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研究生: 陳國祥
論文名稱: 全球筆記型電腦出貨量之預測研究
A Forecasting Study in Global Laptop Shipment
指導教授: 王福琨
Fu-Kwun Wang
口試委員: 陳建良
James C. Chen
Chih Ting DU
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 預測時間數列Box JenkinsHolt WintersDecompositionTransfer FunctionGM(1 1)筆記型電腦出貨量
外文關鍵詞: Forecasting, Time series model, Box Jenkins, Holt Winters, Decomposition, Transfer function, GM(1 1), Notebook shipment
相關次數: 點閱:680下載:11
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  • 全球筆記型電腦銷售需求預測是全球經濟發展的重要議題之一,因為筆記型電腦是由上百種零組件所組合而成,例如液晶面板、電池、CPU、Memory、主機板、機殼、鍵盤、多種IC及零組件等,故其銷售量代表著資訊科技產業整體的發展與成長,因此希望藉著本預測研究,能讓筆記型電腦相關產業之供應鏈,擁有參考之預測數字,藉此掌握市場供需的關係並期待產業穩定成長,避免供需失調,造成庫存及虧損,並依此成為生產及銷售之參考。
    本研究主要將以時間數列模型Box Jenkins、Holt-Winters、 Decomposition、GM(1,1)及Transfer Function等模型進行主要之預測。以2003年至2009年全球筆記型電腦出貨量每季資料進行預測,2003年至2008年共24季資料為預測基礎,2009年共4季則為驗證期以驗證預測實證模型成效。
    1.單變量預測模型歷史期(2003~2008年)比較,Decomposition的預測效果為最佳。其次為Box Jenkins及Holt-Winters。
    2.預測模型驗證期(2009年)預測效果之比較,單變量預測模型部份以Box Jenkins效果為最佳。其次為Holt Winters及Decomposition,其順序與歷史期剛好相反。而多變量分析的Transfer Function模型,則均較單變量預測模型的三者來得更好。

    The Global Notebook sales demand forecast is the world's one of the important issues of economic development, because laptop parts from hundreds of the combination .For example: LCD panel, battery, CPU, Memory, motherboard, case, keyboard, a variety of IC and components. Therefore, its sales volume represents the information technology industry as a whole in the development and growth. Therefore hopes to make this prediction notebook computer-related industry supply chain has a reference forecast. To grasp the relationship between market supply and demand and look forward to stable growth industry, to avoid the imbalance of supply and demand, causing inventories and losses, and accordingly a reference for the production and sales.
    The forecasting will adopting the time series models like Box Jenkins、Holt-Winters、 Decomposition、GM(1,1) and Transfer function. The forecasting will be use data by 2003 to 2009 quarterly data for global notebook shipments. The research period consists of 24 quarterly data from 2003 to 2008, and it will reserve 4 quarterly data from 2009 to precede one-step-ahead forecast. The research results are listed as followings:
    1. Compare the univariate models from history data (2003~2008).Decomposition is the best one to forecast the global notebook shipments, second is Box Jenkins and Holt-Winters.
    2. Compare the forecasting models from one-step-ahead data. The univariate models show Box Jenkins is the best one to forecast the global notebook shipments (has smaller mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), second is Holt-Winters and Decomposition; the order is just reverse to history data. The multivariate models (Transfer function) is better than three univariate models
    3. The mini-notebook forecasting period consists of 7 quarterly data from 2008.Q2 to 2009.Q4 is adopting GM(1,1) model to forecast shipments. The MAPE is 0.34% that show the model to estimate the global mini-notebook shipments has high effect

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖表索引 vi 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究範圍與限制 4 1.4 研究流程 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 筆記型電腦市場概況 7 2.2 預測相關文獻 10 2.3 出貨量預測的相關文獻 17 第三章 方法論 20 3.1 Box-Jenkins模型 20 3.2 雙週期性Holt-Winters指數平滑法 25 3.3 分解法(Decomposition) 28 3.4 移轉函數模型(Transfer Function Model) 31 3.5 灰預測GM(1,1)模型 32 3.6 預測評估指標 35 第四章 實證分析 37 4.1 Box-Jenkins模型實證預測 37 4.2 Holt-Winters模型實證預測 40 4.3 Decomposition模型實證預測 42 4.4 Transfer Function模型實證預測 44 4.5 全球筆記型電腦出貨預測模式比較 46 4.6 灰預測GM(1,1)模型實證預測 47 第五章 結論與建議 49 5.1 研究結論 49 5.2 研究建議 50 參考文獻 51 附錄一 多變量預測之變數資料 53 附錄二 多變量變數之迴歸分析結果 54

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