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研究生: 吳佳璇
Wu-Chia Hsun
論文名稱: 以抗拒理論為基礎探討感測技術在智慧家庭中之隱私考量
The privacy concerns of sensing technology on smart-home IoT devices using a resistive modeling approach.
指導教授: 朱宇倩
Yu-Qian Zhu
口試委員: 方郁惠
Yu-Hui Fang
Sun-Jen Huang
Yu-Qian Zhu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 隱私考量感測技術家庭物聯網智慧家庭使用者抗拒行為
外文關鍵詞: privacy concerns, sensing technology, home IoT, smart-home, user resistance
相關次數: 點閱:411下載:0
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隨著物聯網 (IoT) 興起,智慧物聯網裝置在消費者家中越來越常見,感測技術使智慧裝置得以運作,在其中更是扮演著不可或缺的角色。家庭物聯網智慧裝置中的感測技術需要蒐集大量的使用者資料,潛藏個人隱私暴露及安全性風險。然而,現存的研究鮮少提及家庭物聯網感測技術、隱私考量和使用者抗拒行為間的關聯,因此,本研究以抗拒理論為基礎,探討感測技術在智慧家庭中之隱私考量,並著重於七種感測技術- 環境感測、臉部辨識、性別辨識、手勢控制、健康監測、存在及動作感測對於資訊隱私考量、身體隱私考量、心理隱私考量等三面向的影響。經量化研究調查354個樣本,以SPSS、SmartPLS分析後,結果顯示消費者對於性別辨識感測技術持有較多的心理隱私考量,且心理面的隱私考量最為導致使用者抗拒家庭物聯網智慧裝置中的感測技術,資訊隱私考量、身體隱私考量與使用者抗拒家庭物聯網智慧裝置中的感測技術較無關聯。對於一般科技的信任立場、資訊的敏感程度在本研究模型中分別具有負向與正向的調節作用。

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart IoT devices are growing dramatically in consumer households. Sensing technologies play a vital role in smart-homes (SH), enabling smart devices to provide services. The data collection process of sensing technologies in home IoT has exposed privacy and security risks. However, the associations between home IoT sensing technologies, privacy concerns, and user resistance are omitted from the existing scientific works. We implement the resistive modeling approach and specifically draw on the impact of seven types of sensing technologies: environmental sensing, face recognition, gender identification, gesture control, health monitoring, motion and presence detection, and voice control on the three aspects of privacy concerns: informational, physical, and psychological. The proposed model is tested using data collected from 354 people in Taiwan through a quantitative approach with SPSS and SmartPLS as analytical tools. Results show that gender identification raises the most severe psychological concern. Moreover, psychological privacy concern is the most critical privacy concern construct resulting in user resistance in the context of home IoT sensing technologies, the informational and physical privacy concerns are regarded as irrelevant. Lastly, the negative moderating effect of trusting stance- general technologies is also addressed along with the positive moderating effect of information sensitivity.

Abstract 2 Table of Contents 4 List of Figures 6 List of Tables 6 Chapter 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Background 7 1.2 Research Question 9 1.3 Research Purpose 9 1.4 Thesis Structure 10 Chapter 2. Literature Review 11 2.1 Prior research on home IoT services and smart-homes 11 2.2 Privacy Concerns in A Home IoT and Smart Home Environment 17 2.3 Moderating roles 20 2.3.1 Trusting Stance- General Technology 20 2.3.2 Performance Expectancy 20 2.3.3 Information Sensitivity 21 2.4 Sensing Technologies on IoT Devices in Smart Homes 22 2.4.1 Environmental Sensing 22 2.4.2 Face Recognition 23 2.4.3 Gender Identification 24 2.4.4 Gesture Control 25 2.4.5 Health Monitoring 25 2.4.6 Motion and Presence Detection 26 2.4.7 Voice Control 26 Chapter 3. Research Framework and Hypotheses 28 3.1 Research Framework 28 3.2 Hypotheses Formulation 30 3.2.1 Privacy concerns about smart-home IoT sensing technology 30 3.2.2 Trusting Stance- General Technology 32 3.2.3 Performance Expectancy 33 3.2.4 Information Sensitivity 34 Chapter 4. Research Methodology 36 4.1 Research Design 36 4.2 Data Collection 36 4.3 Questionnaire and Instrument Development 38 Chapter 5. Data Analysis and Results 41 5.1 Demographic Information 41 5.2 PLS-SEM Analysis 42 5.2.1 Data Conversion 42 5.2.2 Measurement Model 43 5.3 Hypotheses Testing 49 5.3.1 PLS-SEM for User Resistance 49 5.3.2 Moderating Effects 50 5.4 Comparison of Privacy Concerns on Home IoT Sensing Technologies 53 Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 56 6.1 Major Findings 56 6.1.1 The Impact of Privacy Concerns about Home IoT Sensing Technology on User Resistance (RQ1) 56 6.1.2 Types of Sensing Technology (RQ2) 57 6.1.3 The Moderating Roles (RQ3) 58 6.2 Theoretical Implications and practical contribution 60 6.3 Managerial Implications 61 6.4 Limitations and Future Research 62 References 64 Appendix A. Chinese Questionnaire 72 Appendix B. English Questionnaire 77

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