簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林裕鑫
Yu-Hsin Lin
論文名稱: 科技公司的組織再造與研發策略轉型
Business Reengineering & R&D Strategy Transition of a High Technology Corporation
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 徐俊傑
Chiun-Chieh Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 33
中文關鍵詞: 組織設計系統思考策略性委外
外文關鍵詞: System Thinking, Organization Designing, Strategy Outsourcing
相關次數: 點閱:350下載:2
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The profits of OEM/ODM model in the traditional manufacturing industry are very low and show a decreasing trend. There are mainly two strategies taken by the OEM/ODM manufacturing industry to gain profits. One is to keep pursuing higher revenue with the economies of scale or scope, which will however obtain quite low gross profit margin. This kind of enterprise will have very low probability to gain profits if it fails to get into the top five in the market of the industry. The other is to jump out of the traditional OEM/ODM model and transform to establish the hybrid operation model combining the OBM and OEM/ODM. Considering the uncertain factors that affect the OBM revenue, this kind of enterprise still retains the OEM/ODM businesses to support the brand operation. Moreover, in terms of the revenue, it does not only pursue the continuous growth, but also concerns the increase of the gross profit margin. The purpose of this operation model is to achieve the sustainable operation of the enterprise.
The primary purpose of the paper is to explore the troubles confronted by the hybrid operation model of OBM/ODM/OEM transformed from OEM/ODM model based on the study subject of A case company. First, the OBM business growth has conflict with the old OEM/ODM system in the enterprise. Second, for the sake of the differentiation competition against the competitors in the global marketing, the product types and features are diversified, which requires more development/manufacturing manpower. As a result, the rapid organizational expansion brings internal problems to the enterprise. Third, in terms of the product development strategy, in order to gain the business opportunity in advance, the case company works with the local manufacturers to develop products in the global areas. Such decision also increases the costs of product design or maintenance. In the case company, the business decision-making hierarchy is transformed with the organizational structure adjustment, the outsourcing design and the design strategy, so it can cope with the demands of different business models in OBM/ODM/OEM at an optimal scale. In this way, the enterprise can optimize the operation to achieve the sustainable operation.
The paper employs Harvard case-based writing method, including two parts of the case and the teacher’s reference manual. The teacher’s manual illustrates the discussion of the case in details. The major topics include the systematic thinking, organizational design and strategic outsourcing, which are conducted with literature review and the case analysis respectively. It is expected to achieve the purpose of combining theory with practice.

目 錄 中文摘要................................................................ I ABSTRACT...............................................................II 誌 謝 ..............................................................III 目 錄..................................................................IV 圖目錄..................................................................V 表目錄.................................................................VI 壹、 個案本文........................................................ 1 一、 過去的榮耀...................................................... 2 二、 組織高速擴張帶來的紛爭........................................... 3 三、 跨地區研發團隊協同設計的衝突..................................... 4 四、 產品驚險上市後的專案檢討會議..................................... 6 五、 重大決策進行體質改善............................................. 7 六、 組織策略轉變以及導入軟體生命週期管理系統...........................9 (一) 組織的改造.......................................................9 (二) 重新定義品牌價值鏈...............................................10 (三) 軟體生命週期管理系統導入..........................................11 (四) 產品架構改以共用平台設計思維......................................15 (五) 非核心能力軟體委外開發............................................16 七、 營運改善、市場變化跨界競爭對手的崛起...............................16 貳、 個案教學指引.....................................................17 一、 個案總覽........................................................ 17 二、 教學目標與適用課程...............................................17 三、 學員課前討論問題.................................................20 四、 個案背景........................................................20 五、 管理議題........................................................21 (一) 議題:系統思考..................................................22 (二) 議題:組織設計..................................................24 (三) 議題:策略性委外................................................26 (四) 議題:其他可討論議題.............................................28 六、 教學建議 .......................................................29 七、 板書規劃 .......................................................30 (一) 板書一:A科技公司各階段里程碑 ...............................30 (二) 板書二:個案管理理論架構 .......................................30 (三) 板書三:個案組織架構與可運行之商業模式探討 .......................31 (四) 板書四:PLM與ALM系統差異 .......................................31 (五) 板書五:應用程式生命週期管理系統主要管理領域 ...............32 參、 參考文獻 ...............................................33 一、 中文文獻 ...............................................33 二、 英文文獻 .......................................................33 三、 網路資料 ...............................................33

一、 中文文獻
1. 譯者:林孟彥、林均妍:管理學 十版
2. 譯者:劉兆岩、郭進隆(2004),五項修練的故事:比狼學得快:如何在學習型組織中生存和發展
3. 劉子蘶 (2009),台灣代工廠商轉型自有品牌之經營模式,中原大學企管研究所。
4. 廖勇凱,組織行為學(Organizational Behavior),智勝出版
5. 瞿宛文,代工、品牌與產業升級,中央研究院人社中心
6. 司徒達賢,策略管理新論,智勝出版
7. 中山大學企管系,管理學:整合觀點與創新思維-組織變革與創新
8. Williams & Johnson,管理在管什麼,臉譜
9. R.K.JAIN、H.C. TRIANDIS,研發管理聖經,博雅書屋
10. 李國光教授策略知識管理的投影片。
11. 喬爾.克茲曼等人,大觀點MBA-改變企業實務的大觀念,天下文化
二、 英文文獻
1. PTC, Application Lifecycle Management System.
2. PTC, Product Lifecycle Management System.

三、 網路資料
1. MBA智庫百科:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/
2. Wikipedia維基百科:http://www.wikipedia.org/
3. http://Jenkin-ci.org
4. http://www.ptc.com

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