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研究生: 温國平
Gerry Fernando
論文名稱: 用於玩大老二遊戲的Rule-based人工智能
A Rule-based AI Agent for Playing Game Big Two
指導教授: 戴文凱
Wen-Kai Tai
口試委員: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
Pei-Ying Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 遊戲機器人人工智能rule-based 人工智能多人卡牌遊戲大老二
外文關鍵詞: game bot, AI agent, rule-based AI, multiplayer card game, Big Two
相關次數: 點閱:736下載:6
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  • 大老二是一個在亞洲盛行的多人卡牌遊戲。本研究提出一個以 rule-based 為基礎的人工智能來玩大老二。此方法以剩餘的手牌張數和控制回合為基礎來發 展出規則。當手中的牌多於四張時,會從已經分過層級的手牌中由低層級至高層 級的順序來打出。而當人工智能手中的牌剩二到四張時,會另外使用相對應的規 則。當致勝的步數小於等於三時,會有致勝策略模組提出能馬上獲勝的方針。我 們也為人工智能在沒有控制權時,設計了是否要保留牌和拆牌的規則。實驗結果 顯示我們所研發的人工智能可以把大老二玩得很好,甚至超越人類玩家,在實驗 中人工智能的勝率在 24.47%到 27.4%之間並且有使得獲勝得分最大化和在局勢不 好時使得剩餘卡牌張數最小化的機制。

    Big Two is a popular multiplayer card game in Asia. This research proposes a rule-based AI to develop an AI agent for playing Big Two. The proposed method drives rules based on cards left and control position. The rules for two cards left, three cards left and four cards left are used to discard the card combination based on the number of cards remained on the agent’s hand. The rules for more than four cards left prioritize discarding the card combination in the classified cards from lower class to higher class. A winning strategy provides guidelines to get win immediately if the winning move less than or equal to 3. We also design the rules for the AI agent without control for holding cards and splitting cards. The experimental results show that our proposed AI agent could play Big Two well and outperform human players, presenting a winning rate around 24.47% to 27.4% with the capability to maximize the winning score and minimize the number of cards left when the chance of winning is low.

    List of Contents Abstract in Chinese i Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii List of Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables vii List of Algorithms viii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives and Hypothesis 2 1.3 Proposed Method 3 1.4 Contributions 4 1.5 Thesis Structure 5 2 Related Works 6 2.1 Perfect and Imperfect Information Game 6 2.2 Rule-based AI on Poker 8 2.3 Reinforcement Learning on Big Two Game 9 2.4 Rule-based on Big Two 11 2.5 Model Comparison 12 3 Proposed Method 13 3.1 Card Classification 17 3.2 Rules for Two Cards Left 25 3.3 Rules for Three Cards Left 26 3.4 Rules for Four Cards Left 28 3.5 Rules for More Than Four Cards Left 30 3.6 Winning Strategy 31 3.7 Rules for the agent if not control 32 3.8 Additional functions for five-card combination 37 4 Experimental Results and Analysis 41 4.1 Test Cases for Rules 41 4.1.1 Two Cards Left 41 4.1.2 Three Cards Left 43 4.1.3 Four Cards Left 44 4.1.4 Winning Strategy 45 4.1.5 Hold-Back Function 47 4.1.6 Split-Card Function 48 4.1.7 Best Five-Card Function 49 4.2 Experiment 51 4.3 Execution Time 57 4.4 User Study and Analysis 58 4.5 Loss Analysis 59 5 Conclusion and Future Work 60 5.1 Conclusion 60 5.2 Future Work 61 References 62

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