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研究生: 徐敬婷
Ching-Ting Hsu
論文名稱: 稅制改革與新聞曝光對家族企業避稅行為之影響
The impact of tax reform and news exposure on corporate tax avoidance of family firms
指導教授: 郭啟賢
Chii-Shyan Kuo
口試委員: 余士迪
Shih-Ti Yu
Chung-wen Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 稅制改革股東可扣抵稅額避稅行為新聞曝光家族企業
外文關鍵詞: Tax reform, Dividend imputation credit, Corporate tax avoidance, News exposure, Family firms
相關次數: 點閱:992下載:0
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  • 本研究探討了2015年稅制改革和新聞曝光如何影響台灣家族企業的企業避稅,以2013到2017年台灣上市上櫃公司為研究對象。研究結果發現在2015年稅制改革後,對於一般企業來說,並沒有誘因去進行避稅規劃;相對而言,家族企業則會因稅制改革的變化,而更積極進行避稅行為。此外,在加入新聞曝光變數後,結果顯示,在稅制改革前,新聞曝光對於家族企業的避稅行為具有抑制、監督效果;但在稅制改革後,新聞曝光對於家族企業的避稅行為無法發揮效果。

    This paper examines how 2015 tax reform and news exposure affect corporate tax avoidance of family firms in Taiwan. I collect related data for Taiwan-listed companies from 2013 to 2017 to test my hypotheses. I find that after the tax reform in 2015, firms on average are less likely to engage in tax avoidance activities. By contrast, family firms are more likely to engage in tax avoidance after 2015 tax reforms. Further, I find news exposure may weaken family firms' tax avoidance behavior. However, after the tax reform, the impact of news exposure on the tax avoidance behavior of family firms become less obvious.

    摘要 ........................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... II 目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... III 圖表索引 ............................................................................................................................. IV 壹、緒論 ............................................................................................................................... 1 一、研究動機 ............................................................................................................... 1 二、制度背景 ............................................................................................................... 3 貳、文獻探討與研究假說 ................................................................................................... 4 一、股東股利與避稅 ................................................................................................... 4 二、家族企業與避稅 ................................................................................................... 5 三、新聞曝光與避稅 ................................................................................................... 6 參、研究方法 ....................................................................................................................... 8 一、研究樣本 ............................................................................................................... 8 二、變數定義 ............................................................................................................... 8 三、迴歸模型 ............................................................................................................. 14 肆、實證結果 ..................................................................................................................... 16 一、敘述統計與相關性分析 ..................................................................................... 16 二、迴歸分析結果 ..................................................................................................... 21 伍、增額測試 ..................................................................................................................... 27 一、稅制改革與公司避稅行為相關性之增額測試結果 ......................................... 27 二、家族企業與公司避稅行為相關性之增額測試結果 ......................................... 30 三、新聞曝光度與企業避稅行為相關性之增額測試結果 ..................................... 32 陸、結論 ............................................................................................................................. 34 一、研究結論 ............................................................................................................. 34 二、研究限制與建議 ................................................................................................. 35 參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................. 36 附錄一:全額設算扣抵與部分設算扣抵制之範例 ......................................................... 40 附錄二:計算當期應納稅額 ............................................................................................. 42

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