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研究生: 蔡振華
Chen-Hua Tsai
論文名稱: 基於霧運算的輕量級物聯網安全通訊框架
A Lightweight Fog-Based Framework for Secure IoT Communications
指導教授: 鄭欣明
Shin-Ming Cheng
口試委員: 蕭旭君
Hsu-Chun Hsiao
Chun-Ying Huang
Shin-Ming Cheng
Shan-Hsiang Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 霧運算物聯網匿名性惡意霧節點
外文關鍵詞: Fog computing, Internet of Things, Identity Anonymity, Malicious Fog node
相關次數: 點閱:437下載:2
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隨著連接的物聯網設備數量的增加,使用者除了享受各種物聯網應用之外,另一 方面,許多資源受限物聯網設備,往往無法有效的提供安全的通訊,而增加了使 用者對安全和隱私的擔憂。所以在物聯網建立安全通信的輕量級通訊協定是必要 的,這個協定必須能提供裝置匿名和身份驗證。本文提出了一個基於霧架構的安 全和輕量級的物聯網通訊(縮寫為 SLAFF )保證身份匿名。SLAFF 提供了 IoT 設備與雲中的認證服務器之間的密鑰交換協議,其包括匿名相互認證並且可以抵 抗惡意霧節點。此外,霧節點可以提供輔助運算的功能,提供支持委外的權限控 制。為確保 SLAFF 不會導致其他漏洞,我們使用 AVISPA 以及 BAN Logic 來驗 證協定的正確性。此外,我們在現有物聯網設備 Arduino YUN 和 Linkit Smart 7688 Duo 上以及 MQTT 協定實作 SLAFF。最後在從計算、通訊成本的角度來比 較 SLAFF 與現有解決方案之間的差異,我們發現 SLAFF 優於現有解決方案,更 適合應用於資源受限的 IoT 設備。

With the increasing number of connected IoT devices, on the one hand, users enjoy various kinds IoT applications, on the other hand, the vulnerability of IoT devices exacerbates users concerns about security and privacy. A lightweight protocol for secure IoT communications providing user anonymity and authentication is a neces- sary must. This thesis proposes a novel framework to support secure and lightweight IoT communications while guaranteeing identity anonymity with the aid of fog-based architecture (abbreviated as SLAFF). In particular, a key exchange protocol between IoT devices and the authentication server in the cloud is provided, which includes anonymous mutual authentication and can resist malicious Fog nodes. Moreover, Fog nodes could provide aided computation, and thus outsource access control is supported in SLAFF. To ensure that no additional vulnerabilities are caused from SLAFF, we apply AVISPA and BAN Logic to verify the correctness of SLAFF. Moreover, we implement SLAFF on the existing IoT devices, Arduino YUN and Linkit Smart 7688 Duo, where communication is achieved using MQTT. After com- paring the performance of SLAFF with the existing solutions from the perspective of computational and communication overheads, we found that SLAFF outperforms the existing solution and is more suitable to be applied on resource-constrained IoT devices.

Chinese Abstract 1 Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 List of Table 5 Chapter 1 Introduction 7 1.1 IoT scenario and security issues 7 1.2 How Fog facilitates IoT 7 1.3 Currnet Fog-Assisted IoT security-Related issues 8 1.4 Thesis organization 10 Chapter 2 Related Works 11 2.1 Traditionalcloud-basedarchitecture 11 2.2 Modern fog-based architecture 12 Chapter 3 SystemModel 13 3.1 Network model 13 3.2 Attackmodel 14 3.3 Performancemetric 14 Chapter 4 Secure Lightweight Anonymous Fog-Based Framework (SLAFF) for IoT 15 4.1 SessionKeyEstablishment 16 4.2 OutsourcedAccessControl 19 Chapter 5 SecurityAnalysis 21 5.1 BANLogic 21 5.2 Simulation for Formal Security Veri cation Using AVISPA 25 5.3 InformalSecurityAnalysis 31 Chapter 6 PerformanceAnalysis 33 6.1 ExperimentSetup 33 6.2 ComputationalCost 33 6.3 CommnicationOverhead 34 Chapter 7 Implementation 35 Chapter 8 Conclusions 37 References 38

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