簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林宜諄
Yi-chun Lin
論文名稱: 台灣脊梁及雪山山脈邊坡崩塌潛勢之比較分析
Comparative Analysis of Landslide Potentials in Two Mountainous Areas of Central Taiwan
指導教授: 廖洪鈞
Hung-Jiun Liao
Jian-Ye Ching
口試委員: 黃建忠
Chien-Chung Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 脊梁山脈及雪山山脈崩塌潛勢高斯過程
外文關鍵詞: Jiliang mountain and Hsuehshan mountain, landslide potential, Gaussian process
相關次數: 點閱:383下載:10
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This study is to propose a process for evaluating the potentials of slope failure over large mountainous area in central Taiwan. The areas studied cover some portion of Hsuehshan mountain and Jiliang mountain. The Hsuehshan mountain cases are 3393 in total. Among them, 2504 are landslide cases and 889 are stable slope cases. The Jiliang mountain cases are 7143 in total. Among them, 3064 are landslide cases and 4079 are stable slope cases. The statistical model adopted here is Gaussian process. Eight influencing features are selected and input to Gaussian process namely: height of cut slope, average slope aspect, dip slope, standard deviation of slope angle, NVDI, rock strength, average slope angle, and height of slope. Then the potential of slope failure can be determined. The applicability of Gaussian process on estimating the landslide potential over large area is evaluated by inputting the slope information of Hsuehshan mountain and Jiliang mountain.
The results show that the potential of slope failure over large area can not be satisfactorily produced from the Gaussian process. By subdividing the studied area to smaller areas, the accuracy rate of Gaussian process can be improved until the size of studied area has been reduced to some critical value. The reasons which caused unsatisfactory output mainly comes from the way to generate the features for analysis. In fact, all the features used in this study can be directly obtained from the digital terrain model (DTM). But they may not be the most critical features to analyze slope stability. Further study on selecting adequate features is needed. Finally, if the studied subject is concentrated on the roadside slopes in mountainous area, the accuracy of the Gaussian process can be significantly improved. For example, the accuracy rate on the roadside slope stability evaluation can be increased to about 70% and 80% for Jiliang mountain and Hsuehshan mountain respectively.

目 錄 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 誌謝 Ⅲ 目錄 Ⅳ 附錄 Ⅵ 圖目錄 Ⅶ 表目錄 Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 1.1研究動機及目的 - 1 - 1.2研究流程 - 2 - 1.3論文架構 - 3 - 第二章 文獻回顧 - 5 - 2.1邊坡崩塌之類型 - 5 - 2.2邊坡崩塌之影響因子 - 6 - 2.2.1自然因子 - 6 - 2.2.2人為因子 - 9 - 2.2.3時間因子 - 11 - 2.2.4邊坡崩塌影響因子之相關研究 - 11 - 2.3邊坡崩塌潛勢分析方法之相關研究 - 15 - 2.3.1定性的專家評分法 - 16 - 2.3.2定量的統計分析法 - 18 - 第三章 分析方法與模式建立 - 30 - 3.1分析理論 - 30 - 3.1.1高斯過程 - 31 - 3.1.2貝氏分析 - 31 - 3.1.3高斯過程在二元分類分析上之應用 - 32 - 3.1.4隨機取樣法-Hybrid Monte Carlo - 34 - 3.1.5主成份分析-PCA - 37 - 3.2邊坡崩塌預測模式 - 39 - 3.2.1崩塌預測模式之介紹 - 39 - 3.2.2崩塌預測模式之建立 - 39 - 3.2.3邊坡崩塌預測模式之應用 - 40 - 3.3分析程式及參數設定 - 41 - 3.3.1分析程式 - 41 -高斯過程-Software for Flexible Bayesian Modeling - 41 -地理資訊系統-GIS - 41 - 3.3.2參數設定 - 42 - 3.3.3分析輸入指令 - 47 - 3.3.4分析測試 - 48 - 第四章 影響因子與案例探討 - 51 - 4.1影響因子及量化方式 - 51 - 4.2研究對象-脊梁山脈、雪山山脈 - 55 - 4.2.1脊梁山脈 - 56 - 4.2.2雪山山脈 - 57 - 第五章 案例分析結果探討 - 59 - 5.1全區之案例分析 - 59 - 5.1.1全區案例組成 - 59 - 5.1.2全區之分析結果 - 60 - 5.1.3崩塌潛能預測之重要性影響因子 - 65 - 5.2分區之案例分析 - 66 - 5.2.1分區案例組成 - 66 - 5.2.2分區之分析結果 - 68 - 5.3針對山區道路之案例分析 - 76 - 5.3.1山區道路案例組成 - 76 - 5.3.2山區道路之分析結果 - 78 - 5.3.3崩塌潛勢套疊衛星航照圖 - 79 - 5.4崩塌預測之結果比較 - 80 - 5.4.1分析結果比較 - 80 - 5.4.2繪製山崩潛勢圖 - 84 - 第六章 結論與建議 - 87 - 6.1結論 - 87 - 6.2建議 - 88 - 參考文獻 - 90 -

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