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研究生: 唐毅
Yi Tang
論文名稱: 以能部分滿足需求的容量限制分群演算法解決靜態自行車再平衡問題
Solving Static Bike Rebalancing Problem by a Partial Demand Fulfilling Capacity Constrained Clustering Algorithm
指導教授: 戴碧如
Bi-Ru Dai
口試委員: 帥宏翰
Hong-Han Shuai
Chih-Hua Tai
Yi-Lin Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 自行車再平衡分群混合整數線性規劃
外文關鍵詞: Bike Rebalancing, Clustering, Mixed Integer Linear Programming
相關次數: 點閱:476下載:0
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Nowadays, bike sharing systems have been widely used in major cities around the world. One of the major challenges of bike sharing systems is to rebalance the number of bikes for each station such that user demands can be satisfied as much as possible. To execute rebalancing operations, operators usually have a fleet of vehicles to be routed through stations. When rebalancing operations are executing at nighttime, user demands usually are small enough to be ignored and this is regarded as the static bike rebalancing problem. In this paper, we propose a Partial Demand Fulfilling Capacity Constrained Clustering (PDF3C) algorithm to reduce the problem scale of the static bike rebalancing problem. The proposed PDF3C algorithm can discover outlier stations and group remaining stations into several clusters where stations having large demands can be included by different clusters. Finally, the clustering result will be applied to multi-vehicle route optimization. Experiment results verified that our PDF3C algorithm outperforms existing methods.

指導教授推薦書 II 論文口試委員審定書 III Abstract IV 論文摘要 V 致 謝 VI Table of Contents VII List of Tables VIII List of Figures IX 1. Introduction 1 2. Related Works 3 3. Problem Formulation 5 4. Proposed Method 8 4.1 Framework 8 4.2 Target Inventory Determination 9 4.3 Station Cluster/Group Generation 10 4.4 Rebalancing Route Optimization 18 5. Experiment 25 5.1 Comparative Environment 25 5.2 Experiment Results 27 6. Conclusions and Future Work 39 7. Reference 40

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