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研究生: 李奕錕
Yi-Kun Lee
論文名稱: 基於物件姿態與光流分析之影片異常檢測
Video Anomaly Detection with Object-Based Pose Estimation and Optical Flow Analysis
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
Shin-Hsuan Yang
Ching-Chun Huang
Chih-Peng Fan
Nai-Jian Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 異常檢測自監督式學習未來影像預測光流分析資料增強
外文關鍵詞: Anomaly detection, self-supervised training, future frame prediction, optical flow, anomaly generation
相關次數: 點閱:548下載:0
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在本論文中使用到CUHK Avenue及ShanghaiTech Campus校園異常檢測資料集,其中ShanghaiTech Campus較為貼近一般影像,因為它有不同的光照條件、攝影角度與不同的背景組成,而兩個資料集在訓練階段皆只提供正常資料,因此,本論文將以前人提出來的方法加以改良,用其所提出的整體架構,利用多個預訓練模型分別提取物件特徵。本論文再加入未來影像預測方法,去判斷未來影像會如何變化,在此假設中正常影像應保有一致的傾向,不會發生過大的突然變化,所以當異常情況發生就能檢測到較大誤差。再來對輸入影像進行異常資料生成,讓網路模型學習到更多資訊,且讓模型有簡單估計人體姿態的能力,並將光流分析套用到預測影像上,提取正常影像的誤差分布,用以建立正常與異常性的關鍵區別。

The practical application of deep learning has been greatly influenced by the availability of a large and diverse range of data. However, in reality, not all datasets have a sufficient number of samples. For instance, datasets containing medical images of lung X-rays, images of rare diseases, abnormal event in real life, and images of defects in optical inspection often suffer from a lack of data. Thus, more and more method of anomaly detection is proposed to solve this problem, which is mainly be done by learning the normal pattern of data, and detect the abnormal event with those limited knowledge.
To address this challenge, the self-supervised learning is combined with several approach of anomaly detection like future frame prediction, data augmentation, pose estimation, and motion consistence. The experiments in this thesis incorporate with the two public anomaly detection datasets, which are CUHK Avenue and ShanghaiTech Campus dataset. While ShanghaiTech Campus is considered as more challenged dataset then CUHK Avenue, as it has several scenes in training and testing data. We proposed a way to extract simple human pose estimation with self-supervised method, which could detect the abnormal behavioral. And the analysis of optical flow generated between real frame and prediction frame helps to understand the normal pattern of training data, which also found to be useful for the detection of abnormal activities. As it was examined in the experiments, the proposed method works well with existing method to outperform the current state-of-the-art method on both datasets.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖片索引 VII 表格索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 論文架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 3 2.1 深度學習概論 3 2.1.1 深度學習模型更新方式 3 2.1.2 全連接神經網路 4 2.1.3 卷積神經網路 5 2.2 預訓練模型 8 2.2.1 Mask R-CNN[3] 8 2.2.2 FlowNet2.0[4] 10 2.3 異常檢測 11 2.3.1 Accurate-Interpretable-VAD (AI-VAD)[8] 12 2.3.2 AlphaPose[9] 15 2.3.3 Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP)[10] 17 2.3.4 一般影像與影片的異常檢測方式 19 Anomaly Segmentation Network (AnoSeg)[30] 19 Anomaly Detection in Aerial Videos With Transformers[31] 21 2.3.5 藉助預訓練模型的異常檢測 25 Solving Decoupled Spatio-Temporal Jigsaw Puzzles[28] 25 Variational Abnormal Behavior Detection (VABD)[38] 28 第三章 基於物件姿態與光流分析之影片異常檢測 30 3.1 架構流程圖 30 3.2 資料集組成與提取 31 3.3 影像標籤與異常影像生成方法說明 35 3.4 模型訓練說明 36 3.5 測試階段之異常分數提取方法 37 第四章 影片異常檢測實驗結果 40 4.1 訓練與測試實驗環境 40 4.2 測試階段與評估指標 40 4.3 實驗結果與分析 41 4.3.1 消融實驗 41 使用不同異常分數的貢獻度與輸入影像數量 41 姿態檢測之異常分數評估函數 42 光流分析之GMM參數 43 去除AlphaPose[9]的結果 44 更少的輸入影像(單張影像輸入) 45 測試無資料擴增的結果(無異常生成) 46 各項超參數數值對於評估指標的影響 46 針對未見過的資料之測試效果 47 與過往文獻比較結果 48 4.3.2 於ShanghaiTech各類場景之異常分數圖 49 第五章 結論與未來展望 62 參考文獻 63 附錄一 70

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