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研究生: 蔡昀
論文名稱: DLP型高速列印槽底抑制薄膜之改善
Improvement on the Inhibited Film on the Bottom of Resin Vat in DLP-type High-speed 3D Printing
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
口試委員: 郭俊良
Chun-liang Kuo
Chien-Hua Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 高速3D列印矽膠薄膜抽吸力
外文關鍵詞: High-speed 3D printing, silicone film, suction force, heat
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:0
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Bottom-up mask projection stereolithography technique needs to increase the printing speed in order to be more widely used in mass production. Carbon 3D developed CLIP technology generates dead zones to reduces separation force and increases the printing speed. Our laboratory proposes of inhibition films technology, can also generate dead zone. Previous studies have mostly explored its functionality, and have not yet considered the needs of mass production. The purpose of this study is to increase the speed of preparing the inhibition films, improve the transmittance and flatness of the films, also discuss the printing life.
In this study, using wet film coater to change the original type prepared by pouring directly into the tank, and using a double-sided adhesive PET films with one side of silicon adhesive and the other side of acrylic adhesive, Without the use of thinner, the process of suppressing the film can be shortened from 48 hours to 1 hour, and a flat inhibition film can be quickly manufactured and attached to the acrylic plate. The difference in light transmittance and dead zone of different thickness films was also discussed, and the service life of the inhibition films as discussed. It was found that the cause of film damage was the interaction of suction and heat.Methods such as increasing the thickness of the inhibition film, increasing the lifting height, and changing the form of the resin tank bottom plate, the results show that the printing life can be effectively improved.
Keywords: High-speed 3D printing, silicone film, suction force, heat

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第1章緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機與目的 1.3 研究方法 1.4 論文架構 第2章 文獻探討 2.1 積層製造技術 2.1.1 積層製造簡介 2.1.2 光聚合固化技術(Vat Photopolymerization) 2.2 下照式光固化成型高速列印技術 2.2.1 Carbon3D 2.2.2 EnvisionTEC 2.2.3 NewPro3D 2.2.4 Nexa3D 2.2.5 本實驗室相關研究 2.3 矽膠薄膜加熱受力探討 2.3.1 不同厚度PDMS之受力情形 2.3.2 溫度對於PDMS之機械性質影響 第3章 實驗設備與材料介紹 3.1 下照式DLP型積層製造系統 3.1.1 動態光罩產生器 3.1.2 動態光罩控制軟體 3.2 製造與測試儀器 3.2.1 離心脫泡攪拌器 3.2.2 濕膜塗佈機 3.2.3 光功率量測儀 3.2.4 S型荷重元 3.3 列印方式與實驗材料 第4章 抑制薄膜製程與性質改善 4.1 抑制薄膜製程改善 4.1.1 原先製程 4.1.2 製程改善 4.2 抑制薄膜性質改善 4.2.1 不同厚度之透光度與死區厚度比較 4.2.2 不同厚度對分離力的影響 第5章 抑制薄膜壽命探討 5.1 影響抑制薄膜壽命因子 5.2 薄膜壽命提升方法 5.2.1 增加抑制層厚度 5.2.2 增加抬升高度 5.2.3 改變樹脂槽底設計 5.3 模型設計與列印策略 第6章 結論與未來研究方向 6.1 結論 6.2 未來研究方向 參考文獻

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