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研究生: 陳冠宏
Guan-Hong Chen
論文名稱: 布里淵光時域分析法的研究與建置
Study and Implement of Optical Brillouin Time-domain Analysis
指導教授: 廖顯奎
Shien Kuei Liaw
口試委員: 廖顯奎
Shien-Kuei Liaw
San-Liang Lee
Chi-Wen Liao
Yu-Lin Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 布里淵散射時域分析分佈式光纖感測長距離感測布里淵 光時域分析系統
外文關鍵詞: long distance sensing
相關次數: 點閱:396下載:6
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於本論文中段對布里淵光時域分析系統架構做初步介紹,且因為應用的實驗儀器眾多,也將說明各項儀器扮演的角色;如何解讀光訊號與電訊號代表的意義,為重要的一環,並以原理和實驗探討最佳的基本參數,而後逐步分析布里淵增益頻譜,對布里淵散射系統脈衝寬度對布里淵增益頻譜的影響,也對可調式濾波器的濾波的波長和功率對布里淵增益頻譜的影響,進行了研究分析,最後並建立整個系統操作流程。最後,因布里淵光時域分析系統中,脈衝光如同探測頭一般,經過光纖時可以使待測區各點回饋一個布里淵增益值,達到分佈式感測效果,嘗試拉長測量距離、縮短不規則區以此提高空間解析度,最後我們得到了1.6公里、2公里、10公里的長度量測,且有辦法量測到2公里單模光纖 / 5米色散移位光纖和3.6公里單模光纖 / 5米色散移位光纖的空間解析度。

The research history of Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensing technology and the key point of time domain system are discussed in this thesis. How Brillouin scattering works, its characteristic parameters,and the relationship between Brillouin frequency shift and Fiber Under Test (FUT) are mentioned as well.By experiments, we found the proper instructions and parameters to comply aBrillouin optical time domain analysis (OBTDA) sensing system. We also analyzed the influence of pulse width on Brillouin gain spectrum based on the data of we obtain from Brillouin scattering system.
Firstly, we review the historical process of Brillouin optics and mention the advantages of distributed sensing. We also explain the development and importance of distributed fiber sensing and Brillouin optics. Then the research motivation and thesis structure of this paper are briefly described. The thesis introduces the principle of optical scattering, elastic scattering, Raman scattering and Brillouin scattering, and some prior works are reviewed. Then, the common examples of distributed sensing systems are further explored. Then in this thesis, the BOTDA system architecture is introduced. Note that the system need numerous experimental instruments, so the role of each instrument will be explained. How to interpret the meaning of optical signals and electrical signals is an important issue, and the experiment explores the best basic parameters, and then gradually analyzes the Brillouin gain spectrum, the effect of the Brillouin scattering system pulse width on the Brillouin gain spectrum. We also discuss the pass wavelength and power by the tunable filter, the effects of gain spectrum was studied and analyzed, and finally the entire system operation flow was established.
The pulsed light is like a probe in a BOTDA system. When passing through the optical fiber, each point in the area to be tested can feed back the Brillouin gain value achieved in accordance with distributed sensing effect condition. Trying to extend the measurement distance and reduce the part of irregularities, which increases the spatial resolution. Finally, we can observe the sensing effect in a distance of 1.6km, 2km and 10km, and we obtain the spatial resolution of 5m DSF in 2km SMF and 5m DSF in 3.6km SMF.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖表索引 縮寫對照清單 第1章 緒論 1.1前言 1.2研究動機 1.3論文架構 第2章 分佈式感測原理 2.1光學散射原理 2.1.1彈性散射 2.1.2拉曼散射 2.1.3布里淵散射 2.2光纖感測技術 2.2.1單點式光纖感測 2.2.2分佈式光纖感測 2.3布里淵光學之分佈式感測 2.4 BOTDA優化文獻探討 2.5光學散射的應用與比較 第3章 布里淵光學時域分析系統建置 3.1架構元組件原理與介紹 3.2系統基礎參數選取 第4章 布里淵增益量測 4.1布里淵增益頻譜 4.2布里淵增益強度優化 4.3感測系統操作流程 第5章 BOTDA量測與分析 5.1 BOTDA待測區長度量測 5.1.1量測1.6km單模光纖 5.1.2量測2km單模光纖 5.1.3量測10km單模光纖 5.2空間解析度量測 5.2.1 2km單模光纖和5m色散移位光纖 5.2.2 3.6km單模光纖和5m色散移位光纖 第6章 結論與未來展望 6.1結論 6.2未來展望 參考文獻  

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