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研究生: 楊蟬瑄
Chan-Hsuan Yang
論文名稱: 從高齡者觀點探討台北捷運標誌之識認度與可視度
A Study of Comprehensibility and Legibility at Taipei Metro Symbols in Elderly People
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 張建成
Chien-Cheng Chang
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 標誌高齡者識認度可視度
外文關鍵詞: Symbol, Elderly People, Comprehensibility, Legibility
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:9
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近年來台灣人口結構急遽變化且已邁入高齡化的社會。為因應高齡社會的來臨,未來政府相關公共設施的建置與規劃,更須考量高齡者在生活使用上的真實需求。先前研究指出一般人在捷運站內有看不清楚標誌的困擾,更遑論是針對高齡者。基此,本研究旨在探討高齡者對台北捷運標誌的識認度與可視度。本研究共分初期研究和設計驗證兩階段進行,初期研究階段包含有標誌識認度調查和標誌可視度測試兩部份,其目的在篩選出高齡者不易辨識的捷運標誌和檢視出現階段捷運標誌設計對高齡者的適用性;其中,兩部份的受測者皆合計為40名 (男、女各半)。另外,設計驗證階段則針對初期研究中識認度不佳和可視度低之標誌進行修改後之驗證,其目的在提出符合高齡者需求的標誌設計建議。首先,在初期研究階段中,針對標誌識認度調查部份,在36個台北捷運標誌中,本研究共篩選出10個識認度不佳的標誌。針對標誌可視度測試部份,在6個警告標誌刺激物中,本研究發現6個警告標誌可視度皆偏低。其次,在設計驗證階段中,針對標誌識認度測試,在10個標誌刺激物中,本研究發現有9個修正後標誌之識認度獲得改善;針對標誌可視度測試,本研究發現6個警告標誌可視度皆獲得改善。最後,針對高齡者,本研究建議捷運標誌識認度之改善方案有:(1) 標誌圖像之間的差異須明顯、(2) 可採用較常見生活化的圖像或符號、(3) 圖像須簡單化且具體和 (4) 整體標誌設計具一致性。另外,捷運標誌可視度之建議改善方案則是:(1) 適度加大整體單一標誌圖像的大小、(2) 降低標誌圖像的複雜度及 (3) 避免圖像交疊或色彩交錯發生。

The population of Taiwan has been aging rapidly in recent years. To face the challenge of adjusting the advent of an aging society, the government should consider the actual needs of elderly people while planning and installing public facilities in the future. Prior research has pointed out the inconvenience of misreading symbols found in Taipei metro stations let alone elderly people. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the comprehensibility and legibility at Taipei metro symbols in elderly people. This study was conducted in two phases (primary study and design validation). First, this primary study phase aims to investigate the comprehensibility of symbols and examine the eligibility of symbols. A total of forty subjects (half female and half male) were investigaged at this phase. The main purposes of this phase are to glean out symbols which were difficult to comprehend for elderly people and to examine the suitability of the current symbols at the metro stations in elderly people. Scendly, at design validation phase, this study first adjusted the symbols with low comprehensibility and low legibility found at the primary study phase, and then validated the adjustments. This main purpose of the design validation phase is to propose new symbol design to satisfy the needs of elderly people. In the first part of the primary study phase, surveys were conducted to glean out ten symbols with low comprehensibility out of 36 ones at the Taipei metro. This study also found that there were all of six warning symbols with low legibility at the Taipei metro. During the design validation phase, this study found the comprehensibility of nine of ten symbols adjusted has been improved. This study also found that the legibility of all of six warning symbols has been improved. Last, this study proposed the ways to improve the comprehensibility of the symbols at Taipei metro: (1) distinctive differences among images, (2) adopting common and familiar images, (3) simplification and concretion of images, and (4) coherence among images. And, this study suggested that the ways to improve the legibility of Taipei metro symbols include (1) to enlarge the size of the single symbol properly, (2) to reduce the complexity of the images, and (3) to avoid the overlaps of images and colors.

一、緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究限制與範圍 1.4 研究流程 二、文獻探討 2.1 高齡者生心理機能特徵 2.1.1 高齡者視覺機能特徵 2.1.2 高齡者認知機能特徵 2.1.3高齡者標誌設計原則 2.2 標示系統 2.2.1 標示系統之定義 2.2.2 標誌的設計原則 2.2.3 標誌的評估方法 2.2.4 識認度與可視度 2.3 台北捷運標示系統設計 2.3.1 台北捷運運輸現況 2.3.2 台北捷運標誌的分類 2.3.3 台北捷運之標誌 2.3.4 標誌之可能干擾因素 2.4 研究架構 三、研究設計 3.1 研究方法 3.1.1 識認度調查 3.1.2 可視度測試 3.1.3 標誌修改與驗證 3.2 研究對象 四、初期研究實驗與發現 4.1 識認度調查發現 4.1.1 受測者基本資料分析 4.1.2 問卷信度與效度之檢定 4.1.3 研究變項之敘述性統計 4.1.4 性別獨立樣本T檢定 4.2 可視度測試發現 4.2.1 受測者基本資料分析 4.2.2 標誌刺激物之可視度測試發現 4.2.3 年齡對可視度之變異數分析 4.3 小結 五、設計驗證實驗與發現 5.1 標誌設計修改 5.1.1 識認度不佳之標誌修改 5.1.2 可視度低之標誌修改 5.2 驗證實驗與發現 5.2.1 受測者基本資料分析 5.2.2 問卷信度與效度之檢定 5.2.3 識認度驗證之發現 5.2.4 可視度驗證之發現 5.3 小結 六、研究結論與建議 6.1 研究結論 6.2 研究建議 6.2.1 標誌設計實務建議 6.2.2 後續研究之建議 參考文獻 附錄

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