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研究生: 吳峻維
Jyun-Wei Wu
論文名稱: RC建築基於非彈性分析之柱構件耐震圍束設計研究
Study on Seismic Confinement Design of Column for RC Buildings Based on Inelastic Analyses
指導教授: 林克強
Ker-Chun Lin
口試委員: 林克強
Ker-Chun Lin
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Wen-Yu Jean
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 281
中文關鍵詞: 鋼筋混凝土柱韌性容量箍筋配置
外文關鍵詞: RC Column, Deformation Ductility, Transverse Reinforcement Design
相關次數: 點閱:396下載:26
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The deformability of the column members in the building structure has a great influence on the configuration of the transverse reinforcement. Generally, the design of the column members is to make the column can reach 3% lateral deformation angle for the transverse reinforcement design, but due to the development of inelastic dynamic analysis technology, The actual seismic deformation of the structure is obtained through dynamic analysis. If the deformation obtained under this analysis is less than 3%, there is no need to design each column member of the structure with a 3% deformation target. In addition, due to the development of high-strength reinforced concrete materials in recent years, it is planned to be used in the construction of high-rise buildings. Because the columns located at the bottom of the high-rise structure are simultaneously subjected to high axial force and seismic bending moment, after the clear cover peel off, due to the high Axial force causes the main reinforcement to buckle, causing the column to lose its axial load carrying capacity and cause damage. Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, this research plans to develop a system configuration applied to the bottom column of high-rise structure, which will move the original outer main reinforcement part. To the inner side, the main reinforcement can be restrained to continuously resist the axial force without buckling, and a half-rigid connection device is added at the bottom of the first floor beam to make the bending moment of the bottom floor present a double curvature distribution, reducing the value of the column bottom bending moment. This research adheres to the above-mentioned concept, and because some regulations on the modification and selection of earthquake records for inelastic dynamic analysis in Taiwan are still unclear, this research explores dynamic analysis methods and proposes a design procedure for transverse reinforcement based on the results of dynamic analysis. The program, which obtains the bending moment requirements of column members from dynamic analysis, and obtains the relationship between column lateral deformation capacity and transverse reinforcement by regression analysis of the domestic and foreign reinforced concrete rectangular column test database, and combines the two to perform transverse reinforcement design. Using the earthquake spectra scaling method proposed in this research to select earthquake records and screening the results can obtain a more representative seismic response. Based on the results of dynamic duration analysis and the regression database design, the amount of reinforcement can be reduced compared to the original standard. To achieve the advantage of reducing the amount of steel used. In addition, the analysis of changing the section configuration and adding the semi-rigid connection device can smoothly analyze and reduce the bending moment demand of the bottom floor column. In the future, we look forward to applying this technology to actual projects and conducting tests and verifications.

誌謝 III 摘要 IV ABSTRACT V 目錄 1 表目錄 3 圖目錄 5 第一章 緒論 9 1.1研究動機 9 1.2研究目的 10 1.3研究方法 11 1.4論文架構 11 第二章 文獻回顧 12 2.1鋼筋混凝土柱之設計圍束鋼筋量 12 2.2鋼筋混凝土柱之軸力比與變形容量 13 2.3地震力彈性分析 13 2.3.1臺灣規範 13 2.3.2美國規範 15 2.4地震力非彈性動力歷時分析之加速度歷時調整 15 2.4.1 臺灣規範 15 2.4.2 美國規範 16 2.4.3 地震紀錄之選取與調整 16 2.5鋼筋混凝土結構之構件塑鉸 17 2.5.1 ASCE/SEI 41-13[2] 17 2.5.2 TEASPA[3]塑鉸性能 17 2.6非彈性動力歷時分析變形檢核 18 第三章 鋼筋混凝土矩形柱韌性容量 19 3.1柱構件實驗資料庫建立 19 3.1.1實驗資料篩選 19 3.1.2矩形柱影響韌性之參數選定 19 3.2資料庫數據迴歸分析 20 3.2.1不同韌性指標之迴歸分析 20 3.2.2最佳韌性指標之選定 21 3.2.3柱圍束箍筋設計方式之建立 21 第四章 鋼筋混凝土建築韌性需求分析 23 4.1分析流程 23 4.2鋼筋混凝土建築結構模型建立 23 4.2.1結構設計基本資料 23 4.2.2結構分析基本假設 23 4.3地震力彈性分析與設計 24 4.3.1結構基本動力特性 24 4.3.2設計水平地震力與豎向分配 24 4.3.3構件應力設計 24 4.3.4整體變形檢核與強柱弱梁設計 25 4.3.5柱構件斷面非典型配置之強度探討與設計 25 4.4非彈性靜力側推與動力歷時分析 25 4.4.1靜力側推分析 26 4.4.2動力歷時分析 27 4.4.3地震紀錄之選取與調整建議 28 4.4.4分析結果討論 29 第五章 建築物柱構件之韌性設計分析討論 32 5.1建築物韌性需求之決定 32 5.2 柱構件耐震變形與圍束箍筋需求量 33 5.3柱構件箍筋設計與比較 33 第六章 結論與建議 34 參考文獻 36 附錄一 RC矩形柱測試資料庫 146 附錄二 RC矩形柱迴歸分析 158

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