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研究生: 吳佳欣
Chia-Hsin Wu
論文名稱: 應用壓電感測器於RC構件在動態載重下之受力推估與損傷診斷研究
Research on Force Estimation and Damage Diagnosis of RC Structures by Piezoelectric Sensors under Dynamic Load
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
口試委員: 廖文義
Wen-I Liao
Ting-Yu Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: 壓電陶瓷地震力損傷評估鋼筋混凝土等效阻尼比
外文關鍵詞: piezoceramic, seismic, damage detection, reinforced concrete, equivalent damping ratio
相關次數: 點閱:522下載:2
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In this study, using the piezoceramic as sensors to detected the displacement and force of the seismic in reinforced concrete (RC) walls and columns. Furthermore, using the piezoceramic as sensors and actuators to perform structural health monitoring in RC walls.
The dynamic wall test and dynamic column test are applied different levels of seismic deformation by a set of dynamic actuator. We use two difference kinds of RC walls: slipping and without slipping. Three difference failure modes of RC columns: flexure failure, flexure and shear failure and shear failure. The post-embedded piezoceramic sensors are used to perform the displacement and force which is applied on the specimens. Using piezoceramic sensors to investigate the relationship between the signal measured by the sensors and the force and deformation of the specimens. Calculating the energy dissipation by the equivalent viscous damping ratio and define the damage level of RC structure.
In addition, the post-embedded piezoceramic sensors are used to perform structural health monitoring in RC walls. Using the piezoceramic as sensors and actuators in the specimens. Calculating and comparing the damage index after acting different scales of seismic duration.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 iv 表索引 vi 圖索引 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究架構 2 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 壓電材料 4 2.1.1 壓電材料介紹 4 2.1.2 壓電本構方程式 5 2.2 壓電材料之混凝土結構健康監測 6 2.3 壓電材料之應力感測 8 2.4 構件損傷度判斷基準 9 2.4.1 國內之震損判斷基準 9 2.4.2 日本建築防災協會之震損判斷基準 10 2.5 等效黏滯阻尼比 11 第三章 實驗設置 13 3.1 壓電感測器 13 3.1.1 壓電感測器製作 14 3.1.2 壓電感測器埋置 15 3.2 儀器介紹 16 第四章 動態牆試驗 17 4.1 試體介紹 17 4.2 試驗過程 20 4.2.1 試驗配置與程序 20 4.2.2 壓電訊號量測 24 4.2.3 試體外部位移之量測 25 4.3 訊號處理 26 4.3.1 動態載重作用時 26 4.3.2 動態載重作用前後 49 4.4 試驗結果與分析比較 60 4.4.1 動態載重作用時 60 4.4.2 動態載重作用前後 71 4.5 小結 82 第五章 動態柱試驗 83 5.1 試體介紹 83 5.2 試驗過程 86 5.2.1 試驗配置與程序 86 5.2.2 壓電訊號量測 89 5.2.3 試體外部位移之量測 90 5.3 訊號處理 91 5.3.1 訊號之濾波 91 5.3.2 壓電訊號與位移及力量之相關性 98 5.4 試驗結果與分析比較 107 5.4.1 力量及壓電訊號與位移之二維相關性 107 5.4.2 理論之遲滯迴圈 111 5.4.3 等效黏滯阻尼比 112 5.4.4 震損等級判定 118 5.5 小結 121 第六章 結論與建議 123 6.1 結論 123 6.2 建議 124 參考文獻 125

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