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研究生: 張嘉豪
Jia-Hao Jhang
論文名稱: 應用平滑支撐向量分類於台灣股票市場選股之研究
An Application of Smooth Support Vector Classification on Stock Selection in Taiwan Stock Exchange
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-Wu Yu
Jui-Shan Lu
口試委員: 周子銓
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 基本分析平滑支撐向量機平滑支撐向量分類
外文關鍵詞: Fundamental Analysis, Smoothing Support Vector Machine, Smooth Support Vector Classification
相關次數: 點閱:489下載:6
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許多人工智慧方法常有過多參數需要調整與測試,使得模型複雜度增加,而平滑支撐向量機(Smooth support vector machine, SSVM)中,採用RBF核心函數僅需調整 和 兩個參數,相對於其它方法,具有較低模型複雜度。
過去研究運用相關預測工具於選股議題上,未考量實際取得財務比率之時間點,本研究考量實際上資料取得時點,依據其資料結合平滑支撐向量分類(Smooth support vector classification , SSVC)建立選股模型, 和 參數搜尋方法則分別採用Grid和UD,並擬定單期和多期參數搜尋策略,實證1996/6/31~2006/10/31期間,SSVC選股模型之績效是否具有超額報酬。

Many methods of artificial intelligence often need to adjust too many parameters, tests and complexity. Smooth Support Vector Machine (SSVM), adapt the RBF adjustment and two parameters only, as opposed to other methods, SSVM with lower complexity.
Previous studies related predictive tools used in selecting stocks that, do not take into account the financial ratios achieved time. This study considers the timing of obtained data in reality, based on its data combination with Smoothing Support Vector Classification (SSVC), and establish stock-selection model. The methods of searching parameters use UD and Grid to develop the parameters searching strategy of single-phase and multi-phase. The empirical time is 1996/6/31~2006/10/31. The study discusses whether the performance of SSVC-Selection Model superior to excessive compensation or not.
The empirical results show that the SSVC-Selection Model with multi-phase strategy combining Grid, both in bear or bull markets can achieve excess return.

第1章緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的2 1.3研究架構4 1.4研究範圍與限制5 第2章文獻探討6 2.1基本分析6 2.1.1效率市場假說7 2.1.2運用基本分析於選股8 2.2平滑支撐向量機9 2.2.1支撐向量機理論概述10 2.2.2平滑支撐向量機13 2.2.3相關文獻15 第3章研究方法17 3.1研究流程17 3.2研究樣本18 3.2.1資料來源18 3.2.2資料處理18 3.3平滑支撐向量機選股模型18 3.3.1研究變數定義與選取19 3.3.2SSVM tools22 3.3.3SSVM核心函數23 3.3.4RBF參數設定24 第4章實證結果與分析25 4.1單期參數搜尋與績效探討25 4.2多期參數搜尋與績效探討31 4.3模型綜合比較與探討37 第5章結論與建議49 5.1研究結論49 5.2管理意涵49 5.3後續研究建議50 參考文獻51


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