研究生: |
許子敬 Tzu-Ching Hsu |
論文名稱: |
以機器學習模型結合市場資訊之價格預測系統 - 以半導體市場為例 Price Prediction System with Market Information Using Machine Learning Model - Take Semiconductor Market as an Example |
指導教授: |
Shih-Hao Lu 鄭仁偉 Jen-Wei Cheng |
口試委員: |
Ren-Jieh Kuo 曾盛恕 Seng-Su Tsang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 66 |
中文關鍵詞: | 機器學習 、深度學習 、多層感知機 、記憶體 、價格預測 |
外文關鍵詞: | Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Memory, Price Prediction |
相關次數: | 點閱:682 下載:0 |
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本研究之目的是透過機器學習演算法,開發更精準的自動化價格預測模型,而本研究提出之模型主要是運用一種機器學習模型―多層感知機(MLP Model)來進行模型的訓練,並加入十個產品共160天的歷史價格、四個具指標性之股市資訊、以及半導體產業相關新聞三個面向市場資訊,藉此建置四個價格修正模型來改善預測結果。機器學習訓練出合適的模型特徵和調整最佳參數,透過本研究提出之修正模型,達到修正時間序列SMA模型的效果,提供更精準的價格預測,以執行更符合市場的訂價策略。
從研究結果發現,對於DRAM產品線,模型一的模型修正成功率平均為57.04%;模型二的模型修正成功率平均為50.37%;模型三的模型修正成功率平均為50.37%;模型四的模型修正成功率平均為55.56%。而NAND Flash產品線,模型一的模型修正成功率平均為8.15%;模型二的模型修正成功率平均為6.67%;模型三的模型修正成功率平均為7.41%;模型四的模型修正成功率平均為8.15%。整體而言,模型修正成功率越高,MAPE下降率也會越大。
With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), more and more industries have been putting focuses on how to implement AI and ML to build accurate and automated price prediction systems.
Price volatility is particularly important on the trading side of the market. The industries with relatively high price volatility tend to be extra cautious in price setting, and the semiconductor industry is one of these industries. In the semiconductor field, the pricing strategy of each company is very important. As a result, this study takes memory pricing as example.
The objective of this research is to develop more accurate automated price prediction models based on machine learning algorithms, and the propose model is the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model. The model is trained by 160 days of historical prices for ten products, four indicative stock information, and three market-oriented information relating to semiconductor industry news. The three market-oriented information are added to build four price correction models in order to improve the prediction results. The method is able to train the appropriate features and adjust the optimal parameters to achieve the effect of correcting the time-series SMA model. By this result, one can provide a more accurate price prediction and execute a more market-compatible pricing strategy.
From the research results, for DRAM product line, the average success rate of model correction is 57.04% by Model 1, 50.37% by Model 2, 50.37% by Model 3, and 55.56% by Model 4. As for NAND Flash product line, the average success rate of model correction is 8.15% by Model 1, 6.67% by Model 2, 7.41% by Model 3, and 8.15% by Model 4. Overall, the higher the success rate of model correction, the greater the decline rate of MAPE.
The results show that the proper machine learning model can achieve memory price prediction during the period of high price volatility. Moreover, by adding multiple types of market information, the model can provide a more accurate and objective reference for decision makers on pricing strategies.
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