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研究生: 劉柏言
Po-Yen Liu
論文名稱: 錳鋁鋼層狀組織的K-碳化物旁沃斯田體雙晶層之研究
The study of layer austenite twins adjacent to kappa-carbide plates in the cellular structure of an Fe-C-Mn-Al alloy
指導教授: 鄭偉鈞
Wei-chun Cheng
口試委員: 雷添壽
Tien-Shou Lei
Yee-wen Yen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 錳鋁鋼層狀組織K-碳化物沃斯田體雙晶層
外文關鍵詞: austenite twins, kappa-carbide, cellular structure
相關次數: 點閱:361下載:3
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  • 本研究探討四元鐵-12.5錳-6.53鋁-1.28碳合金鋼的相變化情形。合金鋼經固溶處理及後續的低溫熱處理後,其內產生至少三種不同的相變化。首先為r’相析出反應:當合金鋼經固溶處理與空冷後,發現非常細小的r’晶粒均勻地分佈於沃斯田體基地內。此種相變化的反應方式如下:於空氣冷卻的過程中,r’相以整合析出的方式,於沃斯田體晶粒內均勻的分佈。第二類的相變化形式為K-碳化物的析出反應:合金於875℃以下溫度,過飽和沃斯田體相會經由析出反應,藉由K-碳化物的析出,而成為低溫穩定的沃斯田體與K-碳化物;晶界K-碳化物與(r + K)層狀組織為其反應生成組織。於研究(r + K)層狀組織時,發現於K-碳化物的層狀晶粒旁,常伴隨有層狀沃斯田體雙晶;此種層狀雙晶的附著在K-碳化物的層狀晶粒的週圍,其可能原因為降低層狀K-碳化物晶粒析出於沃斯田體基地時的活化能,而使反應速率增加。第三類的相變化為共析反應:於700℃以下時,過飽和沃斯田體會經由共析反應而分解為低溫穩定的K-碳化物與肥粒體的似波來體組織。

    Three types of low-temperature phase transformations in an Fe-12.5 Mn-6.53 Al-1.28 C (wt%) alloy have been studied. The steel underwent solution heat treatment at 1100℃ and isothermal holding at low temperatures. r’ phase appears in the austenite matrix in the air-cooled steel. Coherent ultra-fine particles of r’ phase precipitated uniformly in the austenite matrix after the air-cooling process. These ultra-fine particles were very small and only could be detected by TEM through dark-field images. After short periods of isothermal holding at low temperatures these particles of r’ phase grew and could be easily detected by TEM. A pro-eutectoid reaction happened after isothermal holding at temperatures below 875℃. Proeutectoid K-carbide and ferrite appear in the austenite matrix as grain boundary precipitates and cellular precipitates. The cellular precipitates are composed of lamellar K-carbide and austenite. The lamellar K-carbide grains are always accompanied by layers of austenite twins. The presence of twin layers adhering to the K-carbide plates might be attributed to the lower activation energy for the precipitation of K-carbide plates in the austenite. The final form of phase transformation is the eutectoid reaction for the decomposition of supersaturated austenite into stable K-carbide and ferrite phases at temperatures below 700℃. The ferrite and K-carbide are in the form of pearlite lamellae.

    第一章 前 言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 擴散型相變化 4 2.2 層狀反應 5 2.3 合金鋼的碳化物 6 2.4 合金鋼的波來體 6 2.5 雙晶 8 第三章 實驗方法 15 3.1 合金熔煉 15 3.2 鑄錠加工 16 3.3 熱處理 16 3.4 分析儀器 17 3.5試片製作流程 20 第四章 結果與討論 27 4.1低溫相變化 27 4.2 r’相的析出 34 4.3 (r + K) 層狀組織 36 4.4 (a + K + r) 層狀組織 38 4.5 (a + K) 波來體 40 4.6 層狀組織內之沃斯田體雙晶 41 第五章 結 論 126

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