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研究生: 許芳菁
Fang-jing Sheu
論文名稱: 海藻酸-聚麩胺酸水膠應用於 創傷敷料之評估
Evaluation of alginate-polyglutamic acid hydrogel for wound dressing
指導教授: 楊銘乾
Ming-chien Yang
口試委員: 李振綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 海藻酸鈉聚麩胺酸pH敏感型水膠創傷敷料
外文關鍵詞: polyglutamic acid, pH-sensitive hydrogel, wound dressing
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:1
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In this study, we successfully used calcium form γ-polyglutamic acid to prepare a novel alginate hydrogel instead of traditional process that used calcium chloride to perform ion crosslinking. The resulting hydrogels were characterized using FTIR spectroscopy, basic swelling behavior test, and the stability in a phosphate solution. Water resistance tests, water vapor transmission test, and other biocompatible tests were performed to evaluate the applicability of this hydrogel as a wound dressing material. The results show that this hydrogel exhibits pH-sensitivity, higher platelet adhering ability, and shorter coagulation time. Overall results demonstrated the alginate-polyglutamic acid hydrgel have a potential for wound dressing and drug delivery regions.

中文摘要.........................I 英文摘要.........................II 誌謝...........................III 表次..........................IV 圖次..........................V 第一章緖論........................1 1-1前言........................1 1-2智慧型水膠.....................2 1-2-1酸鹼敏感型水膠................2 1-2-2溫度敏感型水膠................3 1-2-3 葡萄糖敏感性水膠...............4 1-2-4 電敏感性水膠.................6 1-2-5 光能敏感性水膠................7 1-2-6其他型式之智慧型水膠.............8 1-3 海藻酸......................9 1-4 聚麩胺酸.....................13 1-5 創傷敷料.....................16 1-6研究動機及目的...................18 第二章 實驗與方法....................20 2-1 藥品與材料....................20 2-2 實驗儀器.....................21 2-3水膠製作......................22 2-4測試步驟.....................25 2-4-1 傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜(FT-IR).........25 2-4-2 水膠在磷酸鹽溶液中的穩定性.........25 2-4-3 膨潤度試驗.................25 2-4-4 保水率測試.................25 2-4-5 pH敏感性測試................26 2-4-6 透濕度試驗.................26 2-4-7 水膠強力性質測試..............27 2-4-8 蛋白質吸附試驗...............27 2-4-9 血小板吸附試驗...............28 2-4-10 凝血時間試驗................28 2-4-11 細胞毒性..................29 第三章 結果與討論................. ...30 3-1 FT-IR圖譜.....................30 3-2 水膠在磷酸鹽溶液中的穩定性............35 3-3 水膠的膨潤性質..................37 3-4水膠的pH敏感性..................40 3-5 水膠的保水性質..................43 3-6 水膠的透濕性質..................45 3-7 水膠的機械性質..................46 3-8 水膠的蛋白質吸附性質...............49 3-9 水膠的血小板吸附性質...............52 3-10 水膠的凝血性質..................54 3-11 細胞毒性.....................58 第四章 結論.......................60 第五章 參考文獻.....................61

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