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研究生: 羅文志
Wen-chih Lo
論文名稱: 氧空缺控制對氧化鋯離子導電率之研究
Ionic conductivity of Zirconia with controlled oxygen vacancies
指導教授: 周振嘉
Chen-chia Chou
口試委員: 呂福興
Fu-Hsing Lu
Dah-shyang Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 固態氧化物燃料電池共摻雜晶格鍵結能氧空缺氧化鋯
外文關鍵詞: solid oxide fuel cell, co-doped, lattice binding energy, oxygen vacancy, zirconia
相關次數: 點閱:465下載:14
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本實驗主要在探討ZrO2電解質共摻雜不同離子半徑之二價陽離子(Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+)與三價陽離子(Y3+),於1500℃/3hrs燒結,並利用XRD、SEM、AC impedance analyzer、Raman analyzer和TEM對電解質導電性質進行研究。
為了解ZrO2離子導電率提升的機制,本實驗先以8mol%Y2O3-92mol%ZrO2(8YSZ)和 12mol%CaO -88mol% ZrO2 (12CSZ)混合作為研究的系統,實驗結果顯示(12CSZ)1-x-(8YSZ)x之離子導電率並沒有高於8YSZ。(12CSZ)1-x-(8YSZ)x經由XRD分析皆為立方(cubic)相,但(12CSZ)0.5-(8YSZ)0.5經由拉曼光譜分析,在480 cm-1產生了額外的峰(extra peak)。為了明確定義此特殊的峰,利用穿透式電子顯微鏡進行研究,發現t’ 相和 m’相,而且(12CSZ)1-x-(8YSZ)x系統中太多的氧空缺將造成缺陷叢聚之現象。此可能為(12CSZ)1-x-(8YSZ)x系統離子導電率無法提升的原因。
為了提升ZrO2離子導電率,本實驗控制摻雜的量,也就是Y2O3-ZrO2相圖中,接近t-to-c轉變之位置(8 mole%),去抑制氧空缺叢聚(oxygen vancancy cluster)之現象。所以共摻雜系統之陽離子固定8 mole%,且氧空缺濃度固定8 mole%附近。故設計Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X,(M=Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+),X=0,0.005,0.01,0.015,0.02,之成份。研究結果顯示Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X之試片由XRD分析,皆為cubic相。而800℃時Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X,M=Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+,離子導電率之最佳值,X之添加量皆為0.005 mole。而Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X之離子導電率隨添加之二價陽離子半徑增加而減少,即σMgYZ > σCaYZ >σSrYZ。而800℃之Zr0.920Y0.155 Mg0.005O2.08-0.5X之導電率為0.022 (S•cm-1)高於(ZrO2)0.92-(Y2O3)0.08之導電率0.015 (S•cm-1)。而ZrO2-Y2O3電解質摻雜二價陽離子,添加量不能大於0.01 mole,不然會發生氧空缺序化之現象,而造成導電率下降。
由硬球殼模型計算氧空缺半徑,Zr0.92Y0.16-XMgXO2.08-0.5X,Zr0.92Y0.16-XCaXO2.08-0.5X 和Zr0.92Y0.16-XSrXO2.08-0.5X系統的氧空缺半徑為1.7508 Å,0.8652 Å和0.3421 Å,離子導電率隨著氧空缺半徑增加而增加。因為離子導電率σMgYSZ>σCaYSZ>σSrYSZ 和氧空缺半徑
由本實驗可知控制共摻雜離子半徑接近Zr4+和晶格束縛能(lattice binding energy)較小之氧化物和摻雜的量在8 mol%附近,可提升釔安定氧化鋯電解質之離子導電性。Zr0.920Y0.155M0.005O2.08-0.5X系統,擁有突出的離子導電性,且接近Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 ( 0.037 S•cm-1)。

Co-doping effect of various ionic radii of divalent (Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and trivalent (Y3+) cations on ionic conductivity of zirconia was investigated using x-ray diffractiometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, raman spectroscopy and ac impedance analysis in this work.
For understanding the principles of enhancing the ionic conductivity of zirconia, (8YSZ)X-(12CSZ)1-X was investigated in the first topic. Experimental results show the ionic conductivity of (8YSZ)X-(12CSZ)1-X decreases with an increase of 12CSZ content. The (8YSZ)X-(12CSZ)1-X are all cubic phase calculated from x-ray diffraction patterns, but a 480 cm-1 extra peak was found from raman scattering patterns in (8YSZ)0.5-(12CSZ)0.5. It seems that another unusual phase was formed; for this reason, the microstructral feature of (8YSZ)0.5-(12CSZ)0.5 was carried out using transmission electron microscopy. The t’ phase and a peculiar monoclinic phase (m’) was observed, and the defect association or lattice distortion would be produced in (8YSZ)X-(12CSZ)1-X due to too many oxygen vacancies, which is the possible reason that the ionic conductivity (8YSZ)X-(12CSZ)1-X decreases with an increase of 12CSZ content.
Y2O3 doping concentration in zirconia of 8mol% exhibits highest ionic conductivity, and the ionic conductivity of Y2O3 doped zirconia decreased when the composition of Y2O3 higher than 8 mol% because of the oxygen vacancy clustering. In order to decrease and restrain the average binding energy and oxygen vacancy clustering in zirconia respectively for enhancing ionic conductivity, the divalent cations (Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and trivalent (Y3+) cations doped zirconia which possess the lowest lattice binding energy and the radius of doped cations close to Zr4+ was devised. Besides, the amount of doped cations of co-doping system must be fixed at 8 mol%, and the amount of oxygen vacancy was controlled around 8-9 mol% in YSZ matrix. The results demonstrate that the specimens of Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X are of cubic structure calculated from x-ray diffraction patterns. It is found the best conductivity of Zr0.920Y0.155Mg0.005O2.08-0.5X (0.022 S•cm-1), Zr0.920Y0.155Ca0.005O2.08-0.5X (0.020 S•cm-1) and Zr0.920Y0.155Sr0.005O2.08-0.5X (0.016 S•cm-1) are higher than that of (ZrO2)0.92-(Y2O3)0.08 (0.015 S•cm-1) at 800℃. The ionic conductivity of Zr0.920Y0.155M0.005O2.08-0.5X decreases with an increase of divalent ion radius. The ordering structure of oxygen vacancies occurred in the content of divalent oxides doped with ZrO2-Y2O3 higher than 0.01. The Zr0.920Y0.155Mg0.005O2.08-0.5X co-doped system contributes a maximum content of non-interfering oxygen vacancies, the average radii of co-doping divalent cations is close to that of Zr4+ and average binding energy must be as small as possible. Following these principles helps achieve the highest conductivity of zirconia. The effect of ionic radius of divalent ions is more significant than that of lattice binding energy of divalent oxides for enhancing the ionic conductivity of zirconia co-doping system.
Grain size of Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X systems increase with an increase of divalent oxide content. It seems that the grain size is correlated with the amount of oxygen vacancy. CaO and SrO segegated in grain boundaries when CaO and SrO contents are more than 0.015mole and 0.01mole respectively, because of the ionic radius of Ca2+ and Sr2+ are larger than that of Zr4+, the solid solution of CaO-ZrO2 and SrO-ZrO2 did not form easily. This is a reason why grain growth was restrained in higher CaO and SrO content.
The radii of oxygen vacancies in co-doped system were calculated from Hard-sphere model and the results show that oxygen vacancy radius depends on the ionic radius of the divalent dapants in Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X system, the ionic conductivity of Zr0.92Y0.16-XMXO2.08-0.5X seems to increase as the oxygen vacancy radius increased. The trend of ionic conductivity increase, which is σMgYSZ>σCaYSZ>σSrYSZ, is similar to the trend of oxygen vacancy size increase, which is rVo(Mg)> rVo(Ca)> rVo(Sr).
The ionic conductivity of Zr0.920Y0.155M0.005O2.08-0.5X possesses outstanding electrical properties which is close to that of Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 which is 0.037(S•cm-1). For this reason, the Zr0.920Y0.155M0.005O2.08-0.5X is suit able to apply in the reduction-resistance layer of SDC electrolyte system for sandwich structure in SOFCs and decrease the operation temperature.

中文摘要…………………………………………………………..……Ⅰ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………… .…Ⅳ 誌謝……………………………………………………………………..Ⅶ 目錄…………………………………………………………………..…Ⅷ圖索引………………………………………...……………………...ⅩⅠ表索引……………………………………………………………..…ⅩⅥ 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………6 2-1. 固態氧化物燃料電池簡介……………………………....……..6 2-2. 電解質基本傳導原理………………………………..………..11 2-3. 氧化鋯電解質結構和導電性能………………………………13 2-4. SOFC電解質ZrO2¬¬材料發展現狀………………………….19 2-5. 交流阻抗法…………………………………………………..27 2-5-1. 交流阻抗原理簡介……………………………………..27 2-5-2 固態電解質之EIS應用………………………………..34 第三章 實驗方法……………………………………………………..40 3-1. 實驗藥品規格及儀器總表……………………………………40 3-2. 試片製備………………………………………………………42 3-2-1 粉末製備………………………………………………42 3-2-2 試片成型………………………………………………42 3-2-3 試片燒結………………………………………………42 3-3. 分析試片之儀器 3-3-1. 粉末粒徑之分析………………………………………44 3-3-2. 密度之量測……………………………………………44 3-3-3. X-ray繞射分析…………………………………………46 3-3-4. 破裂韌性試片…………………………………………46 3-3-5. SEM表面影像分析……………………………………48 3-3-6. EDS元素分析…………………………………………48 3-3-7. 拉曼光譜分析…………………………………………48 3-3-8. TEM微結構之分析………………………………….48 3-3-9. 電性之分析……………………………………………49 第四章 二價陽離子(M2+)和三價釔(Y3+)共摻雜對氧化鋯基電解質之 影響…………………………………………………………..52 4-1. 氧化鋯共摻雜(Y3+、Ca2+)陽離子對結構之影響-未控制氧空缺 濃度…………………………………………………………..52 4-2. 氧化鋯共摻雜(Y3+、Ca2+)陽離子之微觀結構觀察………….56 4-3. 氧化鋯共摻雜(Y3+、Ca2+)陽離子對離子導電率之影響……..60 4-4. ZrO2-Y2O3電解質摻雜二價陽離子(Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+)對離子 導電性之影響 - 控制氧空缺濃度……..……………….……..70 4-5. 二價陽離子(Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+)摻雜ZrO2-Y2O3電解質對晶格 常數影響……..……………….…………………………….…85 4-6. ZrO2-Y2O3電解質摻雜二價陽離子(Sr2+,Ca2+,Mg2+)之顯微 組織……..……………….…………………………….............89 第五章 結論………………………………………………………..…97 參考文獻……………………………………………………………100

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