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研究生: 徐翊芸
Yi-Yun Hsu
論文名稱: 退火加工對於熱塑性聚氨酯發泡之影響
Effect of annealing on thermoplastic polyurethane foam
指導教授: 蘇舜恭
Shuenn-Kung Su
口試委員: 蘇舜恭
Shuenn-Kung Su
Shu-Kai Yeh
Chih-Chia Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 熱塑性聚氨酯批次發泡二氧化碳退火硬度
外文關鍵詞: Thermoplastic polyurethane, Batch foam, carbon dioxide, annealing, hardness
相關次數: 點閱:531下載:3
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第三部分則分析85、90、95A三種不同硬度的TPU,分別於退火加工後對發泡的影響。95A的TPU在DSC分析中具有高於200 °C的結晶峰,以160 °C的退火溫度難以熔掉這些緻密的結晶,故退火前後的TPU樣品會得到一樣的發泡結果。以150、160 °C退火硬度為85A、90A的TPU,發泡後膨脹倍率都會增加。

At present, PU foam products are prevalent in the market, but it is a thermosetting material and cannot be reused through reprocessing after recycling. If the traditional PU foam can be replaced with a thermoplastic TPU, it will conform the concept of the circular economy. TPU is a block copolymer, and there will be a micro-phase separation between the hard segment and the soft segment. As the degree of micro-phase separation and the soft and hard segment ratio change, the mechanical properties, melting point, and crystallinity would change accordingly.The degree of micro-phase separation depends on the mobility of chain segments in TPU, the most critical factor that affects the mobility of molecular chains is the temperature. Therefore, this study will first use annealing to change the micro-phase separation in the TPU and foam under the same foaming conditions (foaming after saturate in 1100 psi carbon dioxide at 140 °C for 1 hour), to analyze the effect of annealing on TPU foaming, this study is divided into three parts.
Part I discusses the changes of annealing condition on TPU materials. The annealed TPU was characterized by the tensile test to analyze the effect of annealing temperature on mechanical properties. It was found that annealing would decrease the Young's modulus but the elongation at break and tensile stress increased.The DSC analysis results showed that annealing would result in more ordered structure in TPU; however, the content of the long-range order decreases wit hteh annealing temperature.
Part II compared the effect of annealing temperature and time to the foaming process. Since a saturation temperature of 140 C was applied, the saturation process is also considered as an annealing process. Our results showed that the annealing temperature has to be higher than the saturation temperature to cause a significant difference. Once the annealing temperature is higher than the saturation temperature, the amount of long-range order hard segments decreased and thus increased the foam expansion ratio.
Part III analyzed the effects of hardness and annealing on the foaming. The 95A TPU has a crystal melting peak higher than 200 °C. It is difficult to melt these crystals at the annealing temperature below 160 °C. So annealing would not create any difference on expansion ratio and cell structure of the TPU foam. On the other hand, annealing would create a significant difference for 85A and 90A sample. The expansion ratio of both TPU grades increased significantly after annealing.

摘要 I 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XI 第一章、緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 2 第二章、文獻回顧 3 2.1聚氨酯(PU)與熱塑性聚氨酯(TPU)簡介 3 2.1.1熱塑性聚氨酯的原料 9 2.1.2熱塑性聚氨酯的微相分離 13 2.2高分子發泡材料 17 2.2.1發泡劑 19 2.2.2發泡機制 22 2.2.3批次發泡 25 2.2.4發泡珠粒 (bead foam) 26 2.3退火熱處理 28 第三章、實驗方法 31 3.1實驗藥品 31 3.2實驗儀器 34 3.3實驗步驟 36 3.3.1實驗流程圖 36 3.3.2混煉不同硬度之TPU 37 3.3.3以射出成形製備啞鈴形TPU試片 37 3.3.4退火加工 38 3.3.5批次發泡 39 3.4 材料物性分析 42 3.4.1熱重分析儀 (TGA) 42 3.4.3熱示差掃描量熱儀 (DSC) 43 3.4.4拉伸試驗 43 3.4.5掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 45 3.4.6泡材密度(foam density)量測 46 3.4.7泡材膨脹倍率(expansion ratio)及收縮率計算 46 3.4.8泡孔尺寸(cell size)計算 48 3.4.9泡孔密度(cell density)計算 48 第四章、結果與討論 49 4.1 TPU材料分析 49 4.1.1熱重損失分析 49 4.1.2分子量分析 50 4.1.3退火85PR-TPU 60分鐘後拉伸試驗結果 51 4.1.4退火85PR-TPU 60分鐘後DSC分析 53 4.2 退火溫度對於批次發泡之影響 58 4.2.1以不同溫度退火85PR-TPU發泡後膨脹倍率與收縮情形 58 4.2.2以不同溫度退火85PR-TPU發泡後泡孔尺寸與密度 60 4.2.3以不同溫度退火85PR-TPU發泡後DSC分析 62 4.3 以不同溫度退火85PR-TPU含浸後DSC分析 64 4.4退火時間對於批次發泡之影響 67 4.4.1退火85PR-TPU不同時間後的材料分析 67 4.4.2退火85PR-TPU不同時間發泡後泡材分析 70 4.5退火對不同硬度TPU的影響 75 4.5.1 以160 °C退火不同硬度TPU的材料分析 75 4.5.2以160 °C退火TPU 60分鐘含浸緩洩後樣品之DSC分析 78 4.5.3退火不同硬度TPU 60分鐘發泡後泡材分析 79 4.6實驗總表 84 4.6.1退火後材料分析 84 4.6.2含浸後分析 86 4.6.3 發泡後分析 87 第五章、結論 89 參考文獻 91 附錄 99 附錄A流變測試 99 附錄B 退火90A及95A TPU不同時間比較 100 B.1退火後DSC分析 100 B.2退火並發泡後的膨脹倍率與泡孔結構分析 103 附錄C 95A不同混煉溫度比較 106 C.1混煉後DSC分析 106 C.2發泡後膨脹倍率與泡孔結構 107 附錄D 樣品外觀照片 110 附錄E 泡體內裂縫照片 113 附錄F 以TMA進行軟化點分析 115 附錄G 以DMA進行動態機械性質分析 116

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