The ones which use speech (58.0%) is more than the one which use music (25.9%) and songs (16.1%). Further analysis shows that the combination of multiple types of montage editing with speech has the highest percentage among all (26.7%).
(3)Through the EEG experiment, the results show that the film editing techniques and sound effects will induce brain familiarity and long-term memory retrieval, semantic judgment, emotion, self-related stimulation judgment, etc. in the left frontal lobe BA10. And they will induce the phenomenon of recall performance with no correlation sound interferes in the right frontal lobe BA9; in the right occipital lobe will induce brain auditory memory, attention exhaustion, emotion, visual recognition, etc. In the right limbic lobe BA24 they will induce brain auditory memory retrieval, creative thinking, reward mechanism, solution exploration and planning; in the left limbic lobe BA30 will induce brain scene memory arousal, auditory memory matching, understanding, puzzle solving and so on.
(4)After the EEG experiment, the behavioral data shows that brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association of the control group (one without the montage editing) were significantly higher than those with single or multiple montage editing techniques. The commercial films, which use speech, also have significantly higher performance on brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations than the ones with music. On the contrary, concerning the aesthetic aspect of advertisement, there is a higher advertising aesthetic with the use of montage editing techniques and music.

摘要.................................................................................................................... I Abstract .............................................................................................................II 致謝....................................................................................................................IV 目錄.....................................................................................................................V 圖目錄 ................................................................................................................VII 表目錄 ................................................................................................................X 第一章 緒論.........................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景與動機............................................................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的 ...................................................................................................... 3 1.3 研究名詞定義 ............................................................................................... 3 1.4 研究範圍與限制............................................................................................ 5 1.5 研究流程 ...................................................................................................... 5 第二章 文獻探討................................................................................................. 7 2.1 品牌活化與廣告影片......................................................................................7 2.2 廣告的視覺傳達設計 .....................................................................................14 2.2.1 訊息理解與符號..........................................................................................14 2.2.2 廣告影片的剪輯..........................................................................................17 2.2.3 廣告的美感 ................................................................................................23 2.3 廣告的聲音設計.............................................................................................26 2.4 廣告影片現況調查......................................................................................... 31 2.5 觀者認知歷程與腦電圖 EEG ..........................................................................35 第三章 研究方法..................................................................................................41 3.1 實驗刺激物....................................................................................................41 3.2 實驗架構.......................................................................................................43 3.3 實驗假設.......................................................................................................43 3.4 實驗受測者................................................................................................... 44 3.5 實驗步驟流程 ............................................................................................... 45 3.6 資料分析........................................................................................................48 3.6.1 行為數據分析...............................................................................................48 3.6.2 腦波數據分析..............................................................................................49 第四章 結果與討論 ..............................................................................................50 4.1 行為數據結果 .................................................................................................50 4.1.1 品牌覺察......................................................................................................50 4.1.2 知覺品質.....................................................................................................56 4.1.3 品牌聯想......................................................................................................61 4.1.4 廣告美感......................................................................................................66 4.2 腦波獨立成分與頻譜分析................................................................................69 4.2.1 額葉 ............................................................................................................70 4.2.2 枕葉 ............................................................................................................72 4.2.3 邊緣葉.........................................................................................................74 4.3 討論:腦區功能與現象 .................................................................................... 77 4.4 假設驗證.........................................................................................................87 4.4.1 愈使用無蒙太奇的影片剪輯手法,愈能活化閱聽者的腦波震盪......................87 4.4.2 愈使用聲音屬性多變的表現(講白),愈能活化閱聽者的腦波震盪...................89 第五章 結論與建議 ...............................................................................................92 5.1 結論.................................................................................................................92 5.2 後續研究方向與建議........................................................................................95 第六章 參考文獻....................................................................................................97 附錄一 實驗刺激物之廣告影片列表........................................................................111 附錄二 人體試驗受試者同意書...............................................................................116

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